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M5 zirconium alloy is mainly applied in the nuclear reactor core as the fuel cladding tubes and structure materials .
The susceptibility of domestic 316-Ti stainless steel cladding tube with respect to Fuel Cladding Chemical interaction ( FCCI ) and Fission Products - induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement ( FPLME ) under four oxygen POtentials has been investigated by out-of-pile simulation test .
Progress of Using Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels as Fuel Cladding Materials in Supercritical Water Reactor
In order to extend the life of nuclear fuel cladding tubes , this paper proposes to improve microstructure and properties by heat treatment of M5 zirconium alloys on recrystallization annealing state .
By comparing the 1-D and 3-D calculation results of LOFT L2-5 test progress , related 3-D effects and its influence on such emergency core cooling progress as ECC bypass etc and that on the fuel peaking cladding temperature ( PCT ) is preliminarily investigated .
Analysis Method for the Fuel Cladding Integrality during Partial Loss of Reactor Coolant
Computerized Multi-channel Supersonic Working System for Defect Detection and Measurement of Fuel Sheathing Tubes for Atomic Reactors
This indicates that if the development of advanced zirconium alloy for fuel cladding used in supercritical water reactors is considered , the issue of hydrogen uptake should be given more attention , in addition to improving corrosion resistance of zirconium alloys . 9 .
The Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure and Thickness Measurement of Cladding for U_3Si_2-Al Fuel Plates
Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads
M5 alloy was a new zirconium alloy used in high burn up assembly such as fuel cladding , end plug , guide tube and grid spring and so on .
Although the materials of nuclear fuel cladding , internal surface and the main reactor internals , and operating temperatures of the pool type light water reactors in China are different from each other . All of pH value of water in the pools are always selected as slight acidity .
A safety check-up method for decommissioned reactor fuel element cladding
The thermal stresses study for blanket fuel element cladding of fusion-fission hybrid reactor
Nuclear fuel rod sheath leak detector
Middle temperature dynamic water side corrosion of fuel cladding of Al alloys for China Advanced Research Reactor
Fuel-pin cladding temperature under accident cases is an important parameter in evaluating the safety of the reactor .
Core damage states include no core damage , fuel clad failure , fuel overheat and fuel melt .
Seamless fuel clad tube
The Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Type 316 Stainless Steel for Homemade Fast Reactor Fuel Element Cladding Material
In practical application , it is subjected to local plastic strain cycles due to the power fluctuations during reactor operation ;
Zirconium alloy which is often used as nuclear fuel cladding tube has a unique corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties .
The fuel rod cladding is the first shield against radioactive material , which can accept more than 90 % of fission product .
The thesis makes a research on three-dimensional fuel element cladding damage digital monitor with delayed neutron monitoring as the major method and general γ and fission gas monitoring as the minor method .
As a light water nuclear reactor fuel cladding material , Zr alloy has been wide used and its application experience accumulated , hence it is the potential materials for SCWR .
Temperature measurements of the aluminium claddings of fuel elements in nuclear reactor
Development of automatic tube cutting machine for cladding tube of nuclear fuel element
Oxide Fuel and Stainless Steel Cladding Chemical Interaction ( FCCI ) & Deducing of a Semiempirical Equation
Zirconium alloys are generally employed as structural components and fuel cladding in nuclear reactors . The texture influences many application properties of zirconium alloy .
These methods contribute to understand irradiation behavior of fuel , cladding and structure components and supply proof for increasing burnup .