
  • 网络combustion theory;Theory of Combustion
  1. 表面分析技术(XPS及SIMS)在固体推进剂燃烧理论研究中的应用

    Application of XPS and Sims to the study of combustion theory of solid propellant

  2. 以燃料不完全燃烧理论进行锅炉热力计算

    Heat Calculation in Boiler Design with the Incomplete Combustion Theory

  3. 激光激活氧分子助燃CH4/O2预混燃烧理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study on Premixed CH_4 / O_2 Combustion by Laser-Induced Excitation of Oxygen Molecules

  4. 进而从燃烧理论上解释了采用组合燃烧可以同时降低碳烟和NOx排放的原因。

    The findings provide theoretical explanation to why the compound combustion can decrease the PM and NO_x emissions simultaneously .

  5. 随着环保要求的提高,控制NOx的排放和研究低NOx煤粉燃烧理论及技术已成为煤粉燃烧领域的重要课题,其中再燃技术是一种常见的方法。

    By the reason of increase of environment protection issue , it is an important task that people control the emission of NO_X and study the theory of combustion of pulverized coal for low NO_X emission in the field of pulverized coal burning .

  6. 本文从燃烧理论和化学动力学角度分析了氢喷射火花点火氢发动机中氢空气混合气的燃烧及其NOx的形成,并着重描述了低NOx燃烧。

    In this paper , in a spark ignition injection hydrogen-fueled engine , the combustion process of hydrogen-air mixture and the mechanism of NOx formation are expounded on basis of the theory of combustion and chemical dynamics . At last , the combustion of low NOx formation is emphatically described .

  7. 多孔超高燃速推进剂的燃烧理论

    Combustion Theories of Porous Solid Propellants of Ultra-high Burn Rate

  8. 燃烧理论中热点火模型的数学分析

    Mathematical Analysis for the Fuel Ignition Model of Combustion Theory

  9. 高浓度煤粉燃烧理论和技术发展现状

    Developing Status in Combustion Theory and Technology of High Concentration Pulverized Coal

  10. 燃烧理论中的非线性奇摄动系统

    The Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed System for Theory of Combustion

  11. 固体复合推进剂稳态与侵蚀燃烧理论研究

    A theoretical investigation in steady state and erosive burning of solid composite propellants

  12. 亥姆霍兹共振器抑制振荡燃烧理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of combustion oscillation suppression with Helmholtz resonators

  13. 轻金属颗粒燃烧理论研究进展

    Progress in research on combustion theory of light-metal particles

  14. 柴油发动机富氧燃烧理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Oxygen-Enriched Combustion in Diesel Engines

  15. 论公司内部治理机制固体废弃物焚烧炉的燃烧理论

    The Mechanism of Internal Corporate Governance Discussion on Mechanism of Combustion for Common Incinerator

  16. 论实现共同富裕的机制固体废弃物焚烧炉的燃烧理论

    On Mechanism of Realizing Common Prosperity Discussion on Mechanism of Combustion for Common Incinerator

  17. 农地非农化过程中的社会燃烧理论研究

    Study on Land Conversion with Social Burning Theory

  18. 氢气在空气中超音速扩散燃烧理论计算

    Prediction of supersonic hydrogen diffusion flame new air

  19. 燃烧理论中的一类二阶方程的极限边值问题

    Limit boundary value problem for a class of the second order equation in combustion theory

  20. 科学燃烧理论的确立

    Establishment of the Scientific Theory of Burning

  21. 研究方法:社会物理学的社会燃烧理论。

    Herein Society burning theory is employed .

  22. 我国农村土地调整中的冲突研究&基于社会燃烧理论视角

    Research on the Conflict of China 's Rural Land Adjustment Based on Social Burning Theory

  23. 基于社会燃烧理论的中国土地储备制度产生与发展研究

    On the Origination and Developments of Land Banking System in China with Society Burning Theory

  24. 不完全燃烧理论在铜红釉烧成气氛研究中的应用

    The application of incomplete combustion theory in the study of firing atmosphere for copper red glaze

  25. 液体单元推进剂滴的高温高压非定常分解燃烧理论

    On theory of unsteady decomposition combustion for a liquid monopropellant droplet at high temperature and high pressure

  26. 结果表明:用不完全燃烧理论确定铜红釉烧成气氛是切实可行的;

    The results show that it is practicable to determine the firing atmosphere of copper red glaze by incomplete combustion theory .

  27. 第二章阐述社会燃烧理论基本内涵,在此基础上搭建了分析框架。

    The second chapter expatiate the basic connotation of burning theory , and based on which also build an analysis framework .

  28. 研究了一类来源于燃烧理论的半线性非局部反应扩散方程组。

    A class of nonlocal reaction diffusion systems with the Neumann boundary condition that arose from the theory of ignition is studied .

  29. 建立了基于发动机燃烧理论分析的柴油机烟雾排放量计算模型;通过实际道路试验,研究了柴油机烟雾排放的速度特性;

    Based on the analysis of engine combustion theory , an experiment study mathematical model of smog emission amount of diesel is built up .

  30. 并依据高分子材料燃烧理论和磷、溴、氮元素的阻燃机理及结炭理论,设计合成了七个新型有机阻燃剂。

    New flame retardants are synthesized according to the burning theory of polymeric materials , the mechanism of Phosphorus , Bromine , Nitrogen and carbonizing theory .