
  • 网络Ideal Enterprise;Ideal Business
  1. 本文的最后部分对ARIS框架进行了扩展,并以此为实例对理想企业建模框架作了进一步的研究。

    Then the extended version of ARIS is designed as an example of ideal enterprise-modeling framework .

  2. 虚拟企业是21世纪最为理想的企业合作模式之一,虚拟企业的必将发展成为未来企业重要组织模式。

    Virtual enterprise is the one of the best - pattern of enterprise cooperation .

  3. 一个理想的企业级应用系统平台应当具备体系的合理性、灵活性,升级的便捷性和良好的安全性。

    An ideal enterprise application platform should be upgrading easily , reliable , safe , and have flexibility architecture .

  4. 最大化的为个人理想、企业利益、社会效益的平衡融合做出贡献,也充当了社会中协调各方利益需求的角色。

    We play the role of coordinating interests of all parties in society while maximizing individual ambitions , enterprise interest and social effect .

  5. 而根据相关调查,国内企业危机管理现状并不理想,企业的危机应对机制很不健全。

    Relevant investigation suggests that current status of domestic enterprises ' crisis management isn 't ideal and corresponding response mechanism isn 't wholesome .

  6. 理想的企业知识系统,是以知识管理软件、以集中管理方法,良好的储存架构处置企业所遗留下来的知识,并提供管理者掌控组织内部的流程运作。

    The ideal enterprise knowledge management system is to manage knowledge with centralized method and optimized storage infrastructure , and to provide internal control processes to managers .

  7. 它不仅是一种现实存在,而且是一种理想的企业组织形态,与单一企业相比,它更具有规模性和竞争性。

    It is not only a reality , and is an ideal form of business organization , compared with a single enterprise ; it is more large-scale and competitive .

  8. 超我动力的启动,主要靠组织目标、事业理想、企业精神、核心理念与价值观。

    The running of the " motive power of superego " mainly depends on the goal of organization , the career ideal , enterprising spirit , core beliefs and values .

  9. 你可能会花数周甚至数月在选定一个可以提供你理想工作的企业。

    Expect to spend weeks or months zeroing in on the companies that fit your dream job ideal .

  10. 提出了一种理想的数字化企业建设模型,模型包括数字化企业网络设施及数字化企业业务设施。

    A kind of constructing model of digital enterprise is put forward which includes the network and the operation facilities .

  11. 于是,合道德地发展是社会对企业的理想期待,企业道德问题也将会成为新世纪人类关注的重大问题之一。

    The morality problem of the enterprises will be one of the great problems that people concern in the new century .

  12. 现有的大量企业“平台”均不能以理想方式应对企业的业务需求,如何设计集成的企业计算环境、实现“无界信息共享”已成了企业架构师需要面对的严峻挑战。

    A number of real-world " platforms " already exist in the enterprise , each of which has its particular disadvantages in meeting the enterprise 's business requirements in the optimal manner .

  13. 经典的MM定理指出,在没有摩擦的理想世界中,企业价值与资本结构无关。

    Classic MM theorem indicates that if companies were in the ideal world of " no friction ", the value of enterprises is unrelated to their capital structure .

  14. 然而ERP系统在实际实施应用效果中并不理想,我国企业实施失败案例也频频出现,使得正在实施或准备上马实施ERP企业对ERP系统产生了误解和迷惘、无所适从的心理。

    However the effect of ERP implementation in Chinese enterprises seems not good . There are so many unsuccessful cases that the enterprises , which are going to implement ERP or have been implementing ERP , have some misapprehension about ERP and are perplexed in front of ERP .

  15. 逼近理想点法在企业技术创新能力评价比较中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS Method in Enterprise 's Evaluation and Comparison on Technology Innovation Capability

  16. 此应用程序是理想的个人和企业使用的直接营销方式上网。

    This application is ideal for individuals and companies that use direct marketing approach online .

  17. 人力资源战略如何实施才能取得理想效果,是企业战略思考的重要问题。

    How to implement human resources strategy to acquire ideal results is an important problem for strategically thinking of enterprises .

  18. 遭遇这么多烦心事儿,她们还能专心经营公司,将新公司转型为理想中的成功企业吗?

    With so many distractions , can they keep their eyes on the road and turn their fledgling business into the success they dream about ?

  19. 通过剖析资产配置结构在资金结构中的定位和作用,从理论上论证并提出可供选择的资产配置结构理想模式,为企业选择符合自身利益的资产配置结构提供参照依据。

    By analyzing the position and function of asset distribution structure in fund structure , an ideal mode of asset distribution structure is presented for enterprises sake .

  20. 分析发电企业内部的经济活动,考虑完全市场化的理想情况下发电企业的报价模型,对电力市场条件下发电企业的竞价策略进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the internal economic operation of the power generating company and considering its price bidding model in a fully market oriented ideal situation , this paper has discussed the electricity price bidding tactics of the power generating company in a market oriented situation .

  21. 在研究先行企业的重组和重构的解决方法之后,来自马格德堡的弗朗霍夫工厂管理和自动化研究所的分析结果表明,当前的企业组织形式距离理想的学习型企业组织有多么远。

    The investigation by the Institute of Factory Management and Automation , Magdeburg shows how far away the current organization forms are from the ideal of the learning organization after investigating the reorganization and restructures of pioneering enterprises . Building the learning organization is the coming transformation of organizations .

  22. 长春理想科技信息技术有限公司开发的理想企业应用集成系统(IdealEnterpriseApplicationIntegrationSystem,iEAI)就是一种业务集成的开发平台。

    The Changchun Ideal Information Technology Ltd. has developed an integration platform called Ideal Enterprise Application Integration System ( iEAI ) to achieve business integration .