
ɡuān lián tú
  • association graph
  1. 基于术语关联图的查询重组

    Query reorganization based on term association graph

  2. 通过对不同警报的前提和结果进行匹配,得到警报之间的因果关系,并用超报警关联图的形式来形象地揭示这种关系。

    Through matching the preconditions with the consequence of different alerts , correlation based on causality among different alerts which was also vividly revealed by hyperalert association graph was found .

  3. 基于概率关联图挖掘Web日志中有趣关联规则

    Mining Interesting Association Rules from Web Logs Based on Probability Association Graph

  4. C5关联图的圆染色

    Circular Coloring of Incidence Graph of C_5

  5. 基于地址关联图的分布式IDS报警关联算法

    An algorithm of alert correlation based on address correlation graph in distributed intrusion detection system

  6. 协同关联图MCM是协同工作流建模的新方法。

    Multi-Context Map ( MCM ) is a new modeling method for collaborative work .

  7. 本文结合MEMS的层次性特点,提出了增强关联图的组装模型,并在组装关系纵横分类基础上,提出增强关联图的简化算法,最终采用拆卸法完成组装顺序的规划。

    This paper combines the characteristics of MEMS , put forward an enhanced liaison diagram as assembly model , and solve sequence planning with disassembly method .

  8. 第四章提出了一个基于PersonalizedPageRank和交叉关联图的跨媒体检索的方法。

    In chapter four , we introduce another cross-media retrieval algorithm , which is based on Personalized PageRank and cross-reference graph .

  9. 介绍了关联图法等七种新的QC方法及其在企业实施ISO9000过程中的作用。

    In this paper , seven new methods used for quality control such as relationship diagram and its effects on the implementation of ISO9000 is discussed .

  10. 其中,关联图分析法是一种比较通用的方法,它是基于两个关联图:触发图(TG)和激活图(AG)。

    Among these methods , a common method named conjunction graph , which based on two graphs : the triggering graph and activation graph . It is the most generally applied approach to rule analysis .

  11. 其次,根据ASP与DFA集成系统的需求,设计出了一种包含装配草图、装配关联图信息、装配结构树图、零件设计参数和连接参数等信息的装配模型结构。

    Apart from the assembly draft and liaisons diagram information , the assembly tree structure , parts parameters and liaisons parameters , etc. , are also included in this assembly model .

  12. 协同工作关联图(MCM)和活动状态联接图(CLM)是协同工作过程建模新方法。

    It introduces a new modeling method , which uses Multi-context Map ( MCM ) and Collaborative Linkage Map ( CLM ) for collaboration task .

  13. 文章对ERP中质量功能完善后的各模块进行集成分析,建立了集成系统的质量信息关联图模型,提出了基于PDM的集成,实现了ERP中各模块之间的质量信息共享。

    The article does integration analysis to each module featured , establishes the quality information associated graph model of integrated system , proposes the integration based on PDM , realizes the quality information in ERP sharing between modules .

  14. Eckert填料层压降通用关联图的关联与应用

    Correlations and Applications of Eckert 's Current Correlative Graph of the Pressure Drop of Packing Layer

  15. 以化工实验中的传热数据处理为例,用Excel创建了努塞尔准数与雷诺准数间的关联图,建立了准数关联式,验证了相关的理论。

    With an example of heat transfer data processing in chemical engineering experiment , the figure of Nu number & Re number was described using Excel , the number relational expression was founded , the correlative theory was validated .

  16. 该算法用地址关联图模型对分布式IDS原始报警事件进行分析,以得到不同攻击之间的关联和发生步骤,得到攻击者的攻击路径,进而分析攻击者的意图。

    The algorithm can be used to analyze the original alerts with ACG model , which can get the intrusion path of attackers through the relation and steps of different attacks , and then analyze the intension of attackers .

  17. 按照应用于管理决策KBS的原型系统思想,首先在对涉及决策环境进行结构化分析基础上,相继产生结构化情景图和关联图及其它所需文档。

    According to the thought of KBS , basing on the structural analysis of decision situation , the structural situation diagram , dependency diagram and other documents are produced .

  18. 对Eckert的通用关联图进行了回归,得到了分段的关联式,计算的最大误差为18.5%,平均误差为4.96%,可以满足工程设计计算的要求。

    Several relevant correlations were obtained by regressing Eckert 's current correlative graph . The max. error in calculation is 18.5 % , and the average error 4.96 % .

  19. 通过改进PersonalizedPageRank算法并将其应用到交叉关联图上,仿照对网页按重要性排序来对媒体对象按相似性排序,取得了令人满意的跨媒体检索的效果。

    We improve the Personalized PageRank and apply it to the cross-reference graph , so that we can rank the media objects according to their similarity with the query , just as PageRank do according to webpages ' importance . The result of this algorithm is satisfying .

  20. 其中,区域定位算法BCA提出了基于区域关联图的概念,设计了精确的区域判定机制;点定位算法SGL提出了基于格划分的概率定位算法,有效提高了定位精度。

    The region algorithm BCA proposes the concept based on region incidence graph , designs a precise mechanism to determine the region ; the point location algorithm SGL proposes the probability location algorithm based on the mesh , effectively improve the location accuracy .

  21. 用本模型对大庆汽油和煤油共17种油品200个恩氏蒸馏数据点预测值的平均相对误差为1.59%,而同样油品按目前沿用的Edmister关联图预测的误差则为3.25%。

    The average relative error of the proposed simulation method is 1.59 % for 200 data from 17 Daqing gasoline and kerosene fractions while the conventional Edmister graphs give errors over 3.25 % for the same stocks .

  22. 利用模糊聚类实现入侵检测告警关联图的重构

    Using fuzzy clustering to reconstruct alert correlation graph of intrusion detection

  23. 基于界面构件关联图的软件功能测试技术

    Software functional testing technology based on interface component relating chart

  24. 一维逻辑门布局和门-网关联图

    One Dimensional Logical Gate Placement and Gate-Net Connection Graph

  25. 关联图与主动规则集的终止性分析

    Relationship Graph and Termination Analysis for Active Rule Set

  26. 地震活动关联图与新疆的强震

    Correlative images of seismic activities and Xinjiang strong earthquakes

  27. 决策信息的关联图评估方法

    The method of evaluating relevance diagrams on decision information

  28. 关联图采用超图描述了特性之间的关联关系。

    Dependency graph ( DG ) described the relationship among propertied by hypergraph .

  29. 基于面向对象技术,描述了事物特性表的特性、约束集和关联图。

    SML 's properties , constraint set and dependency graph were mainly described .

  30. 模拟移动床操作状态关联图

    Correlation chart of operating state of simulating translating bed