
  • 网络China Metallurgical Mining Enterprise Association
  1. 中国冶金矿山企业协会(MetallurgicalMinesAssociationofChina)执行副秘书长刘效良在上述会议上表示,价格滑坡已迫使中国约40%的铁矿石矿山暂停生产。

    Liu Xiaoliang , executive deputy secretary-general of the Metallurgical Mines Association of China , told the conference that low prices had forced about 40 per cent of the country 's iron mines to suspend operations .

  2. 据中国冶金矿山企业协会统计,全球铁矿石消费在2001年超过了10亿吨。

    According to statistics from the Metallurgical Mines'Association of China , global iron ore consumption in 2001 was over 1 billion tons .