
  • 网络dimefluthrin;methothrin;TPMDC
  1. 这些结果说明甲醚菊酯和溴氰菊酯对果蝇幼虫外周神经的毒理具有协同作用。

    This suggests that there may be a noncompetitive interaction between methothrin and deltamethrin during their joint action on the peripheral nervous system of the Drosophila larvae .

  2. 采用气相色谱法分析四氟甲醚菊酯含量。

    GC-FID method was developed for determination of dimefluthrin with fenpropathrin as internal standard with .

  3. 甲醚菊酯和丙烯菊酯光解产物的元素分析结果也表明产物中氧的含量有明显提高、证实氧参与了拟除虫菊酯的光解过程。

    Element analysis results of photolysis products also confirm that oxygen takes part in the photolysis of pyrethroids .