
  • 网络Combustion;combustion science;combustion theory
  1. 并行计算环境下计算斑图燃烧学的高效算法及可视化研究

    The Studies of Efficient Arithmetic under Parallel Circumstance in Computational Pattern Combustion Dynamics and Visualization

  2. 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of Engine Combustion

  3. 开展对OH自由基的研究是等离子体物理、天体物理、大气学、燃烧学、环境科学和化学等许多领域一个重要的研究课题。

    The study of hydroxyl radical ( OH ) is of great importance in plasma physics , astrophysics , atmospheric science , combust science , environmental science , chemistry and other related subjects and applications .

  4. 采用计算燃烧学方法对火箭发动机非线性燃烧不稳定工作过程进行了并行数值模拟。

    The nonlinear combustion instability process in liquid rocket engine is simulated .

  5. 并对非线性燃烧学、非线性爆炸学的概念、内涵及体系进行了界定和阐述。

    The concepts , means and system of nonlinear combustion dynamics and nonlinear explosion dynamics and nonlinear detonation dynamics are expounded .

  6. 无论在燃烧学还是燃烧工程应用中,了解燃烧过程中温度变化都具有十分重要的科学意义。

    For combustion theory and its engineering application , understanding temperature change law in the combustion has significant scientific and practical value .

  7. 作者认为,一些燃烧学著作中关于燃烧方程式及燃料特性系数β的部分内容值得商榷。

    The author believes that some parts of certain textbooks dealing with combustion formulas and with fuel characteristic factor β are worth interrogating .

  8. 设计并实现了一个计算燃烧学分布式可视化框架。

    At last , a distributed visualization framework , which is applied in Computational Combustion Dynamics ( CCD ), is designed and implemented .

  9. 详细化学反应动力学和对详细反应机理的简化研究是当今燃烧学界和工程应用领域内十分关心和重视的课题。

    In recent years , detail chemical reaction kinetics and reduction to detail chemical mechanism are important research problems which combustion community concerned most .

  10. 从燃烧学、热传输学的角度,论述了氧燃烧嘴助熔原理。

    Based on combustion and heat transfer theory the mechanism of reduction in melt down time using oxy-fuel burners is described in this paper .

  11. 采用计算燃烧学的方法对发动机燃烧室内的湍流两相燃烧过程的稳定燃烧状态和高频不稳定燃烧现象进行了数值模拟。

    The two phase turbulent combustion steady process and high combustion instability in the liquid rocket engine are simulated with the method of computational combustion dynamics .

  12. 利用燃烧学的基本理论,分析了设备的燃料燃烧过程,为燃烧系统的参数合理匹配提供了依据。

    Analyze the fuel combustion process based on the basic theory of Combustion Science , which provide basis to make the combustion system parameters matched reasonably .

  13. 其燃烧学上烧中间、促两头的特点,能有效地降低炉渣含碳量。

    It 's characteristic in combustion & Violent burning in middle promotes ignition and burning up in the front and real and respectively can decrease the carbon content in ash effectively .

  14. 瓦斯爆炸的传播和衰减规律的研究是基于燃烧学、爆炸力学和应用数学等学科从爆炸所在环境出发的应用研究。

    Based on the science of combustion , the explosion dynamics and the applied mathematics , the study of gas explosion spreading and attenuation can be made from the reaction angle between the explosion and the environment .

  15. 对钢筋混凝土结构在火灾中的反应进行数值模拟及软件开发,涉及到很多学科,包括燃烧学、传热学、工程力学、材料科学、工程数学、有限元技术、软件工程学。

    The study on modeling and programming of the responses of reinforced concrete structures in fires relates many fields such as combustion , heat transfer , engineering mechanical , engineering mathematics , finite element method , software engineering , computer graphics etc.

  16. 本论文根据燃烧学理论,提出了鉴定火灾现场中汽油等易燃液体的方法及理论依据,并经过了大量实验验证,找出了汽油及其燃烧残留物在不同火场状态下的特征。

    According to the combustion theory , the thesis puts forward the method and its academic reference for identification of ignitable liquids such as gasoline in fire scenes , and finds the characteristics of gasoline and its combustion residues under different fire scenes ' conditions .

  17. 预混合燃烧现象学紊流火焰速度模型

    Phenomenological Turbulent Flame Velocity Model for Premixed Combustion

  18. 高温空气燃烧是燃烧学和热工领域的一项重要技术革新。

    High temperature air combustion ( HTAC ) is one of the most important innovations in the field of combustion and thermal process .

  19. 湍流燃烧是计算燃烧学研究的重要领域,湍流燃烧的数值模拟是研究湍流燃烧的重要手段。

    Numerical simulation of turbulent combustion is a very important method of studying combustion .

  20. 研究微重力和弱浮力环境下固体燃料表面火焰传播机理,对于认识燃烧基本规律,发展燃烧学基本理论和改善载人航天飞行器的防火安全具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    It is of fundamental importance to study on mechanisms of flame spread in microgravity and weakly-buoyancy environment , for it has a great significance in understanding combustion process , developing combustion theory and improving fire safety of spacecraft .

  21. 重力水平的改变使正常重力扩散火焰和微重力扩散火焰具有不同的特征,研究这些特征对于认识燃烧基本规律,发展燃烧学基本理论和改善载人航天飞行器的火灾安全均有重要意义。

    The diffusion flames in micro-gravity have different features from the counterparts in normal gravity . It is very important to study these features for the understanding of combustion fundamental processes and verifying the existing combustion theories and developing new ones and improving fire safety in spacecraft .

  22. 燃烧化学反应动力学是计算燃烧学中的重要内容之一。

    Combustion chemical kinetics is one of the important part of the computed combustion .

  23. 燃烧、爆炸过程复杂性行为的非线性动力学&突变燃烧学、突变爆炸学(Ⅱ)(上)

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Behaviors of Combustion & Explosion Phenomena-Catastrophe Combustion and Explosion Dynamics (ⅱ)( Part A )