
  1. 州政府机构也在鼓励使用燃气发电机为钻井设备供电。

    State agencies are also encouraging the use of gas-fired generators to power drilling equipment at oil wells .

  2. 根据内燃式燃气发电机的性能参数和对燃气质量的要求,对下吸式生物质气化炉进行了设计。

    According to the character of IC engine and its requirement on gas quality , designed the downdraft biomass gasifier .

  3. 伯恩斯坦研究公司估计,全球燃气发电机市场现在每年高达150亿美元,在未来数年内,还将继续增加。

    So the global market for utility-sized gas turbines , now worth up to $ 15 billion a year by Bernstein 's estimates , is set for years of growth .

  4. 伯恩斯坦研究公司表示,但那只是美国的情况:尽管美国以往对燃气发电机的需求量占到了全世界的15%-20%,但由于新兴经济体的崛起,现在仅占8%。

    But that is just America : although historically it has represented 15-50 % of world demand for utility-sized gas turbines , the growth of emerging economies means that it is now just 8 % , reckons Bernstein .

  5. PowerMEMS燃气涡轮发电机的实验研究燃烧室,用于涡轮喷气发动机或涡轮螺旋桊发机

    Study on the Experiment of Micro-turbine-engine for Power MEMS chamber , combustion , for turbojets or turbopropellers

  6. HEC研制的首台QFR152燃气轮发电机,是某航空企业QD128燃气轮发电机组的配套单元。

    The first gas turbine generator QFR_15_2 in HEC is the unit of some aviation corporation .

  7. 对于以同步马达运行方式启动的大型燃气轮发电机或单轴机组的发电机,每2台或3台发电机装设2套互为备用的SFC装置。

    For large gas-turbine generator or single-shaft units which is started with synchronized motors 2 sets of SFC devices with mutual stand-by should be provided for 2 or 3 generators .

  8. 全氢冷400MW级燃气轮发电机结构特点

    Structure Features of 400 MW Hydrogen-cooling Gas Turbine Generator

  9. 三菱400MW全氢冷燃气轮发电机技术特点及分析

    Analysis of technical features of Mitsubishi 400 MW full hydrogen-cooled gas turbine generator

  10. QFR-15-2燃气轮发电机的设计特点

    Design of the Gas Turbine Generator QFR-15-2

  11. 同轴无刷励磁燃气轮发电机试验方法探讨

    Discussion on Test Method of GT Generator with Coaxial Brushless Excitation

  12. 燃气轮发电机启停机保护方案的讨论

    Discussion on Starting-up Protection Scheme of Gas Turbine Generator

  13. 燃气内燃发电机在三联供系统中的应用和分析

    Application and Analysis of Gas-combustion Generator and Triple-generation

  14. 燃气轮发电机起停机保护的特殊问题

    Specificity of Starting-Up Protection for Gas Turbine Generator

  15. 本文介绍了燃气轮发电机的特殊技术要求、结构特点及设计中的难点。

    This article introduces its special specification , construction characteristic and stress in design .

  16. 燃气轮机发电机组注蒸汽后温控系统的适应性研究

    A Study of the Adaptability of the Temperature Control system after Gas Turbine Generator Steam Injection

  17. 燃气轮发电机静态变频系统调试方法及启动特性初探

    Preliminary Study of Gas Turbine Generator Static Variable Frequency System Trial Test Methods and Its Startup Characteristics

  18. 本文对采用冰储冷冷源进气冷却技术来提高燃气轮发电机的输出功率的技术和经济可行性进行了分析研究。

    This paper analyzed the feasibility of the application of ice-thermal storage technology to inlet air of gas-turbine cooling .

  19. 微型燃气轮机发电机是近年来发展的新型发电系统,具有可靠性高、可遥控、自诊断等特殊优势,受到航空航天和军事等方面的广泛关注。

    The micro gas turbine ( MGT ) is a developing power generation system in recent years . With advantage of high reliability , remote-control , self-diagnosis , it is widely given attention to in aerospace and military fields .

  20. 燃气轮机同步发电机励磁系统的最优与非线性控制

    Optimal and Nonlinear Control for Excitation System of Gas-Turbine Generators

  21. 燃气轮机自由活塞发电机

    Free piston generator for gas turbines

  22. 近年来,用于分布式供电系统的微型燃气轮机驱动高速发电机越来越受到人们的关注。

    In recent year , the high speed generator driven by micro-turbine which is used for the distributed generation has been paid more and more attention by people .

  23. 在分析燃气轮机和风力发电机等典型分布式电源动态特性的基础上,推导出输配电联合系统扩展潮流模型。

    Based on the analysis of dynamic characteristics of distributed generators such as gas turbines and wind turbines , expanded power flow equation of transmission-distribution joint system is derived .

  24. 根据燃气发动机和同步发电机的运行特性建立了机组的机理数学模型,然后利用神经网络对有限试验结果进行拟合得到机组输入输出参数间的关系曲线,用拟合关系曲线对机理数学模型参数进行修正。

    Firstly , the mechanism model is deduced base on the operating characteristics of natural gas engine and synchronous generator . Then , according to the limited test results , the relationship curves of input and output parameters are gained by artificial neural network calculating .

  25. 燃气轮机喷气发动机PowerMEMS燃气涡轮发电机的实验研究

    Gas turbine jet Study on the Experiment of Micro-turbine-engine for Power MEMS

  26. 并进行燃气机与压缩机,燃气机与发电机之间的负荷匹配分析。

    Load matching between gas engine and compressor , gas engine and generator is processed .

  27. 定义了燃气机与压缩机的几何匹配准则式X1和燃气机与发电机的几何匹配准则式X2。

    X1 indicates the load matching of gas engine and compressor , X2 indicates the load matching of gas engine and generator .

  28. 本文针对微型燃气轮机磁悬浮轴承-转子系统的耦合和非线性动力学特性进行了研究,为微型燃气轮机发电机结构设计提供理论依据。

    In this paper , coupling and nonlinear dynamic characteristics of micro gas turbine bearing-rotor system have been studied .