
  • 网络gas car
  1. 采用LPG汽车代替燃油汽车是减少大气污染的一个有效方式,具有一定的应用前景。

    Replacing fuel automobile with LPG ones is a valid way to reduce the air pollution .

  2. 混合动力电动汽车(HEV)具有燃油汽车的动力性能、更好的经济性能并且排放较低,是解决能源和环保问题的一种可行方案。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicles ( HEV ) have the characters of satisfied driving performance , better economical performance and lower exhaust emission , they are the feasible solution to solve the energy crisis and environmental pollution problems .

  3. 混合动力汽车(HEV)融合了电动汽车和燃油汽车的优点,具有低排放、低油耗、高性价比的优点,很好地解决了节能和环保问题。

    Combining the advantages of Electric Vehicle ( EV ) and engine-driven vehicle , Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ), which having characteristics of low pollution and low fuel consumption , becomes a good solution to energy saving and environment protection .

  4. 通过基于MATLAB/Simulink平台的ADVISOR仿真软件,在满足原燃油汽车动力性能的条件下,对混合动力微型客车驱动系统结构型式进行设计仿真研究,并初步确定了驱动系统的类型结构;

    In order to achieve the equal performance of conventional vehicles , the drivetrain structure of hybrid electric vehicles is researched and simulated with the ADVISOR software based on the MATLAB / SIMULINK platform , and the structure of the drivetrain is tentatively determined .

  5. 对该车进行了道路试验,并做了动力性理论计算与数据分析,得出在EV动力特性的设计上,基本上可以沿用燃油汽车的设计方法和计算公式的结论。

    After the EV is tested on roads , the dynamic characteristic parameters are calculated in theory and the data are analyzed , a conclusion is put forward that the design of an EV can use the design way and formulae of a fuel vehicle .

  6. 融合传统燃油汽车和电动汽车优点的混合动力汽车(HEV),能源利用率较高、能源多样性和环保,成为解决节能与环保问题的切实可行途径。

    Effectively combining advantages of the traditional fuel vehicle and pure electric vehicle , Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ), thanks to its high energy efficiency , energy diversity and environmental characteristics , has become one of the practical ways to solve the problem of energy saving and environmental protection .

  7. 燃油汽车改纯电动汽车的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration in Changing a Fuel Vehicle to an EV

  8. 电动汽车与燃油汽车的环境指标比较

    Comparison of Environmental Indexes Between Electric Vehicles and Fuel Vehicles

  9. 基于燃油汽车改制的电动汽车试验

    Test of electric vehicle reformed from oil-fueled automotive

  10. 介绍了轮毂电机相对于燃油汽车和单电机集中驱动系统的优势,比较了各种电动汽车用电机的基本性能。

    The advantages of in-wheel motor compared with the driving system of traditional motors are described .

  11. 传统燃油汽车排放的尾气中含有的有害物质,是环境污染的主要来源。

    The harmful material in the exhaust gas from the traditional vehicles is the main source of environmental pollution .

  12. 而电动汽车与燃油汽车相比,具有无污染、噪声低以及节能的特点。

    Compared with automobile , electric vehicle have more advantages , such as no pollution , low noise and energy saving .

  13. 然而随着石油危机的出现,新能源汽车取代燃油汽车是未来的发展趋势。

    However , with the emergence of oil crisis , the traditional automobile using oil will eventually be replaced with new-energy automobile .

  14. 与传统的燃油汽车相比,电动汽车具有节能、环保的优点,使其成为未来汽车产业发展的趋势。

    Compared with conventional fuel vehicle , electric vehicle is energy-saving and environment-friendly , and is becoming the trend of auto industry in the future .

  15. 仅在美国,燃油汽车排放的二氧化碳就占世界年总温室气体排放量的27%。

    In the U.S alone , carbon emissions from gas-powered cars and other vehicles account for about 27 % of our total greenhouse-gas output annually .

  16. 随着社会的快速发展,传统燃油汽车给人类生活带来便利的同时也带来了环境污染和能源危机问题。

    With the rapid development of society , traditional fuel vehicles provide the convenience for human life , and also bring environmental pollution and energy crisis .

  17. 在某微型燃油汽车底盘基础上,设计以铅酸蓄电池组和无刷直流电动机驱动的电动汽车动力系统。

    Based on the fuel vehicle , a new electric vehicle power system with lead acid battery and brushless DC motor ( BLDCM ) is designed .

