
  • 网络Emerald Necklace
  1. 在展出的贵重珠宝中,有一些是女王的家族成员送给她的礼物,另外还有一些著名的珠宝,如1911年玛丽女王加冕时佩戴的剑桥绿宝石项链以及符拉基米尔钻石等。

    Among the priceless jewellery on display are private gifts to the monarch from members of her family , and famous pieces such as the Cambridge Emerald necklace , made for Queen mary 's coronation in1911 , and the Vladimir tiara .

  2. 我男朋友的母亲送给我的那条古董绿宝石项链不见了。

    An antique turquoise necklace that my boyfriend 's mother had given me was gone .

  3. 我回到卧室,我男朋友还在里面睡得很熟,然后我看见那条绿宝石项链正躺在我睡的那只枕头上。

    I went back into the bedroom where my boyfriend slept soundly , and saw that my turquoise necklace was spread out on the pillow I had slept on .

  4. 为了给劳拉庆祝生日,布什专门为她准备了一个椰子蛋糕,并在总统专机“空军一号”上安排了一个生日会,还送上一条绿宝石项链和一对配套耳环作为生日礼物。

    To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard Air Force One and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings .