
  • 网络geothermal development
  1. WR45-2D井是一口地热开发定向并,起钻工井深586.97m处发生键槽卡钻。

    The well ( WR 45-2D ) is a geothermal development directional well . A keyseat sticking happened at the depth of 586 . 97m , which can not be released by running bumper jars .

  2. 西安地热开发是否存在其它的开发模式和开采途径?

    Geothermal development , is there exploit mode and exploit route in Xi'an ?

  3. 老第三系(E)是河南平原地热开发基底,新第三系(N)是主要热储层和开采层。

    Eogene System is the fundus of terrestrial heat exploitation and Neogene System is the principal heat reservoir and exploitation bed of Henan plain .

  4. 对6000m深的高温岩体地热开发进行了详细的数值分析,揭示了:(1)岩体温度随地热提取降低及其分布变化的规律;

    The following are revealed : ( 1 ) drop of rock temperature with the heat extraction and the distribution variation ;

  5. 介绍了对美国FentonHill(芬登山)地区高温岩体地热开发所作的投资分析,以及应用MIT经济模型进行的高温岩体地热发电开发成本的预测与评价。

    This paper introduces the investment analysis of HDR geothermal exploitation at Fenton Hill in USA. It also introduced the forecast and evaluation of electricity cost of HDR geothermal exploitation using MIT economic model . The conclusions are as follows .

  6. 地热开发利用过程中的环境效应及环境保护

    Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact of Geothermal Development and Utilization

  7. 物探测井技术在地热开发勘探中的应用研究

    The application study of geophysical well logging in Geothermal Survey

  8. 地热开发利用的环境质量评价

    Environmental quality impact assessment in geothermal development and utilization

  9. 雄胜高温岩体地热开发的数值计算进展

    Progress on numerical modeling of geothermal extraction development for Ogachi hot dry rocks

  10. 北京延庆地区地热开发对水文地质条件的影响

    Effect of hydrogeological condition due to geothermal development in the Yanqing District of Beijing

  11. 物探测井在地热开发中的应用

    The Application of Geophysical Logging to Geothermal Development

  12. 腐蚀与结垢是地热开发利用中普遍存在的问题。

    Corrosion and scaling are the general problems in developing and using geothermal resource .

  13. 回路热管在中、低温地热开发中的应用

    Application of loop heat pipe to geothermal exploration

  14. 地热开发应用及效益评价

    Development and benefit evaluation of geothermal energy

  15. 高温岩体地热开发的块裂介质固流热耦合三维数值模拟

    3D numerical simulation for coupled THM of rock matrix-fractured media in heat extraction in HDR

  16. 浅议地热开发利用中的环境影响及其防治措施

    On Environmental Impact in the Course of Development and Utilization of Geothermal Resources and Prevention Measures

  17. 地下热水回灌是处理地热开发利用中所引发的热储层压力降低和弃水污染环境等问题的有效方法。

    Geothermal water reinjection is an effective method to solve the problems caused by geothermal exploitation and utilization .

  18. 地热开发对王3、王4井水化学动态的影响及其原因分析

    Analysis on effect and cause of water chemistry behavior in WANG-3 and WANG-4 wells due to geothermal exploitation

  19. 高温岩体地热开发中首先需要解决的问题是深钻施工。

    In the process of hot dry rock ( HDR ) geothermal energy development , the first issue to be resolved is deep drilling .

  20. 项目内容:项目主要从事温泉地热开发,度假、休闲、娱乐、旅游、会展、培训、购物等方面设施的综合性开发建设经营。

    Project Contents : The project is main to develop travel , shopping , play , Leisure , meet and other compressive construction and operation .

  21. 水层深度遥测仪地热开发要避开油气层,石油开发要防止污染地热储水层。

    A Water Layer Depth Telemeter Geothermal exploration should avoid oil and gas strata , and oil exploration should prevent geothermal reservoir bed from pollution .

  22. 建立了高温岩体地热开发的块裂介质固、流、热多场耦合数学模型,模型控制方程包括完全耦合的变形方程、渗流方程、热传导与对流方程,描述了热储层的非线性特性。

    The control equation consist of completely coupled deformation equation , seepage equation , conduction and convection equation of heat , which describe the reservoir non-liner performance .

  23. 高温岩体地热开发及核废料的地下处置等需要对高温高压下花岗岩体的力学行为进行深入细致研究。

    Extracting heat from hot dry rock ( HDR ) and nuclear waste disposal both need researches on granite mechanical characteristics at high temperature and high pressure in depth .

  24. 最后根据当地地热开发中存在的问题结合当前地热研究的热点,提出了几点地热可持续开发的建议。

    At last , according to the local geothermal development problems and the hot spots of research in the current combination of geothermal , raised a number of advices .

  25. 在地热开发过程中经常遇到如下问题:热储压力随开采量和时间的增加而降低,地热尾水排放造成热污染和资源浪费等。

    The pressure of geothermal reservoir declines as volumes of geothermal water is pumped , and heat pollution and waste of resource are caused by discarded geothermal water during the process of geothermal exploitation .

  26. 本文展望了我省地热开发利用前景,对实现地热产业化所具备的有利条件作了阐述,提出了发展地热产业的建议。

    The exploitation and application of geothermal resources in our province are prospected , the favorable conditions of realization of geothermal industry are expounded and the advice of development of geothermal industry are put forward in this paper .

  27. 天津市地热资源开发及可持续利用研究

    The sustainable development and utilization of the geothermal resources in Tianjin

  28. 浅谈湖北省浅层地热能开发管理与环境保护

    Discussion on Development Management of Shallow Geothermal Energy and Environmental Protection

  29. 河南省地热勘探开发的形势与任务

    The situation and task of the geothermal exploration and development in Henan

  30. 江苏浅层低温位地热资源开发利用前景

    Exploitation prospect of shallow and low temperature geoheat resources in Jiangsu Province