
  • 网络Green Office
  1. 自从这第一个项目之后,嘎拉瓦丁已经在柬埔寨和缅甸建造了几个豪华生物气候酒店,在胡志明市建造了一个概念餐厅,甚至还为T3团队建造了自己的绿色办公楼。

    Since that first project , Gallavardin has built several luxury bioclimatic hotels in Cambodia and Myanmar , a concept restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City , and even his own green office for the T3 team .

  2. 最后提出提升绿色办公家具设计的途径与方法。

    Finally , put forward to promote green office furniture design way and method .

  3. 创建绿色办公环境&办公室空气污染的危害及防治对策的探讨

    Creating Green Environment for Office & The Discussion of Harm and Prevention Strategies of Air Pollution in the Office

  4. 男:你好,我是绿色办公用品的马克,我们的订单出了问题。

    Man : Hello , it 's Mark here from Greens Office Supplies - it 's about our order .

  5. 基于可持续原则的城市空间与绿色办公大楼塑造&丽水电力生产调度中心设计简述

    Design of the Sustainable Urban Space and Green-ecological Office Building & Review the Design of Lishui Electricity Producing and Dispatching Center

  6. 第三,从办公家具设计的生命周期设计和绿色办公家具设计的准则两个大方面对办公家具的绿色设计进行论述。

    Third , from the office furniture design life cycle design and green furniture design guidelines discuss of green design on office furniture .

  7. 在国家相关政策的指导下,全民的节能环保意识大幅提高,在号称人类第二大生活区的办公室里,“绿色办公”的概念也应运而生。

    In 、 rules under the direction of policy , the people 's energy saving awareness increases in the place was known as the second largest human life area office ,"" green office concept .

  8. 根据以人为本,以环境为先的设计理念,在充分满足办公区使用功能要求的同时,力求将办公区设计为地域风格建筑与自然景观完美融合的绿色人文办公区。

    According to the people , the environment for the first design concepts , the use of fully meet the functional requirements of the office area , try to make the location architectural style with a perfect integration of the natural landscape , and to be green humanities office area .

  9. 绿色照明在办公楼照明节能设计中的应用

    The application of green lighting in energy-saving illumination design of office building

  10. 2.放置一盆绿色植物为办公环境增添一点绿色。

    Step 2 Green your workspace with a houseplant .

  11. 首先,查阅国内外的专著和期刊杂志文献、收集办公家具企业生产资料及参与专题讲座和研讨会等进行分析整理,筛选出绿色设计、办公家具的相关资料。

    First of all , access to domestic and foreign books and journals , collection of production information in office furniture enterprise and participate in seminars and workshops for analysis , screening out the green design , office furniture related materials .