
  • 网络mechanical sensitiveness
  1. 纳米AP/Fe2O3复合氧化剂的制备及其机械感度和热分解特性

    Preparation , mechanical sensitivity and thermal decomposition of AP / Fe_2O_3 nanocomposite

  2. 不同粒度AP的机械感度

    Mechanical Sensitivity of AP with Different Particle Size

  3. 不同粒度RDX的重结晶制备和机械感度研究

    Recrystallization Preparation of Different Particle RDX and Study on the Mechanical Sensitivity

  4. RDX粒度对机械感度的影响

    Effect of Particle Size of RDX on Mechanical Sensitivity

  5. 含相稳定硝酸铵CMDB推进剂的机械感度和燃烧性能

    Mechanical Sensitivity and Combustion Properties of CMDB Propellant Containing PSAN

  6. 由该包覆颗粒制成的HTPB推进剂浆料和成品的机械感度都比由原料RDX制成的推进剂有明显降低,且推进剂的抗拉强度也得到了显著改善。

    Compared with that containing uncoated RDX , the mechanical sensitivities of propellant slurry and products containing coated RDX samples decrease obviously , and the tensile strength also improves obviously .

  7. RDX粒度对某塑性炸药包覆和机械感度性能的影响硝基胍炸药的机械感度和爆炸性能研究

    Study about the Effect of RDX Particle Size on the Coating of Plastic Explosives and Its Mechanical Sensitivity Mechanical Sensitivity and Explosive Performance of Nitroguanidine ( NQ ) - based Composite Explosives

  8. 为降低RDX的机械感度,维持其爆炸性能,研究了用少量TNT包覆RDX的钝感方法。

    In order to decrease the mechanical sensitivity of RDX while maintaining its explosive performance , an insensitive method of coating sensitive high explosive RDX with a less sensitive explosive TNT was studied .

  9. 通过理论分析和试验,从机械感度、燃烧精度、热安定性、性能、长贮等方面,对比分析了苦味酸钾点火药与DDNP点火药。

    Through the theoretic analysis and tests , the performance of potassium picrate and DDNP was compared , including mechanical sensitivity , combustion accuracy , thermal stability , property of fuse head and long term storage , etc.

  10. 高氯酸铵/硝胺丁羟复合推进剂热感度及机械感度研究

    Research on thermal and mechanical sensitivity of AP / nitramine HTPB propellant

  11. HTPB/HMX复合粒子的制备及其机械感度研究

    Preparation and Mechanical Sensitivity of HMX / HTPB Composite Particles

  12. 同时对该新型硼基点火药的机械感度和火焰感度进行了测试。

    The mechanical sensitivity and sensitivity to flame of the new composition igniting charge are detected .

  13. 本文通过试验的方法,分析了温度、湿度、粒度等因素对烟花爆竹用烟火药剂机械感度的影响。

    The factors of temperature , humidity and granularity influencing on mechanical sensitivity of pyrotechnic compound have been analyzed through experiments .

  14. 也讨论了所用复合催化剂、消焰剂和低感度的含能添加剂对机械感度的影响。

    The effects of the composite cataysts , flame eliminating agent and insensitive energetic additives on mechanical sensitivity are also discussed .

  15. 掺Ca~(++)高氯酸铵爆燃特性的研究高氯酸铵/硝胺丁羟复合推进剂热感度及机械感度研究

    On the Effect of Dopant Ca ~ ( + + ) on the Deflagration Rate of Ammonium Perchlorate Research on thermal and mechanical sensitivity of AP / nitramine HTPB propellant

  16. 本文通过对某赤磷基发烟剂机械感度试验、吸湿性试验、真空安定性试验和差热分析试验,对其主要理化性能进行了研究。

    This article through a mechanical feeling experiment , the water absorbant experiment , the vacuum soundness test and the differential thermal analysis experiment has carried on the research to some red phosphorus base smoke agent main physics and chemistry performance .

  17. 减小氧化剂高氯酸铵粒度可以提高推进剂的燃速及能量密度,但是粒度减小会使其机械感度升高,安全性能变差,影响了固体推进剂制备、输运和使用的安全。

    In order to improve the burning rate and the energy density of propellants , we can reduce the particle size of the oxidizer AP . But , the mechanical sensitivity was elevated , and the safety of the preparation , transportation and using of solid propellants was affected .

  18. 研究认为:无木炭黑火药的机械感度、静电火花感度、爆发点比普通黑火药低,而且安全性好,做功能力强,输出稳定性高。

    The results indicate that the mechanical sensitivity , static electricity sensibility and ignition temperature of charcoal-free black powder is lower than that of ordinary black powder , and the safety ability , working capacity and output stability of charcoal-free black powder is higher than that of ordinary black powder .

  19. 样品SPW-11-PVA的机械撞击感度最低,h50值为59.7cm。

    The impact sensitivity of sample SPW-11-PVA is the lowest , the value of h_ ( 50 ) is 59.7 cm .

  20. 而且PU-RDX的机械撞击感度随出现第二个应力峰的时间比(指不同的PU-RDX第二应力峰出现时间和仪器在空打时相应时间比)的增大,有下降的趋势。

    Meanwhile the impact sensitivity of PU-RDX changes with the ratio of the time ( the second peak arising time on stress-time curve of RDX with PU to that of without it ) .

  21. 与同组分的机械混合物相比,RDX/RF复合物的热分解峰提前约25℃,机械感度有所降低。

    Compared to the corresponding values of the mechanical mixtures with the same components , the exothermic peak of RDX / RF aerogel moves down about 25 ℃, and the mechanical ( sensitivity ) decreases a little .