
  • 网络Fuel Company;FBFC;GNF;ANCAP;FuelCo;NFAL
  1. 专注于能源领域的美国私人股本集团firstreserve将于本周公布一项计划,将数亿美元资金投向一家由两名铀工业资深人士掌管的核燃料公司。

    First reserve , the US private equity group specialising in energy , will this week unveil plans to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a nuclear fuel venture headed by two uranium industry veterans .

  2. Aurora生物燃料公司的魏斯曼自从上个世纪70年代的石油危机以来一直在研究种植海藻作为燃油的可能性。

    Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s .

  3. 活动人士称,合计控制着约2.6万亿美元资产的投资者承诺,将缩减或出清他们在化石燃料公司持有的股份。此举标志着,“撤资运动”(divestmentmovement)的势头正日益高涨。

    Investors controlling about $ 2.6tn in total assets have made commitments to cut back or sell out of their holdings in fossil fuel companies , campaigners say , signalling the growing momentum of the divestment movement .

  4. 演员莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)周二公开向这场运动表示支持。在这场运动中,有逾2000名个人和400家机构致力于从化石燃料公司撤资。

    The actor Leonardo DiCaprio on Tuesday lent his name to the campaign of more than 2000 individuals and 400 institutions who are committed to pulling money out of fossil fuel companies .

  5. 生物燃料公司表示,环保局是在向产业施加压力。

    Biofuel companies say the agency is bulling to industry pressure .

  6. 浅谈燃料公司煤质管理工作思路和想法

    Discussion on thought and idea about the work of coal quality management

  7. 并成功地应用于西安市某燃料公司的油库的危险源辨识与评价当中。

    And this system has successfully been used in the fuel corporation .

  8. 航空燃气涡轮发动机燃料公司生产燃气涡轮发动机的系列部件。

    The company manufactures a range of components for aerospace gas turbine engines .

  9. 此前,缅因和马萨诸塞州的两所大学同意撤回它们对化石燃料公司的投资。

    The Seattle move comes after two colleges in Maine and Massachusetts agreed to purge their portfolios of fossil fuel investments .

  10. 这些对化学工程师不无关系。例如英国核燃料公司就是英国化学工程师的最大雇主之一。

    These are no trivial matter however ; for example British Nuclear Fuels are one of the largest employers of British chemical engineers .

  11. 卫生部在一份声明中说,它正在跟一家泰国燃料公司合作,准备在首都曼谷周围以及主要城际公路上的21个加油站提供这一服务。

    The ministry , in a statement , said it was working with a Thai fuel company to provide the services in21 gas stations on major inter-city highways and around the capital Bangkok .

  12. 为了进一步提高经济效益,新墨西哥州的天空燃料公司正在利用低价的反光薄膜来代替造价昂贵的曲面玻璃镜。

    To improve the economics still further , SkyFuel , a firm based in New Mexico , is replacing curved glass mirrors , which are expensive to make , with a thin , reflective low-cost film .

  13. 介绍了为吉林燃料乙醇公司设计的50MW高压循环流化床锅炉设计方案,预期运行性能和设计特点。

    The design scheme , expected function and design characteristics of the boiler for Jilin Fuel Co. are introduced herein .

  14. 这正是那些正在研究新一代生物燃料的公司想要改变的。

    This is what companies working on a new generation of biofuels want to change .

  15. 这家公司刚刚将它的最新设计授权给了美国的“未来燃料”公司。

    The company has just licensed its latest design to Future Fuels in the United States .

  16. 中国船舶燃料供应公司

    China Ship Fueling Company

  17. 富源低热值燃料热电公司在电厂初步设计过程中贯彻了煤炭资源综合利用、热电联产、循环经济等理念;

    Firstly , the idea of comprehensive coal utilization , co-production of thermoelectricity and implemented in the preliminary design for the power plant ;

  18. 燃煤电厂的大量增长将让致力于非化石燃料的公司更难盈利,因为燃煤电厂更容易从国有的电网公司获得入网合同。

    The addition of a large number of such plants would make it harder for companies specializing in non-fossil-fuel energy to be profitable because coal-fired plants can more easily secure contracts with the major state-owned electrical grid companies .

  19. 这种叫e-diesel的燃料是奥迪公司与德国Dresden工厂的Sunfire公司联合开发的,用的是一种简单但是先进的技术。

    Called e-diesel , the fuel developed in collaboration with Dresden-based Sunfire , was created in a lab using a simple but innovative technique .

  20. 例如苹果公司就在研究为其手机和笔记本电脑配备燃料电池。公司今年还获得了一项系统专利,该系统据称可以连续几周为苹果设备供电。

    Apple , for example , is investigating using fuel cells to power its phones and laptops , and this year was granted a patent for a system it claimed could power its devices for weeks .

  21. 由于煤炭市场影响以及为降低燃料成本,公司采用大比例掺烧无烟煤,锅炉飞灰可燃物升高较多。

    Because of the coal market and in order to cut the cost of fuel , the company puts into use high range anthracite coal co-firing but unburned combustible content in fly ash of the boiler increases .

  22. 美国最新的NOX排放规定要求中西部燃用化石燃料的公用事业公司必须继续购买和安装昂贵的选择性催化还原(SCR)系统。

    The latest round of NO_X emissions rules make clear that , over the next few years , midwestern fossil-fueled utilities will have no choice but to continue buying and installing costly selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) systems .

  23. 明显地,燃料占中国航空公司运营成本的40%。

    Fuel typically accounts for40 percent of Chinese airlines'operating costs .

  24. 因为燃料涨价,航空公司已获准收附加费。

    The airlines have been given permission to surcharge because of increased fuel costs .

  25. 目前,移走废弃的核燃料是东京电力公司和日本政府将面临的主要挑战之一,也是工作的重点。

    For now , removal of the spent nuclear fuel is one of the main challenges that both Tokyo Electric Power Company and the government will be focusing on .

  26. 据英国石油公司内部人士称,除了支付给参与“滤油”渔民的伙食费和燃料费外,公司每天还要给他们支付1200美元到1300美元。

    A BP source says the company is paying them between $ 1,200 and $ 3,000 a day , in addition to which they are reimbursed for their meals and fuel .