
  • 网络A Time to Kill;Time to Kill, A;Kill Switch;killing time
  1. 杀戮时刻

    A Time to Kill

  2. 在1996年,我刚因电影《杀戮时刻》成名,

    Well , in 1996 , right after I got famous from a film I did called A Time to Kill ,

  3. 一位前记者向我推荐了约书亚攠本海默(JoshuaOppenheimer)执导的、获得2014年奥斯卡奖提名的纪录片《杀戮时刻》(TheActofKilling)。在片中,曾经参与处决的人再现了他们的罪行。

    A former correspondent recommended The Act of Killing , Joshua Oppenheimer 's 2014 Oscar-nominated documentary , in which men who took part in the executions re-enact their crimes .

  4. 我们的杀戮时刻已经到来。

    The time for killing is upon us .

  5. 《杀戮时刻》描绘的是美国司空见惯的种族矛盾。

    The Massacre Moment describes the common racial contradictory in America , where is the abyss of racial prejudice .