
  • 网络hydrogen recovery
  1. 介绍了国内外已使用氢气回收净化装置的流程配置,使用特性。

    The process installs and use property of hydrogen recovery purification equip at home and abroad are introduced .

  2. 自从氢气回收和富氧分离大规模工业化以来,人们对气体在膜中的渗透机理进行了大量的研究。

    Since hydrogen recovery and oxygen enrichment are industrialized on large scale , a lot of researching work have been done on gas permeation mechanism in membrane .

  3. 合成氨弛放气、排放气的氢气回收技术

    Recovery technology of hydrogen from discharge gas in ammonia synthesis

  4. 用于生产钨钼的大型常压还原炉氢气回收设备

    Large-capacity H_2 Pressure Recovery Equipment from H_2-Reduction Furnance for W / Mo Production

  5. 叙述了介绍了气体膜分离技术在分离空气制备富氧、富氮,水蒸气、有机蒸汽的分离和氢气回收等工业领域的应用。

    Various applications of gas separation membrane were reviewed in details , such as medical rich oxygen , air separation , water vapor separation , hydrogen recovery in refinery gas and so on .

  6. 该工艺分为氢气回收、轻烃回收和双膜耦合分离三个部分,相关技术主要包括压缩冷凝、气体脱硫、变温吸附脱水、氢膜分离、有机蒸汽膜分离、精馏等。

    The process composed of three parts : hydrogen recovery , light hydrocarbon recovery and multistage membrane separation . The technology used in the process included compression / condensation , gas desulfurization , TSA dehydration , hydrogen membrane separation , VOC membrane separation and distillation .

  7. 山梨醇生产的加氢还原反应原理及氢气的回收

    Reaction Principle on The Production Sorbierite of Hydrogenize Reduction And Hydric Reclaim

  8. 氯碱生产副产氢气的回收与利用

    Recovery and utilization of by product hydrogen in chlor-alkali production

  9. 国内炼厂气中氢气的回收工艺选择

    Selection of recovery process for hydrogen in domestic refinery gases

  10. 膜分离技术在炼油厂氢气膜回收装置中的应用

    Application of membrane separation technology in hydrogen recovery process in refinery plant

  11. 介绍了膜分离技术及其在中国石油吉林石化分公司炼油厂柴油加氢车间氢气膜回收装置中的应用。

    The application of membrane separation technology in hydrogen recovery process was introduced , and the technological features in diesel hydrogenation unit of Jilin Petrochemical Company , PetroChina Co. Ltd.

  12. 硫化氢是一种有毒的工业废气,从硫化氢中制取硫磺和氢气不但可以回收硫化氢,而且可获得清洁能源氢气和硫磺。

    Hydrogen sulfide is a noxious industrial gas . Recovering hydrogen sulfide from industrial waste gas can not only protect the environment but also provide cleaning energy - hydrogen and sulfur .

  13. 富含氢气的工业驰放气的氢气回收技术已经很成熟并广泛应用。

    Hydrogen recovery technology of hydrogen efficient industrial gas has been very mature and widely used .