
  1. 充氢后的堆焊层经630℃×4h去氢处理可消除氢脆现象,使塑韧性恢复。

    After dehydrogenation at 630 ℃ for 4 hours , the ductility and toughness of the overlay which was initially charged with hydrogen is recovered and hydrogen embrittlement is eliminated .

  2. 合金渗碳钢锥齿轮碳氮共渗的氢脆现象研究

    Study on the hydrogen embrittlement phenomena of carbonitriding tape gear

  3. 氢气在非金属材料中的扩散所引起的材料强度下降、氢致脆性破坏等现象与金属材料相似,在非金属材料中亦存在氢脆现象;

    Reduction in strength and stress cracking , caused by hydrogen diffusion , imply that hydrogen embrittlement exists in nonmetals as in metals .

  4. 对中心楔块渗碳导致的氢脆断裂现象进行了分析研究。

    Hydrogen embrittlement fracture of20CrMnMo steel center block carburized was analyzed in this paper .

  5. 长期处于高温、高压、临氢环境下运行的加氢反应器,其材质会出现回火脆化和氢脆等现象,对设备安全运行构成威胁。

    The materials of hydrogenation reactor working under high temperature high pressure and hydrogen environment will be damaged of temper embrittlement and hydrogen embrittlement , which will threaten the working in safety of the reactor .