  18. 随着世界性能源问题、环境问题、气候问题的日益严重,燃油汽车作为能源消耗的大户,其排放问题等也日益受到人们的诟病。

    With world energy issues , environmental issues and climate issues increasingly serious , fuel vehicles as the large energy consumption has been increasingly criticized by the people .

  19. 随着石油能源越来越短缺、燃油汽车尾气污染越来越严重,全世界都把目光投向了具有污染小、节省能源的纯电动汽车。

    As the shortage of petroleum energy and more serious oil pollution , more and more eyes concerned on pure electric vehicles which with little pollution and energy saving .

  20. 全球石油资源的不断减少,使电动汽车、代用燃料汽车最终取代燃油汽车的趋势不可逆转。

    With the decrease of petrol source all over the world , it is inevitable that the petrol energy vehicle will be replaced by vehicles with electric energy or burning substantial fuels .

  21. 全球气候变暖、环境污染以及石油价格居高不下等问题日益严重,燃油汽车是环境污染和能源消耗的罪魁祸首之一。

    The problems of global warming , environment pollution and oil prices are becoming more and more serious . Automobile is one of the culprits that caused environmental pollution and energy consumption .

  22. 燃油汽车给人类带来了严重的环境污染和石油资源危机问题,为了解决这两大问题,世界各国不得不积极寻求开发排放低、使用新能源的新型交通工具。

    Automobile has caused serious pollution and crisis of petroleum . In order to resolve these problems , each country has to develop new-style vehicles that enjoy low emission and use new energy resources .

  23. 能源短缺、环境污染、气候变暖是全球汽车产业面临的共同挑战,而传统燃油汽车的节能减排技术已不能满足社会可持续发展的需求。

    Energy shortage , Environmental pollution , global warming are the common challenges facing the automotive industry , and the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles cannot meet the needs of sustainable development of society .

  24. 燃料电池汽车与传统燃油汽车相比,无论起动、传动还是制动等都发生了根本性变化,所以底盘的布置与装配显得尤其重要。

    Compared with the traditional fuel oil automobile , Fuel cell vehicle has fundamental changes on its starting , transmission and braking systems etc. Therefore , the chassis arrangement and assembly process appeared especially important .

  25. 伴随着低碳经济在世界各国的发展以及全球温室效应的产生,必须要研发出能替代传统燃油汽车的新能源汽车。

    With a low carbon economy development of all countries in the world and the global " greenhouse effect " generation , must be developed a new energy vehicles can substitute the traditional fuel automobile .

  26. 与传统燃油汽车相比,新能源汽车以其能效高、污染物排放少等优势重新成为世界各国研究开发的热点。

    Compared with the traditional fuel vehicles , New Energy Vehicles ( NEV ) with more energy efficiency , lower pollution and other advantages , once again become a hot research and development of the world .

  27. 富人的生活趋向于放出更多的温室气体,因为他们会更多驾驶燃油汽车,更频繁的坐飞机旅行,生活在大房子了,从而需要更多的燃料来取暖或者制冷。

    Rich people 's lives tend to give off more greenhouse gases because they drive more fossil-fueled vehicles , travel frequently by air and live in big houses that take more fuel to heat and cool .

  28. 通过对一辆普通燃油汽车改为纯电动汽车的实践,详细介绍了改制过程中遇到的传动、制动和控制等方面几个关键问题的解决方法。

    Through the practice of changing a normal fuel vehicle to an EV , this paper introduces in details the resolving ways of several key problems such as transmission , braking and controlling in the changing process .

  29. 在传统汽车行业飞速发展的时代,为了应对燃油汽车带来的环境污染和资源危机问题,新能源汽车技术受到了各国的关注。

    In the era of rapid development of traditional auto industry , in response to the resource crisis and environmental pollution problems brought by fuel vehicles , New energy vehicles technology has been the concern of all countries .

  30. 电动汽车污染小、噪音小、节约能源,结构、控制和维护简单,较传统燃油汽车有突出的优点。

    The Electric vehicle which produces little pollution and noise , economize energy sources , the structure , the control and the maintenance is simple , compared with the tradition car , the Electric vehicle has many outstanding advantages .