
  1. 透皮吸收实验用BALB/c无毛小鼠的离体鼠皮,紫外分光光度法检测,并与同浓度的甲硝唑溶液进行比较。

    Transdermal absorption ability of metronidazole was observed by using the skin of the bald BALB / c mice and the level of metronidazole was determined by UV-spectrophotometry .

  2. 超声波对甲硝唑溶液结晶热力学性质的影响

    Impact of Ultrasound on Thermodynamic Property in the Crystallization of C_6H_9N_3O_3

  3. 倍增差示分光光度法测定复方甲硝唑溶液含量

    Determination of the Content of Compound Metronidazole Solution by Double Differential Spectrophotometry

  4. 5%甲硝唑溶液阴道擦洗治疗细菌性阴道病42例

    The Treatment of 42 Bacterial Vaginitis Patients with 5 % Metronidazole Solutions by Scrubing Vagina

  5. 结论2%甲硝唑溶液对毛囊蠕形螨无体外杀灭作用;

    Conclusion 2 % metronidazole has no effect of killing ( D.folliculorum ) in vitro .

  6. 从大鼠腹主动脉置管灌入灌注液,直至小肠组织变白,然后用4℃的5%甲硝唑溶液冲洗肠腔,取材。

    The intestine was perfused by intubation via abdomial aorta , then the gut was flushed with metronidazole solution ( 4 ℃, 5 % ) .

  7. 结论8.33%的高渗甲硝唑葡萄糖溶液治疗皮肤溃疡具有安全、高效的特点。

    Conclusion High osmotic metronidazole and glucose fluid is a safe and effective therapy to treat ulcer of skin .