
  • 网络The Burning Crusade;TBC
  1. 在原版《魔兽世界》的后期,以及《燃烧的远征》中,对“获得声望”及“获得声望奖励”是非常强调的;这已经被证明对于那些休闲玩家是个很大的激励。

    WarCry : In late vanilla World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade there has been a heavy emphasis on reputation grinding and rewards , which has proven to be a great incentive for more casual players .

  2. 随著《燃烧的远征》发布的临近,我们觉得是时候来对一个新引入的属性,战斗等级(暂译),做出更多的解释了。

    With the upcoming release of the Burning Crusade , we thought we would take the time to explain more on a new stat that we are introducing : Combat Ratings .

  3. 在设计《燃烧的远征》声望系统的经验中你得到了哪些经验呢?

    Any lessons you 've learned about such a system from Burning Crusade ?

  4. 并且他们仍然在等待燃烧的远征。

    And they are still waiting on bc .

  5. 我们从《燃烧的远征》中得到的另一个好主意是英雄难度副本。

    Another idea that we are bringing back from Burning Crusade is the heroic difficulty mode for dungeons .

  6. 大的教训,我们的教训哇黄金的燃烧的远征是,我们10人的情况非常普遍。

    The big lesson we learned from wow gold The Burning Crusade was that our ten-person instances are extremely popular .

  7. 要进入外域,你需要购买燃烧的远征,否则你不能进入此区域。

    To enter the Outland , you must have the Burning Crusade Expansion pack , otherwise you are not allowed to enter it .

  8. 我的意思是,我们起初在《燃烧的远征》中将外域的入口黑暗之门设计成恶魔群聚之所;而玩家们的反应非常恶劣。

    I mean , we originally had the entry to burning crusade 's Dark Portal as a bunch of cohorts walking around , and people reacted badly .

  9. 我们不希望猎人想在燃烧的远征中那样花费大量的宠物点数在抗性上边。

    We didn 't want hunters to have spend a big chunk of talent points just to get pet resistance up to where it is in Burning Crusade .

  10. 两年前发行的「魔兽世界」,不止是越来越强势,在一月中旬资料片燃烧的远征推出后,应会在2007年更突飞猛进。

    World of Warcraft , released over two years ago , isn 't just going strong , but looks prepared to come out of the gates flying in2007 with the release of the Burning Crusade expansion in mid-January .