
  • 网络typhoon forecasting
  1. 三层权重订正引导台风预报方案初步应用

    A weighted 3 - level steering scheme of typhoon forecasting

  2. 台风预报现状及其对船舶避台决策的影响

    The Present Situation of Typhoon Forecasting and Its Effect on Maritime Typhoon Avoidance Decision Making

  3. 灰色GM(0,h)模型应用于台风预报

    Application of grey system model gm ( 0 , h ) to long period forecasting of typhon

  4. JMSC云迹风资料在不同模式参数化方案中对台风预报的影响也有明显的差异,在KF方案中,只有选用Kessler方案时,同化云迹风资料才有比控制试验更好的结果。

    JMSC CMW data using different parameterization schemes has different effect on typhoon forecasts . In KF scheme , typhoon track only by Kessler scheme is a better improvement than controlled experiment .

  5. 由模拟实验研究提供的几点台风预报意见

    Suggestions for the forecast of typhoon track from the experimental simulations

  6. 8510台风预报中几个疑难问题的分析

    Analyses of knotty problem in typhoon nelson ( 8510 ) forecasting

  7. 基于台风预报精度的避台方法

    A new method of avoiding typhoon based on the forecast accuracy

  8. 本文介绍的是一项在微机上实现的台风预报专家系统。

    In the paper , a typhoon prediction-specialist system is presented .

  9. 云迹风资料的三维变分同化及对台风预报的影响试验

    Assimilation of cloud-derived winds and its impact on Typhoon Forecast

  10. 多层套细网格台风预报模式

    A nested multi-level fine mesh numerical forecasting model for Typhoon

  11. 这对台风预报的微机软件开发将起促进作用。

    This will promote the development of microcomputer softwares for typhoon 's forecasting .

  12. 人工神经网络台风预报系统

    A Typhoon Prediction System of Artificial Neural Network

  13. 本工作试图为台风预报模式提供降水参数化方案。

    This research tries to provide a parameter scheme for tropic cyclone forecast models .

  14. 用概率圆法决策台风预报路径

    The Probability Ellipse Method of Typhoon Track Forecast

  15. 南海异常路径台风预报的数值试验

    The numerical experiment to predict the abnormal tracks of a South China Sea typhoon

  16. 台风预报专家系统

    An Expert System for Typhoon Forecasting

  17. 一种新型的适应性观测资料应用对台风预报的影响试验研究

    An impact study of a new type of data of adaptive or targeting observation on Typhoon Forecast

  18. 这对于这一地区的台风预报、工程设计以及制定防范措施都是非常有用的。

    These results can be used to typhoon forecast , engineering design and preventive measures against typhoon .

  19. 而且随着台风预报准确度不断提高,风暴潮的预报准确度可以得到稳步提升。

    The storm surge forecast accuracy can be steadily as long as the typhoon forecast accuracy increased .

  20. 国家强台风预报中心

    National Service Storms Forecast Center

  21. 台风预报系统

    A typhoon prediction system

  22. 文中的实例表明人工神经网络用于台风预报具有客观性、可行性和实用性。

    The illustrated examples show that the proposed method possesses objectivity , feasibility and practicality in typhoon forecast .

  23. 首先针对航行条件下接收的航区的气象预报信息的特点,提出了计算台风预报误差的概率密度的方法;然后提出了以船舶遭遇台风安全距离为依据的预报航线上船舶遭遇台风概率的方法。

    The method of calculating the probability density of Typhoon forecast errors for the information received on board is put forward .

  24. 本文的研究成果对台风预报具有良好的辅助作用,并具有实际应用价值。

    The research of the article can play a better role to forecast of typhoon , and has the actual applied value .

  25. 在分析了国内外台风预报实际业务流程的背景下,设计了一个业务上实用的概率国客现综合决策台风路径预报的决策模型。

    Ased on the analysis of operational process of typhoon prediction , an objective comprehensive model of probability ellipse is designed to determine the typhoon track forecast .

  26. 我国台风预报的适应性观测研究研究表明,西太平洋热带台风的目标观测主要位于台风中心北侧引导气流区。

    Research show that targeted observations of tropical typhoon in West Pacific is mainly in steering flow area that located by the north side of typhoon center .

  27. 该系统运行所需的资料易于获取,从采集资料到输出预报结果,10分钟便可完成,大大缩短了制作台风预报的时间。

    The system takes only about ten minutes from collecting the data to outputing the results of prediction , which reduces the time expense greatly in making typhoon prediction .

  28. 第三部分介绍了作者本人设计的几个研究性课题的教学实践,包括按揭售房中的数学问题、经济问题中的数学以及海上台风预报问题的研究。

    The third part introduces several projects the writer has designed , and the projects include mathematics problems in mortgaging a house , mathematics in economic problems and the problems in forecasting typhoon on the sea .

  29. 预报模式从北半球模式发展为全球谱模式,并配套建立了资料同化系统和用于降水预报的有限区预报模式,暴雨和台风预报模式正在研制中。

    The numerical prediction models were developed from a Northern hemisphere model to global spectrum model with a data assimilation system and a limited area model for precipitation forecasting . The prediction models for heavy rain and typhoon track are under development .

  30. EOF和CCA方法在台风路径预报试验中的比较

    Comparisions of EOF and CCA methods in typhoon track forecast test