
shā rén zhě
  • killer
  1. 他是个精神变态杀人者。

    He 's a psychopath , a killer .

  2. 给杀人者应得之惩罚。

    Giving the killer what he deserves .

  3. 几年后,作家马语琴(MaraHvistendahl)回顾了这一事件,对受害者家庭、被控杀人者、警方调查人员和其他在中国工作的外籍模特进行了采访。

    Years later , author Mara Hvistendahl revisited the story , interviewing the family of the victim and accused killer , police investigators and other models working in China .

  4. 虽然作者appelfeld本人从小是说德语长大的,但是他拒绝用德语写作,称其为“杀人者的语言”。

    Although appelfeld himself was brought up speaking German , he refuses to write in it , regarding it as the " the language of the murderers " .

  5. 饶有讽刺意味的是,杀人者被自己的枪所击毙。

    Ironically , the murderer was killed with his own gun .

  6. 体现在诺曼·梅勒作品《杀人者之歌》中的存在主义

    Existentialism reflected in Norman Mailer 's The Executioner 's Song

  7. 在中国,杀人者一旦被判有罪将被处死刑。

    Convicted murderers face the death penalty in the people 's republic .

  8. 论海明威《杀人者》一文中窗口的特点

    The Traits of Windows in the Killers by Hemingway

  9. 为自卫而杀人者无罪。

    Homicide is not criminal when committed in self-defence .

  10. 从人物对话解读海明威的短篇小说《杀人者》

    Interpreting Hemingway s Short Story " The Killers " From Its Dialogue ;

  11. 警察认为杀人者已在伦敦某处潜藏起来了。

    The police believe that the murderer has gone to earth somewhere in London .

  12. 现在我知道杀人者是怎样思考了。

    Now I know how a killer thinks .

  13. 杀人者把另一人杀死的那个人。

    A person who kills another person .

  14. 予杀人者以应得之罪。

    Giing the killer what he deseres .

  15. 留在枪上的指纹证实他就是杀人者。

    The identity of the fingerprinted on the gun proves that he is the killer .

  16. 从作者走向读者&浅析海明威《杀人者》的叙事艺术

    From The Writer to The Reader : A General Analysis on the Narrative Style of

  17. 杀人者何时会再下毒手?

    When will the killer strike again ?

  18. 夫乐杀人者,则不可以得志于天下矣。

    He who delights in slaughter will not succeed in his ambition to rule the world .

  19. 关键的一点是,与其他扫射杀人者不同,他并没有自杀。

    And crucially , unlike most spree killers , he did not take his own life .

  20. 他知道了用钻石武器去摧毁生命只能给杀人者带来痛苦。

    And with this diamond weapon he also knew that destroying life brings only suffering to the killer .

  21. 报血仇者若在避难城边界以外遇见了他,将杀人者杀死,他并不犯流血的罪。

    And be struck by him that is the avenger of blood : he shall not be guilty that killed him .

  22. 哈钦森和其他三名杀人者向欧洲人权法庭呼吁,监狱生活不人道而且有辱人格,

    Hutchinson and three other killers appealed to the European Court of Human Rights , which says life behind bars is inhuman and degrading ,

  23. 因为掩饰杀戮的战争是困难的,把杀人者说成和平鸽也是困难的。

    Because trying to gloss over the slaughter of war is problematic , and trying to convey a murderer as a dove of peace is arduous .

  24. 欧洲民间故事中的狼是毁灭性的杀人者,而非我们所知的现实世界中的聪明的群居动物。

    Wolves in European folk tales are destructive human-killers , not the intelligent , social creatures that we know them to be in the real world .

  25. 100%这些杀人者在伊拉克和叙利亚占据的领土。

    very close to 100 percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in Iraq and in Syria and in other locations , as well .

  26. 中国人为何特别信奉杀人者死?这是一个值得探讨的问题,但若把这个问题放在中国传统文化语境中,就并不是什么问题。

    Why Chinese people embraced it so strongly ? This is a problem deserved to discuss but not difficult to understand in the context of Chinese traditional culture .

  27. 枪支暴力引发的悲剧总是一次次引发关于平民持枪的讨论:到底允许隐蔽持枪是给了市民维护人身安全的手段还是为杀人者提供了其所需工具?

    Tragedies involving gun violence always renew the discussion on whether concealed carry laws give citizens the means to prevent deaths or hand killers the tools they need .

  28. 因此我通过画面同一个人代表着三方不同的立场表达了杀人者的丧心病狂;

    Hence here in this picture I use just three identical persons which are on behalf of three different standpoints to express the unscrupulous mind of the killers .

  29. 撇开道德问题不谈,这也是一种笨方法,因为它会引起动物反感,以后,甚至会成为杀人者。

    Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training , for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer .

  30. 另一方表示很难与杀人者坐在一起谈判,要求就人道主义援助提出详细计划,称这是平民和对抗地区的首要任务。

    The other sides say it would hard to sit with killers , but pretended detail plan for humanitarian aid , a top priority for civilians and rival areas .