
  1. 美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)数据显示,过去12个月期间,燃煤发电量下降19%,而燃气发电量增长38%。

    In the last 12 months , coal-fired generation has slumped by 19 per cent while that using gas has increased by 38 per cent , according to the US Department of Energy .

  2. LNG项目的实施为发展燃气发电提供了契机,而燃气发电又是成功实施LNG项目的关键。

    The implements of LNG-item offer chances for developing NG-fueled generation that is the key to actualize LNG-item successfully at the same time .

  3. 为提升国产燃气发电机组的综合自动化、信息化水平,提出以FCS系统取代传统的DCS系统,以CAN总线为基础构建整套FCS系统的通信网络。

    To enhance automation and information level in homemade gas generator set , a solution to replace DCS with FCS and using CAN to establish the communication network is proposed .

  4. 信号干扰对燃气发电机组故障判断的影响

    Effect of Signal Interference on Diagnose of Gas Generator Set Trouble

  5. 燃气发电机组控制系统技术改造实例

    Example of Technology Improvement of the Gas Generator Set Control System

  6. 最后,利用所产煤气进行了变负载燃气发电实验,实验表明,该煤气品质较高,能够使发电机组连续稳定运行,最大发电效率可达22.16%。

    The maximum power generation efficiency can reach about 22.16 % .

  7. 燃煤、燃气发电厂技术发展趋势

    Trends in the Development of Power Plant Technologies for Coal and Gas

  8. 燃气发电在济钢的发展前景

    Development Prospect of Power Generation with Gas at Jigang

  9. 燃气发电厂电除尘器的调节分析

    Adjustment Analysis of Electric Precipitator in Gas Power Plant

  10. 燃气发电机组应安装燃气进气计量表;

    GG set shall have gas intake meters .

  11. 燃气发电机组组建电站的介绍

    Introduction of Power Plant with Gas Generator Set

  12. 燃气发电市场分析

    Analysis of Market in Generation by Combustible Gas

  13. 低热值煤气燃气发电在济钢发电工程中的应用

    Application of Net Calorific Value Gas Power Generation in Electric Generating Project of Jigang

  14. 燃气发电机组在冷热电三联供项目中的应用

    Application of Gas Engine-Generator in CCHP System

  15. 高压液态软起动装置在燃气发电机组电网下的功能研究与应用

    Function Study and Application on High Voltage Liquid Soft Starter under Grid of Gas-Fired Generating Group

  16. 然而,中国并没有足够的天然气来更大规模地推广燃气发电。

    But China does not have enough gas for a larger-scale conversion of power plants to gas .

  17. 用电紧张的中国发电总量仅有4%来自燃气发电,但这一比重正在快速增加。

    Power-hungry China generates only 4 % of its electricity from gas but that share is growing fast .

  18. 那么为数不多的几家生产大型燃气发电涡轮机的国际公司将由此获益。

    This should help the handful of global firms that make the massive turbines used in gas-fired power stations .

  19. 承包商应选用当地代理能提供维护服务和技术支持的燃气发电机组。

    Contractor shall select the GG set of such a make that local agents shall be available for maintenance and support services .

  20. 不仅风力发电或太阳能电池板与天气有关:燃气发电厂在低温下效率会更高。

    It 's not just a case of windmills and solar panels : gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures .

  21. 近海油田平台电站主发电机组主要是活塞式燃气发电机组和燃气轮机发电机组。

    The main power generator groups in platform power stations are basically piston natural gas generator group and gas turbine generator group .

  22. 如果同样多的资金投资于燃气发电,则可让大约9000万人用上电,为前一数字的3倍。

    If the same amount of money went into gas-fired generation , it would supply about 90m people – three times as many .

  23. 通过天津滨海燃气发电厂安全性评价工作实例,提出了燃气发电企业在安全评价实践中普遍存在的问题。

    Based on the practical situation of Tianjin Binhai gas power plant , problems commonly existing in safety practice in gas power plant .

  24. 德意志银行的分析表明,德国需在2020年前至少新增230亿瓦燃气发电量。

    Analysis by Deutsche Bank suggests that at least 23 gigawatts of new gas-fired capacity would need to be built by the same year .

  25. 上述方法均能减少燃煤发电站制造的各类排放物,所以这类燃煤发电站对环境的污染至少不会超出燃气发电站的水平。

    These methods can reduce the various emissions produced by coal-fired power stations , so that they are at least no worse than gas-fired stations .

  26. 不过,他希望该公司能够尽快重启燃煤、燃油和燃气发电站,增加大约700万千瓦的电力。

    However , he hoped that the company would be able to reactivate coal , oil and gas power stations quickly , adding roughly 7m KW .

  27. 伊拉克、土耳其和沙特阿拉伯也有可能会修建更多的燃气发电厂。去年福岛核电站事故之后,日本也有可能开始新修燃气发电厂。

    Iraq , Turkey and Saudi Arabia are likely to build many new gas-fired stations ; as is Japan , after the Fukushima nuclear accident last year .

  28. 分析燃气发电厂安全性评价具体工作流程及方法,制定了适合燃气发电企业特色的安全性评价体系及评价标准。

    The flow and the method of safety evaluation are discussed , the evaluation system and evaluation standard in accordance with characteristics of gas power plant is established .

  29. 佐利克参观了为实现这一目标而实施的两个项目:位于阿比让的阿兹托燃气发电站和塞拉利昂的布姆布纳水电大坝项目。

    Zoellick visited two projects that have been created to reach that goal : the Azito gas-fired station in Abidjan and the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam in Sierra Leone .

  30. 最后,其他人指出,从北非国家运作的燃煤和燃气发电厂将可再生的太阳能动力划分出来也会是困难的。

    Lastly , others point out that it 'll be difficult to separate out the renewable solar power from the coal-and gas-fired power plants operated in north African countries .