
  • 网络IDEAL POWER;Ideal sources
  1. 提出了用于加工大面积PCD复合片的理想电源模型,其特点为:大能量、高峰值电压、高峰值电流、窄脉冲、等脉冲能量输出。

    An ideal power supply model , which has advantages such as high energy , high peak voltage , high peak current , small pulse width and equal output of pulse energy for machining large diameter PCD was put forward .

  2. 磁性调压器&盐浴炉的理想电源

    Magnetic voltage regulators & an ideal power supply for salt bath furnaces

  3. 根据理想电源模型开发出一种高效、节能、环保型大面积PCD复合片电火花专用脉冲电源。

    According to this model , a high efficiency , energy saving and environment protecting pulse power supply was developed .

  4. 直接甲醇聚合物膜燃料电池(简称DMFC)以其高效、高能量密度、低排放和燃料储运及补充方便等特点被认为是一种适应未来能源和环境要求的理想电源。

    Direct methanol PEM fuel cell ( DMFC ) is recognized as a new alternative to the present power sources because of its characteristics of high efficiency , high power density , low emission and easy fuel carriage .

  5. 输气管道阴极保护的理想电源&TEG

    TEG & An Ideal Power Source of Gas Transmission Pipeline

  6. 理想电源的已知量在解题中的应用

    Application of the Known Quantity of Ideal Power Source in Solving Problem

  7. 在非理想电源电压下静止无功发生器控制策略的研究

    Control Strategy for SVG under Non-ideal Source Voltages

  8. 理想电源不接负载试析

    On No - load Ideal Source

  9. 主要讨论开关稳压电源的并联设计与制作,此电源具有功耗小,效率高,输出电流稳定以及输出功率大等优点,是大功率电器的理想电源。

    The text mainly investigated the parallel design and fabrication of the switch supply with high power .

  10. 锂离子电池被认为是未来电动汽车和军用装备的理想电源。

    Lithium-ion batteries are considered to be the perfect power source of electric automobile and military equipments .

  11. 我们注意到在存在理想电源的情况下,节点分析法的方程就失败了。

    We observe that in the case of ideal voltage sources , equation required for the node method , breaks down .

  12. 运用理想电源转移规则,可以把这些误差源转移到放大器等值电路的输入支路。

    According to the rules of ideal source transformation , we are able to transfer the equivalent error sources to the input branch of the amplifier 's equivalent circuit .

  13. 用回路电流法和节点电压法求解含有理想电源的电路时,直接利用理想电源的已知量,可使计算简化。

    As using return circuit current and node voltage method to solve the circuit containing ideal power source , making use of the known quantity of ideal power source directly can simplify the calculation .

  14. 本文从电路一般支路的伏安关系出发,不转移理想电源支路包括独立电源或受控源,电压源或电流源导出了线性网络的回路电流矩阵方程和割集电压矩阵方程。

    Originating in the volt-ampere relationship of the general branch , the author of this paper formulates the loop matrix equation and cut-set matrix equation of a linear network without the resort of shifting the ideal sources voltage and current source or independent and dependent source .

  15. 它们是新一代微处理器的理想供电电源系统。

    They are the ideal power system for next generation microprocessors .

  16. 比较了在不同工况下采用理想直流电源供电与等效24脉波供电时的负载和牵引供电网的工作情况。

    It has compared the working conditions of the load and traction power supply system supplied with ideal DC power supply and 24-pulse power supply under different working conditions .

  17. 说明了EPS作为理想的应急电源在军用机场领域的应用;

    The EPS is used in airbase as an ideal supply .

  18. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)是直接以甲醇为燃料的电化学能量转化装置,具有系统简单、比能量高、污染小、燃料便于储运等优点,DMFC是未来理想的移动电源系统之一。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) is an electrochemical energy-conversion device which directly uses methanol as fuel . DMFC has the advantages of simple in system , high energy density , and convenient fuel storage and transportation . It is an ideal portable power source in the future .

  19. 理想的空间电源&空间核反应堆

    The Good Space Electric Power & Space Nuclear Power Reactors

  20. 仿真和实验表明,该电路工作稳定并具有较高的效率,可以作为一个理想的充电电源使用。

    Simulation and test results show that it has stable performances , high efficiency and is an ideal battery charging power supply .

  21. 它是一种广泛用于居室、办公室、以及办公场所理想的安全电源插座。

    The safe power socket is an ideal safe power socket which can be widely used for living rooms , offices and office places .

  22. 运行结果表明,该变频电源输出波形质量好,运行可靠,是低速大容量拖动控制系统较理想的变频电源。

    The experiment results indicated that the output waves are excellent , and that this NCC is a powerful electrical source of low speed , large power motor drive system .

  23. 通过仿真,研究分析了PI调节参数的变化对于三相逆变电源特性的影响,并确定了PI参数以及系统的其他参数,从而得到了一个较理想的三相逆变电源的模型。

    The influence of the variation of the PI regulation parameter on the three - phase inverter is analysed . A better module of three phase inverter is gained by using appropriate PI parameter and other parameters .

  24. 设计理想的方波电源,确保了电弧的稳定和集中。

    The perfectly designed square-wave insures the stableness and concentration of electric arc .

  25. 理想条件下,电源产生的电压与电源送出的电流是无关的。

    In their ideal form , voltage sources generate a constant voltage independent of the current drawn from the source .

  26. 作为二十一世纪理想的绿色环保电源,锂离子电池有着十分广阔的应用前景,目前国内外对锂离子电池的研究和开发都给予了极大的关注。

    At the present time lithium-ion batteries as protective environment electrical source in 21 century have been drawn close attention because of their wide application prospect .

  27. 对逆变方波交流电弧喷涂过程中电弧区的动态行为进行了一定试验分析,得出逆变方波交流电源是理想的电弧喷涂电源。

    It is also proved to be the ideal power source for arc spraying process according to the experimental analysis of the dynamic behavior in arc .

  28. 锂离子电池是一种理想的可移动电源,具有体积小,重量轻,放电电压高,比能量大等优点。

    Lithium ion secondary batteries have become attractive for portable devices due to their higher energy density and discharge-voltage , compactness and lightness compared to the other systems .

  29. 分析了理想条件下开关电源电感电流连续的一般规律,并给出了常用变换器在三种工作状态下的调节特性。

    The general theories of the inductor currents on three states and the regulating features of common convertors under idea conditions are described and design formulae are derived from the analyses .

  30. 实际焊接生产表明,该电源能够满足桥带高质量焊接的严格要求,是一种理想的精密点焊电源。

    The actual welding production showed that the power source can meet the strict requirments of high quality bridge band spot welding and it is an ideal precise spot welding power source .