
  • 网络green metallurgy
  1. 该法是一种低成本高效率的绿色冶金方法。

    And this method is a green metallurgy method of low cost and high efficiency .

  2. 探索冶金炉渣的综合利用新技术,符合绿色冶金和生态工业的理念,具有重要理论和应用价值。

    Exploring new technology of comprehensive utilization in accordance with the ideas of green metallurgy and ecological industry , is of great theoretical importance and applied value .

  3. 氢代替碳还原金属氧化物的主要优点在于其反应产物H2O不对环境产生任何负面影响,是一种符合人类社会可持续发展战略的绿色冶金过程。

    Reduction of oxides with hydrogen in place of carbon is considered as a green process , which is in accord with the continuable development policy .

  4. 可控氧流还原方法是一种绿色冶金方法,在阳极能排放出氧气,可以彻底克服传统碳基还原排放温室气体CO2的问题。

    The reduction method with controlled oxygen flow is a green metallurgical methods . The reaction produces oxygen at anode and absolutely avoids the emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 .

  5. 该方法是一种低能耗、无污染的绿色冶金新工艺。

    It is a kind of new metallurgical process , which is low energy consumption and friendly to the environment .

  6. 微波加热作为一种新兴的绿色冶金方法,因其具有传统加热方式无法比拟的优势被广泛应用于冶金过程中的多个领域。

    As an emerging green metallurgical method , microwave heating is widely used in many areas of metallurgical processes ; due to it has specific advantages which traditional heating methods do not have .

  7. 针对这些方法中存在的不足,提出了一种利用固体透氧膜技术直接从含钛氧化物矿制备海绵钛的连续、低成本、无污染的绿色冶金新工艺。

    Pointed to the inadequacy of above mentioned processes and based on using SOM technology , a new continuous synthesis process with low consumption and non-pollution for production of titanium sponge from ore containing titanium oxide was proposed .