
  • 网络NSCC-TJ;TIANJIN CENTER;Tianjin Centre
  1. 城市道路工程建设项目的优先排序&以编制天津中心城区2000年~2010年干道路网建设计划为例

    Priority Order of Construction Project of Urban Road Engineering

  2. 天津中心渔港进港航道尺度论证与航道泥沙回淤研究

    Research on approach channel dimension of Tianjin central fishing port and sediment siltation

  3. 天津中心妇产科医院病人梅毒筛查与分析外科医生经手术感染乙型肝炎病毒的防护

    Status of syphilis in obstetric and gynecologic hospital Prevention Measures Against HBV Infection among Surgeons

  4. 直立式隔埝工程为天津中心渔港项目的起步工程之一,也是整个综合性大型工程中的基础工程。

    Vertical cofferdam Project is one of the initial project of the whole project , and also the basic project of this comprehensive large-scale project .

  5. 天津中心城区可以作为公共交通便捷度研究的范例,探讨公共交通便捷度的评价方法及发展对策。

    Central urban area of Tianjin could become an example of public transport links research to explore the assessing methods of public transport links and development of countermeasures .

  6. 并且天津中心城区商业的发展未来方向为借助大型央企的介入,实行一体化商业地产运营,并大力开发商业综合体项目。

    And downtown Tianjin commercial development future direction for using large central enterprises intervention , implements the integrated commercial real estate operation , and vigorously develop commercial complex projects .

  7. 国家超算天津中心主任助理孟祥飞表示,该中心正同国防科技大学联合开展对百亿亿次超级计算机的研发。

    The National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin is developing the exascale supercomputer with the National University of Defense Technology , said Meng Xiangfei , assistant director at the center .

  8. 天津中心渔港是发展新型海洋经济的重要载体,是促进渔区城市化的国家重点项目。

    As a national key project , Central Fishing Port of Tianjin is an important carrier of a new oceanic economy development , which can promote urbanization of fishing area .

  9. 对天津中心城区外围空间六种主要结构形态进行研究,认为其空间由圈层式向轴向式发展,并且功能分区明确;

    With study on the six types of outer space structure of central city in Tianjin , this paper analyzes that the space form character of development transforms from circle to axis and has definite function sections .

  10. 最后确定了人口密度、线网密度、线路重复系数和站点覆盖率四个聚类因子,进行分区域灰色聚类分析,在宏观上对天津中心城区公共交通便捷度进行评价。

    Finally using four clustering factor including the population density , line density , line repeated factor and site coverage conduct subregional gray cluster analysis , to evaluate the convenience of public transport of central urban area of Tianjin in the macro .

  11. 本研究随机选择1996年5月~1997年5月在天津中心妇产科医院分娩的正常足月初产妇200例,比较不同喂养方式的产后闭经时间和妊娠率。

    Method : To randomly select 200 cases of healthy mature primipara which delivered in Tianjin central obstetrics and gynecology hospital from May . 1996 to May . 1997 , and compare postnatal amenorrhea period with pregnancy rate of different feeding mode .

  12. 针对天津中心城区的实际情况,通过对本再生水厂服务区现状用水量和近期用水量的预测,得出再生水服务范围的污水排放量。

    In response to the actual situation in Tianjin proper , the wastewater discharge in reclaimed water service area has been obtained by making projection on water consumption both in current and recent period in the service area of the wastewater reclamation plant .

  13. 天津奥林匹克中心体育场消防安全疏散设计

    The Design of the Safety Evacuation for Tianjin Olympic Games Center

  14. 天津体育中心扩声系统设计

    Design of the sound expending in tianjin physical training centre

  15. 天津国展中心扩建工程钢管桁架制作过程质量控制

    Quality control during manufacturing steel tube truss for expansion of Tianjin International Expo Center

  16. 并通过对天津文化中心地铁站商业设计的介绍和分析进一步论证以上措施的可行性。

    Through the introduction and analysis of Tianjin Culture Center subway station commerce , the paper proves the feasibility of aforementioned measures .

  17. 座落于天津商务中心区,紧邻中环线,与天津国际会展中心、天津奥林匹克体育中心相距咫尺,交通十分便利。

    Located in the Tianjin Business Centre , adjacent to Central Link , and the Tianjin International Exhibition Center , Tianjin Olympic Sports Center from Zhichi , transportation is very convenient .

  18. 最终BAA还将在天津建设培训中心。

    Eventually BAA will also establish a Training Centre in Tianjin .

  19. 方法于2003年12月-2004年1月在天津市某市中心区利用大气自动采样仪全天采集大气中颗粒物样品,连续采样32d。

    Methods Samples were collected with auto-sampling instrument for 32 consecutive days in heating period of Dec. 2003-Jan , 2004 , in a central area of Tianjin .

  20. 首先,台网的控制能力为:以天津市为中心,半经30km范围内,震级下限为ML2.0,天津地区及邻区20km内震级下限为ML2.5。

    First , the lower limit of magnitude is M_L 2.0 for the area centered around Tianjin city with a radius of 30 km and M_L 2.5 for the Tianjin region and its vicinity within 20km .

  21. 天津市体育中心体育馆网壳设计

    Design of network for the gymnasium of Tianjin Sports Centre

  22. 他在天津职业实训中心考察时发表以上讲话。

    He has made the call while visiting a vocational training center in Tianjin .

  23. 天津通信客服中心系统研究

    Study of Tianjin Netcom Customer Service Center

  24. 天津作为物流中心地位的确定给公司带来了无限的希望。

    Tianjin , the center of logistics , will offer a good prospect for company .

  25. 天津市第一中心医院空中连廊设计与施工

    Design and construction of a overhead corridor of buildings for first central hospital in Tianjin

  26. 天津日报照排中心人力资源管理系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of the Human Resources Management Information System for Tianjin Daliy Laser Typesetting Center

  27. 天津港设施中心中层领导干部绩效考核机制研究基于核心价值的交通基础设施项目社会影响后评价

    The Study on Middle-Level Management Personel Performance Appraisal Mechanism of TPFC Social Impact Post-assessment of Transport Infrastructure Project Based on Core Value

  28. 战略创新:旅游的休闲趋势与天津北方休闲中心城市的构建

    Strategic Innovation : The Leisure Tendency of Tourism and The Construction of Tianjin as a Rest and Recreation Center in Northern China

  29. 深入研究华育国际(天津)培训中心各个就业方向的职业生涯规划指导体系以及学员案例,分析其问题所在。

    I depth study the training center in career planning guidance systems and students case of all directions employment , and analyze the problem .

  30. 在此基础上,天津市对中心城区提出了新的规划定位,发展势头强劲。

    On this basis , a new planning on the central urban area of Tianjin make the district enjoy the strong momentum of development .