
  1. 通过对锅炉管爆裂处的金相组织、成分、力学性能、腐蚀产物和供水指标的观测与分析,找出了爆裂的原因。结果表明:供水pH值超标,H~+离子聚集以至形成甲烷气泡并相互连接;

    To find the cause of damage , the microstructure in the section of tube crevasse , chemical composition , mechanical properties , corrosion product and water quality were observed and analyzed . index ;

  2. 当这些不断上冒的甲烷气泡达到一个临界值时,这些气体就会爆炸,冲破西伯利亚地表。

    Once the welling methane blobs reach a critical threshold , the gasses blast through the Siberian crust .

  3. 由腐烂的动物和植物滋生的细菌产生的甲烷气泡上升到湖面,通常没有人注意到。

    Caused by bacteria feeding on decaying animal and plant matter , the methane bubbles usually rise to the surface without anyone ever noticing .

  4. 结果出来了,科学家们说,在实验中产生了甲烷小气泡。

    The experiment produced tiny bubbles of methane gas , the scientists reported .

  5. 铁炉渣添加后甲烷的气泡传输量明显降低了。

    Methane bubbles in the iron blast furnace slag added traffic is significantly reduced .

  6. 而空气中甲烷的正常含量大约为0.000179%。这种刺激性气体从逐渐融化的永冻土中渗透出来,随着全球气候变暖,源源不断的甲烷气泡越来越快地向地表聚集。

    Air is normally about 0.000179 percent methane.The offending gas seeps up from thawing permafrost . And as global temperatures rise , clumps of methane bubble toward the surface faster and faster .