
  • 网络mesoscale model;WRF;MESO-LAPS
  1. 各种非绝热物理过程在中尺度模式中的作用

    Roles of Various Diabatic Physical Processes in Mesoscale Models

  2. 由于中尺度模式中采用不同的三维变量配置,必将产生不同的预报和模拟效果。

    Forecasts and simulations are varied owing to different allocation of 3-dimensional allocation in mesoscale models .

  3. 利用高分辨率中尺度模式和地基GPS资料构造高时空分辨率的大气湿度廓线

    Construct Atmospheric Humidity Vertical Profile with High Spatial and Time Resolution by High Resolution Mesoscale Numerical Model and Ground-based GPS Data

  4. GRAPES中尺度模式对2005年长江流域重大灾害性降水天气过程预报性能的检验分析

    Validation of 2005 heavy rain events over the Yangtze River Basin forecast by grapes

  5. 使用Intel编译器优化中尺度模式MM5在奔腾4上的运行

    Using Intel compiler to optimize mesoscale model mm5 ′ s performance on Pentium 4 processor

  6. 一次降雪过程的中尺度模式(MM5)站点预报试验

    Forecast Experiment of Meso-scale Model ( MM5 ) to Station on a Snow Process

  7. 采用北京大学三维的复杂地形中尺度模式,结合陆面过程模式(SiB),模拟了草原和沙漠并存的下垫面的边界层大气运动。

    A three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model combined with SiB is used to simulate the atmospheric boundary layer over a surface of desert-grassland area .

  8. 利用中尺度模式WRF对这次暴雨过程进行了模拟,并利用模式输出的高分辨率资料对该过程进行了诊断分析。

    The torrential rain is simulated using the mesoscale model WRF , and high-resolution model output data is used in a diagnostic analysis .

  9. 利用中尺度模式MM4,研究了中尺度模式的暴雨模拟对于不同水汽输送方案的敏感性。

    The mesoscale model MM4 was adopted to investigate the sensitivity of model simulated rainstorm to moisture transport schemes .

  10. 利用非静力中尺度模式系统(ARPS),对1998年7月20日至22日期间长江流域的低涡切变线及暴雨过程进行了模拟。

    The low-level vortex and shear line and the accompanying severe heavy precipitation in July 1998 are successfully simulated by using non-hydrostatic mesoscale model system ( ARPS ) .

  11. 用非静力中尺度模式MM5对北京的山谷风和热岛进行模拟,模拟试验证实了热岛漂移现象。

    Simulate urban heat island and valley-mountain breeze in Beijing by non-hydrostatic version of Mesoscale numerical model MM5 , it approves that Beijing 's urban heat island actually drifts .

  12. 本文利用改进了水汽输送方案的中尺度模式MM4对三次暴雨过程作了试验,这三次过程包括两次长江中下游特大暴雨和一次华北暴雨。

    In this paper , the moisture transport algorism of mesoscale model MM4 is improved by adding positive definite moisture transport schemes with high accuray .

  13. 本文利用美国PSU/NCAR中尺度模式(MM4)对1991年7月4&5日浙西皖南山区的大暴雨过程进行了地形作用的数值模拟对比试验。

    By use of the mesoscale model ( MM4 ) from PSU / NCAR , a strong rainfall event during 4-5 July 1991 in the mountain area of the Zhejiang-Anhui provinces is simulated .

  14. 本文结合基于预报样本空间NMC方法和基于观测样本空间的Ⅳ方法的特点,共同统计调整了适合我国区域范围的中尺度模式的背景场误差协方差矩阵。

    The estimating and tuning combines NMC method which bases on forecast samples and IV method which bases on observation samples . To deal with the covariance matrix of background errors B , three skills are used .

  15. 运用非静力平衡中尺度模式WRF(V2.03),对2004年14号台风云娜在登陆后产生强降水的过程进行了42h模拟,并对螺旋云雨带的涡度场结构进行了分析。

    Using the non-hydrostatic model WRF ( V2.03 ), we simulated the process of heavy rain and analyzed the structure of typhoon RANANUIM ( 2004 ) 's vorticity field .

  16. 本文意在通过中尺度模式MM5(V3-2版)对发生在西北太平洋1996年热带风暴TOM转变温带气旋变性过程的模拟,对其发生及演变过程进行三维热力和动力的结构分析。

    By using MM5 ( V3-2 ), the transformation of TOM ( a tropical storm in 1996 in Northwestern Pacific Ocean ) from tropical storm to extratropical cyclone is simulated , also , the thermodynamic and dynamic structures are analyzed during Tom 's evolution .

  17. 利用引入三相云显式降水方案后改进和发展的中尺度模式MM4模拟输出资料,对96.1暴雪过程的散度及其变率进行诊断分析。

    The divergence and its variability during 96.1 snowstorm were diagnosed using the output data of the improved and developed mesoscale model ( MM4 ), in which a three phase cloud explicit precipitation scheme has been introduced .

  18. 华南地区中尺度模式预报的初值影响分析

    Impact of the initialization on mesoscale model prediction in South China

  19. 一个有限区域中尺度模式的设计及预报试验

    The design of a meso scale NWP model and prediction experiments

  20. 中尺度模式数值预报中初值的比较

    A Comparison of Different Initial Conditions in Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction

  21. 低纬高原上中尺度模式的积云参数化方案研究

    Study on Mesoscale Model Cumulus Parameterization Scheme over Low Latitude Plateau

  22. 中尺度模式云降水物理方案介绍

    Introduction to microphysical schemes of mesoscale atmospheric models and cloud models

  23. 中尺度模式湍流参数化的比较研究

    The Comparison Study of Two Turbulence Parameterization in Meso-scale Numerical Weather Forecasting

  24. 中尺度模式中辐射作用的敏感性试验

    A sensitivity experiment of meso - scale model to radiation

  25. 广州中尺度模式局地要素预报性能分析

    Analysis on the element prediction performance of the Guangzhou mesoscale NWP model

  26. 中尺度模式的四维伴随同化系统及其同化试验

    Adjoint Assimilation System of Mesoscale Models and Its Assimilation Experiments

  27. 中尺度模式中p-面与σ-面扩散差异的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the difference between p-surface and σ - surface diffusion

  28. 利用中尺度模式作辽宁省空气污染气象条件预报

    Potential Prediction of Liaoning Air Pollution Using Mesoscale Model

  29. 多普勒天气雷达资料的反演及其在中尺度模式中的四维同化试验

    Doppler Radar Data 's Retrieving and Its Four-dimensional Assimilation Experiments in Mesoscale Model

  30. 中尺度模式中各种湿物理过程的数值模拟

    Simulation of Various Moist Physical Processes in Mesoscale Model