
  • 网络address translation;Address Map
  1. 本文结合WindowsXPSP2版本提出地址变换公式。

    The thesis offers address translation formula with Windows XP SP2 edition .

  2. NAT对内网主机的出网数据包进行网络地址变换,内网主机可以使用保留地址上网,外网主机无法直接访问内网主机,从而实现单向通信。

    NAT would do network address translation for outbound packet so that inside hosts can use reserved IP addresses and outside hosts can not visit inside ones directly to realize one-way communication .

  3. 本文提出了一种用于LED显示屏设计中的帧存贮器读地址变换方法。

    Abstract A new method is proposed , which can be used to convert the read address for frame memory in designing of LED display screen .

  4. 本文阐述了图象灰度BIT位动态显示和地址变换动态显示的硬件技术,并提出了一种用于伽玛图象动态显示的方法。

    In this paper , the hardware techniques of dynamic image and graphics display is described , and a method of dynamic gamma image display is proposed .

  5. 介绍在LED显示屏异步控制系统中基于CPLD的设计方法,对实际应用中涉及的分组分块的概念和地址变换进行了说明。

    To design the asynchronous control system of LED display , a method based on CPLD is described , including the main ideas of group-dividing and block-dividing and address transforming in practical applications .

  6. 地址变换缓冲器TLB(TranslateLook-asideBuffer)加快了处理器中虚拟地址向物理地址的转换,但地址映射过程往往处于关键路径上。

    Translate Look-aside Buffer ( TLB ) accelerates the address transition rate from virtual address to physical address in processor , but the address mapping process is often on the critical path .

  7. 因此高性能处理器必须通过优化TLB的性能,才能使地址变换的延迟满足系统高速访存的要求。

    Therefore , high-performance processor must optimize the TLB in order to reduce the address translation delay , only in this way can meet the system requirements of high-speed memory access .

  8. 深入了解IA-32体系结构中保护模式的功能,包括三种工作模式、地址变换机制、任务管理机制和异常调试机制。

    Studied the fuction of IA-32 protected mode , including three working modes , address transform mechanism , task management mechanism and exception debugging mechanism .

  9. 存储性能和多级地址变换

    Memory performance and multi - level algorithm of address transformation

  10. 一种帧存贮器读地址变换方法

    A Method of Address Conversion for Frame Memory

  11. 本文使用进程和物理内存的观点来研究地址变换,清晰的说明了任意进程的虚拟地址空间如何在物理地址空间中定位。

    The address translation is researched by the view of process and physical memory in this thesis . It is clearly shown that how to localize the virtual address space of any process in the physical address space .

  12. 并行存储处理器包括并行存储处理阵列、地址变换模块、数据并行输入模块和输出模块四个功能部件,其中并行存储处理阵列是整个并行存储处理器的核心。

    The parallel storage processor includes four parts : parallel storage process arry , address transformation module , data parallel input module and output module . The parallel storage process array is the main body of parallel storage processor .

  13. 详述了无线语音通信系统的通信协议;给出系统初始化、音频输入和数据发送、数据接收和音频输出、跳频和地址变换模块的程序流程图和主要代码。

    Details of the wireless voice communication system communication protocol ; given system initialization , the audio input and data transmission , data reception and audio output , frequency hopping and address transformation module program flow chart and the main code .

  14. 通过对walsh序列地址码做一变换,提出了利用光纤布拉格步进啁啾光栅实现OCDMA编/解码的方法。

    By mapping Walsh sequence , the paper bring forward a method which implement the encoder and decode of OCDMA system utilizing step chirped fiber grating .

  15. 在虚存模式下,虚拟地址到物理地址的变换是流水线中最频繁的核心服务,容易处于决定处理器时钟周期的关键路径上。

    In virtual addressing scheme , the translation from virtual address to physical address is one of the highest frequency core service in the pipe line , and tends to be on the critical path determining the clock cycle of the processor .

  16. 内存管理采用的是分页管理的模式,利用页目录和页表来完成线性地址与物理地址之间的变换。

    Memory module uses dividing page to transform virtual address to physical adderss .

  17. 显示某台机子的私有和公共ip地址,并可以提示你地址的变换。

    Shows ones Private and Public IP address and alerts you of changes .

  18. Windows操作系统采用请求分页的虚拟存储管理技术,通过在虚拟地址空间的页与物理地址空间的页之间建立映射,实现虚拟地址到物理地址的变换。

    Windows operating system using paged virtual memory management technology . The translation from virtual address to physical address is realized by establishing page mapping from virtual address space to physical address space .