
  • 网络ultra-fine powder of chinese medicine
  1. 中药超微粉碎研究进展与思考冻土力学的研究进展与思考

    Progress and Thinking in Study on Supermicro-pulverization of Traditional Chinese Drugs

  2. 中药超微粉碎之浅析常温下热塑性塑料的湍流超细粉碎研究

    Superfine Comminution of Thermoplastics with Turbulence Mill Under Normal Temperature

  3. 中药细胞级超微粉碎技术是在遵循中医药理论的前提下,结合中药物料的特点,采用现代粉体技术,将中药材、中药提取物及中药制剂微粉化。

    Traditional Chinese medicine cells superfine pulverizing technology level in traditional Chinese medicine theory is followed , under the precondition of traditional Chinese medicine combined with the characteristics of the materials , adopting the modern powder technology , the Chinese herbal medicine , Chinese medicine extracts and TCM micronization .