
  • 网络combustion noise;CA-noise
  1. 结果表明:EGR、轨压的降低和预喷射能有效控制怠速工况燃烧噪声,为实际柴油机怠速噪声控制提供参考。

    The results show that EGR , lower pressure of injection and pilot injection can effectively control combustion noise in idle condition .

  2. 以此分析为基础,开展利用预喷射、EGR和增压控制瞬态工况燃烧噪声的试验研究。

    On the basis of the control policy , this paper using pilot injection , EGR and turbocharged condition controls combustion noise in transient condition .

  3. CA6110柴油机燃烧噪声的试验研究

    Experimental Research about Combustion Noise of CA 6110 Diesel

  4. 设计合理的废气再循环(EGR)系统,开展EGR对柴油机燃烧噪声影响的机理研究。

    Design the reasonable Exhaust Gas Recirculation ( EGR ) system and carry out the mechanism research for the impact of the combustion noise of the diesel engine .

  5. 6130Q柴油机燃烧噪声与工作稳定性的研究

    Study on combustion noise and working stability of 6130Q diesel engine

  6. 结果表明:预喷射、EGR和增压能使瞬态工况燃烧噪声降低,为工程实际柴油机瞬态工况燃烧噪声控制提供了基础。

    The results show pilot injection , EGR and turbocharged condition cause combustion noise in transient condition to reduce . It provides the foundation for the project actual application to control combustion noise in transient condition .

  7. 在此基础上,采用日本电装公司的ECD-U2高压共轨电控喷油系统和预喷射策略实现了对柴油机燃烧噪声的控制。

    Based on the research , DENSO ECD-U2 high pressure common rail electric system and the pilot injection technology were adopted to control the combustion noise of the diesel engine .

  8. 柴油机燃烧噪声对整机噪声的贡献占有重要地位。

    Combustion noise contributes the major part of diesel engine overall noise .

  9. 燃烧噪声一级影响模型的多元回归分析

    Multi-Regression Analysis of the First-Level Influence Model of Combustion Noise

  10. 内燃机燃烧噪声的研究与发展

    The Research and Its Development of Combustion Noise of Internal Combustion Engine

  11. 柴油机燃烧噪声的控制

    The control of the burning noise caused by a diesel

  12. 柴油机加速工况时燃烧噪声的研究

    An Investigation on Combustion Noise During Accelerating Condition of a Diesel Engine

  13. 预喷射控制柴油机燃烧噪声的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Combustion Noise of Diesel with Pilot Injection

  14. 柴油机燃烧噪声影响机理及控制研究

    Researches on Influencing Mechanism and Control of Combustion Noise of Diesel Engine

  15. 内燃机缸内压力与燃烧噪声

    Cylinder Pressure and Combustion Noise of Internal Combustion Engine Jar of Life

  16. 盲分离技术识别发动机的机械和燃烧噪声源

    Identification of Engine Mechanical and Combustible Noise Source via Blind Sources Separation Technique

  17. 燃烧噪声识别是声诊断燃烧过程的关键。

    The discernment of combustion noise is the key to diagnosing combustion process .

  18. 车用柴油机气缸压力升高率与燃烧噪声的关系

    Analysis on the Relationship Between Rise Rate of Cylinder Pressure and Combustion Noise

  19. 增压前后柴油机燃烧噪声的对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Combustion Noise of Diesel Engine with and without Turbocharger

  20. 内燃机燃烧噪声与机械噪声的测试方法

    A Measuring Method for Combustion Noise and Mechanical Noise of Internal Combustion Engine

  21. 结果符合燃烧噪声的变化规律。

    The results accord with combustion noise changing rules .

  22. 生物制气-柴油双燃料发动机的燃烧噪声

    Combustion noise of biogas - diesel dual fuel engine

  23. 放热率曲线形式与燃烧噪声有着密切的关系。

    The shape of heat release curve is closely related to the combustion noise .

  24. 评价柴油机燃烧噪声的新指标

    A New Measure to Judge Diesel Engine Noise

  25. 直喷式柴油机燃烧噪声和活塞拍击噪声的探讨

    A Study on the Combustion Noise and Piston Slapping Noise of DI Diesel Engines

  26. 内燃机活塞拍击表面振动与燃烧噪声的关系

    Study on the Relation Between Piston Impinging Vibration and Combustion Noise of Internal Combustion Engines

  27. 笔者采用声压法测量,分离出燃烧噪声和活塞敲击噪声。

    Combustion noise and the piston knock noise are separated by adopting sound pressure method .

  28. 发动机噪声包括燃烧噪声、机械噪声以及气体动力性噪声。

    The noise of Engine includes the combustion noise , the mechanical noise and aerodynamic noise .

  29. 本文对内燃机燃烧噪声产生的机理及其控制方法进行了比较全面的分析研究。

    This paper carried on full analysis in the principle and control methods of engine combined noise .

  30. 采用消去法分离了发动机的燃烧噪声和机械噪声,确定发动机燃烧噪声占主导地位。

    Using expurgation method divide combustion noise from mechanical noise , it showed combustion noise is main noise .