
  • 网络Religious Experience;Religion Experience
  1. 他似乎有某种宗教体验。

    He seems to have had some sort of religious experience .

  2. 原始巫舞以神秘的宗教体验,唤起族群意识和情感认同。

    Ancient witch dance aroused group ethnic consciousness and affective commitment by religious experience .

  3. 体验与信仰&当代中国汉民族宗教体验研究

    Experience and Belief & A Research on the Religious Experience among Han Nationality in Contemporary China

  4. 最主要的相同点是:都达到了宗教体验与审美体验的完美结合。

    The major similarity is that both of them achieved a perfect integration of religious and aesthetic experiences .

  5. 宗教体验的实质是人类追寻终极价值时产生的意义感受,与审美体验一样具有日常经验中断、形象性和强烈的情感性三大特征。

    It is the sense of meaning featured by the abruption of Ordinary experience , figurativeness and strong emotion .

  6. 沙里宁的精心注重有关光的细节,达到宗教体验,言语不能完全描述的精神空间。

    Saarinen 's meticulous attention to detail regarding light transforms the spiritual space into a religious architectural experience that words cannot fully describe .

  7. 宗教体验越丰富,在特定情境下对事件做宗教性归因的可能性也越高。

    The richer religious experience he has , the higher will be the possibility of religious attribution to the event under the specific situation .

  8. 如果我们连周围的亲人…亲身经历的宗教体验都视而不见那周日上教堂礼拜意义何在呢?

    What is the point of going to church every Sunday ... when if someone we Iove has a genuine reIigious experience , we ignore it ?

  9. 美学作为形而上主体的情感表现和宗教体验,与意志、用永恒的观点和幸福有关,是不可言说的;

    As the expression of feeling and experience of religion of the metaphysical subject , aesthetics has something to do with will , " sub specie aeterni " and happiness which is unsayable ;

  10. 在此我们必须发问:我是不是拥有任何宗教体验、拥有与上帝旳直接关联,从而获得&种确然性,使我做为个体免于消融于群众?

    Here we must ask : Have I any religious experience and immediate relation to God , and hence that certainty which will keep me , as an individual , from dissolving in the crowd ?

  11. 布莱克认为真正的宗教体验并非如传统基督教所规定的抑欲而是建立在人的自由个性和个人与上帝之间的直接联系基础上的。

    Blake believes that true religious experience is obtained not by curbing the natural desires as in traditional Christianity , but by emancipating the human beings and establishing the indirect connection between the individual and God .

  12. 十六岁时的一次让她难忘的宗教体验,使她毅然投身医院的慈善工作。她曾拒绝了两次求婚,这样的决定让极为保守的家人震惊万分。

    A profound religious experience at the age of sixteen eventually led to her doing charity work in hospitals rather than accepting either of two marriage proposals , much to the horror of her deeply conservative family .

  13. 第一,本文描述了神秘宗教体验的特性和效果,作为信仰红利的神秘宗教体验对宗教信仰具有很好的强化作用,经历过神秘宗教体验的人对信仰更加虔诚。

    First , it describes the characteristic and effect of the mystical religious experience , which has very good invigoration effect to the religious belief as the religious bonus . Thus people who have experienced the mystical religious experience become more reverent .

  14. 佛教的般若体验既是一种宗教体验,又是一种审美体验。它要求诗人去妄除蔽,达到心灵的明净之境,影响了诗歌空寂灵动的审美境界。

    Learning through practice of Buddhism is both religious and aesthetic , which claims that poets get rid of wild fancy and covering , and the soul attain the clear and bright realm , and lead to the empty and free aesthetic realm .

  15. 负责这项研究的AndrewNewberg博士通过对在进行祈祷,诵经或冥想的修女,修士以及佛教徒的脑部扫描,发现人们的宗教思维体验与大脑之间的微妙联系。

    But by scanning the brains of praying nuns , chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists Dr Andrew Newberg has shown a connection between the brain and religious experiences .

  16. 我们是在教堂完婚的,因为我们希望婚礼有一种宗教的体验。

    We got married in a church because we wanted the wedding to be a spiritual experience .

  17. 借由艺术家对观看行为的引导,观者也能直接体验到与之相同的宗教性体验。

    By artists of viewing behavior guide , visitors can experience directly to the same religious experience .

  18. 可能是出现在圣塔玛莉亚诺维拉香水制造厂(OfficinaProfumo-FarmaceuticadiSantaMariaNovella)里,在这里选购甜美的玫瑰水和古老的中药制剂,是种近乎于宗教性质的体验。

    It could happen at the Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella , where shopping for sweet rosewater and ancient herbal elixirs is a near-religious experience .

  19. 人与鬼的纠葛和交融&五四新文化倡导中鲁迅对民间宗教的双重体验

    " Entanglement and Combination of Human and Ghost " & Talking about Lu Xun 's Double Experiences of Religion in the New Culture Movement During The May Fourth Movement

  20. 深灰色的雕塑生猛而沉郁,具有神秘庄严的宗教般的体验,包容着自我救赎、禅与佛、人与自然等广泛的精神指向。

    The deep gray sculptures are vivid and gloomy , marked by a near religious solemnity , encompassing a wide range of spiritual references such as self-redemption , Zen and Buddhism , and man and nature .

  21. 届时,游客将有机会朝拜珍贵的佛教文物(舍利等),参加宗教仪式,并体验寺院生活。

    Tourists will have a chance to admire the precious Buddhist relics , attend religious rituals and experience a monk 's life in pagodas , she said .

  22. 研究表明,艺术、宗教和哲学的体验是最常见的能唤起敬畏感的体验——也就是惊奇感和与比自己更强大的事物的联系。

    Research has shown that experiences of art , religion and philosophy are the most common experiences that evoke a sense of awe -- that sense of wonder and connection to something larger than ourselves 。

  23. 宗教观念、宗教体验、宗教行为构成美国宗教心理学研究的基本维度,宗教与人格的关系、宗教与心理健康的关系在美国宗教心理学的研究中处于突出地位。

    Religious perspective , religious experience , and religious behavior are the fundamental dimensions of research on psychology of religion in the USA , and the relations between religion and personality , religion and mental health are in the prominent position .

  24. 电子教堂的出现导致了现代宗教危机,它在改变传教方式、改变宗教体验的同时,也深刻改变了宗教的本质及社会整合功能。

    The emergence of the electronic church leads to crisis of modern organized religion ; while changing the ways in which religion is articulated and experienced , it is also altering the social integration function of religion .

  25. 之后你就会看到奇迹般的具有启发性的宗教奇迹发生。然而,研究者表明,不仅仅光,声理学也有助于强化这种宗教体验。

    But research indicates that not just light but also the physics of sound help to enhance this religious experience .