
  1. 高压、低中渗、无轻微污染的复合油藏;其次为Pb和Zn,Cu为轻微污染。

    Composited reservoirs with high pressure , low-mid permeability and non-pollution-slight pollution ; Cu pollution is little .

  2. 采用共混方法在PVC中渗混CPE、ACR及其他配料,以改善硬PVC的脆性和熔体流动性。

    CPE , ACR and other additives were mixed with PVC by blending method to improved brittle property and melt flow of hard PVC .

  3. 研究了46、T12钢在含有不同含量锰的硼锰共渗剂中渗后组织。

    Microstructures of 45 steel and T12 steel after B-Mn Permeation in different amount of manganese are studied here .

  4. 结果11例(2.3%)原临床诊为中浆病例者经荧光素眼底血管造影(fundusfluoresceinangiography,FFA)检查证实为中渗。

    Results 11 eyes ( 2.3 % ) initially suspected of having central serous chorioretinopathy in Clinical were ultimately diagnosed as having central exudative chorioretinitis by fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) .

  5. 其次,虽然CaO具有较大的水容量,但CaO含量过高更有利于向钢液中渗氢,而Al2O3作为酸性氧化物而存在,有利于阻止氢的渗透。

    Secondly , though CaO has bigger water capacity , the higher CaO content in slag attributes to increasing hydrogen content in steel . Whereas , Al2O3 is advantaged for preventing hydrogen permeation for its low water capacity and exists as acid oxide .

  6. 设施栽培中渗灌技术研究现状与发展趋势试验结果表明,在渗灌管埋深为20~40cm范围内,保护地渗灌灌水后土壤全盐均表现出明显的表聚特性;

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of Subsurface Irrigation Technology in Protected Land Cultivation The results show that soil total salt accumulated in topsoil after subsurface irrigation with infiltration depth between 20 cm and 40 cm .

  7. 孔深3~4mm,以见到脂肪滴或有孔中渗血为度。

    The depth of the hole was 3 ~ 4 mm .

  8. 消失模铸造中渗金属缺陷的成因及解决

    The Cause and Solution of Metal Seeping Defects in Lost Foam Process

  9. 海洋环境中渗锌层和锌铬涂层的耐蚀性研究

    Study on corrosion resistance of sherardizing and zinc-chromium coating in marine environment

  10. 换热器中渗铝钢管的应用及焊接

    Use and welding of aluminized steel tubes in heat exchangers

  11. 钢铁渗铝过程中渗层生长动力学

    The kinetics of coating growth during pack Aluminization of steel

  12. 生活垃圾生物反应器填埋技术中渗滤液回灌的研究

    Research on Leachate Recirculation in the Bioreactor Landfill Technology of Municipal Domestic Wastes

  13. 重庆大剧院水空调系统中渗渠取水设计

    Water Intaking Design with Infiltration Gallery for Water-Air-Condition System of Grand Theatre of Chongqing

  14. 利用谱线宽度法作钢中渗铝层逐层分析试验报告

    By the spectrum line width methods to analyze layer after layer the aluminized steel

  15. 岩体裂隙中渗流场有限元随机模拟分析

    Randomly numerical simulation of water flow field in fractured rock mass with finite element method

  16. 水从漏的管子中渗出来。

    Water oozed from the leaky pipe .

  17. 由此可见,明化镇组砂岩储层多数属于高孔-中渗储层。

    Evidently , the majority of the town of Sandstone reservoir is high porosity-in and permeability .

  18. 苏北盆地阜宁组三段油藏低中渗储层保护技术研究及应用

    The research and application of low-middle permeability reservoir protection technology to Funing Formation in Northern Jiangsu Basin

  19. 中渗复杂断块油藏开发中后期开发技术政策研究

    Study on Development Technology and Policy in the Middle and Late Development Stages for Complex Fault Block Reservoirs with Moderate Permeability

  20. 基于实测污染土电阻率和第三章确定的污染土电阻率公式计算得到的土中渗滤液含量与样品测试值相近,论文建立的生活垃圾渗滤液污染土电阻率公式具有较强的适用性。

    And the two results are very close . The domestic landfill-leachate contaminated soil resistivity formula established in this paper has strong applicability .

  21. 通过扫描发现,其中一个叫琪琪的孩子患有心脏病,液体一直从胎盘中渗出来。

    Scans had revealed that one of the girls , Kiki , had a heart problem and fluid was leaking from the placenta .

  22. 眼病分类:内源性葡萄膜炎80例,中心性渗出性视网膜脉络膜炎(简称中渗)30例,先天性脉络膜缺损6例,渗出性视网膜脱离4例。

    The classifications of ocular diseases : 80 endogenous uveitis , 30 central exudative chorioretinitis , 6 congenital choroidal defect and 4 exudative retinal detachment .

  23. 中渗大孔中喉孔隙结构类型的储层驱油效率较低,一般为40%~60%;

    The reservoir with medium permeability , large pore and medium throat pore structure has relatively low oil displacement efficiency of about 40 % ~ 60 % ;

  24. 在好氧情况下回灌过程中渗滤液产生量比厌氧情况下少,所以为减少渗滤液产生量,宜发展好氧或准好氧填埋。

    The amount of leachate in aerobic columns is little than anaerobic , so we should develop the landfill technology which produces little leachate , as aerobic landfill .

  25. 通过大量的分析化验资料,研究了吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系梧桐沟组砂岩储层的物性特征和孔隙结构特征,认为研究区储层属于低孔、中渗、粗喉道储层。

    By analyzing a great quantity of laboratory data , this paper studies the physical properties and pore structure of the sandstone reservoirs in the Permian Wutonggou formation .

  26. 实验分析了系统对不饱和土层及含水层中渗滤液污染区扩散及修复过程的监测能力。

    The tests analyzed the reflection ability of the system to the pollution diffusion of the landfill leachate in the unsaturated soil layers and aquifers and the repairing process .

  27. 如果发现了任何绿色植物或者干涸的湖床,努力挖一下,直到土壤变得湿润,等待水从小孔中渗出来。

    If you spot any green plants or dry lake beds , dig there until the soil becomes moist , and wait for water to seep into the hole .

  28. 在此基础上通过提出的解析方法和数值方法分析了填埋场饱和与非饱和衬垫系统和覆盖层系统中渗滤液及填埋气的运移问题。

    Using the proposed analytical methods and numerical methods , the mechanism of leachate and landfill gas migration through saturated and unsaturated landfill liner systems and cover systems was investigated .

  29. 试验表明,在海水中渗铝钢的腐蚀电位比20钢的负,其阳极活性大于后者,在低电位下发生阳极溶解。

    The results indicate that compared with 20 # steel , the aluminized steel has lower corrosion potential and stronger anodic activity in seawater . Its anodic solution will occur at low potential .

  30. 本文根据硼皮金刚石的理论模型,采用石墨中渗微量硼的方法,控制人造金刚石中的硼含量与分布,用高压合成出一种含微量硼元素的淡黄色透明的硼皮金刚石。

    According to the theoretical model of boron skin diamond , a new kind of transparent light-yellow diamond has been produced from graphite by micro doping with boron to a certain content and distribution .