
zhù rán
  • combustion-supporting;helping to combust
助燃 [zhù rán]
  • [ combustion-supporting] 帮助另一种物质燃烧的

  • 助燃气体

助燃[zhù rán]
  1. 非贵金属复合氧化物CO助燃剂及其研究进展

    Progress on study of CO combustion-supporting agent from composite oxides of non-noble metals

  2. 提出了以少量 ̄(239)Pu作为助燃剂,用以提高包层能量倍增的概念。

    A conception that the energy gain could be improved through using the 239Pu as a combustion-supporting material has been developed .

  3. 钙钛矿结构的金属氧化物CO助燃剂

    CO combustion promotor consisted of metal oxide with perovskite structure

  4. CO助燃剂的研制与评价

    Preparation And Evaluation of CO Combustion - Supporting Agents

  5. 助燃剂为CO2+O2的燃烧方式实验研究

    Experimental study on the way of combustion with CO_2 + O_2 as combustion-supporting gas

  6. 国内外催化裂化CO助燃剂的现状与进展

    Present Situation and Development of CO Combustion Promotor

  7. 新型5号CO助燃剂性能研究及其应用

    Study of the Performance of Novel CO Combustion Promotor and its Application in Commercial Scale

  8. 一种非贵金属CO助燃剂抗硫和硫转移性能的研究

    Study on sulfur resistance and sulfur transfer performance of a CO combustion promoter without noble metal

  9. 研究开发了一种非贵金属CO助燃剂及其制备方法。

    A method to prepare perofskite metal oxide used as non-noble metal CO combustion catalyst was developed .

  10. GC-MS分析焚尸案中的助燃剂残留成分

    Determination of Oxidizer Remained Fraction in Case by GC - MS

  11. 空气助燃超音速火焰喷涂WC涂层的性能及应用

    Properties and Application of WC Coating Prepared by High Velocity Air Fuel

  12. 中国利率不断下降,而美联储(FederalReserve)预计很快将开始加息,也助燃了资本外流。

    Falling interest rates in China and expectations of an imminent rate rise by the US Federal Reserve have also fuelled outflows .

  13. 激光激活氧分子助燃CH4/O2预混燃烧理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study on Premixed CH_4 / O_2 Combustion by Laser-Induced Excitation of Oxygen Molecules

  14. 本文在前期研制的硫转移剂中,引入铜,并适当调整铈的用量,制备出了硫转移和CO助燃双功能助剂。

    Through introducing Cu and adjusting the amount of Ce in the sulfur transfer additives , a bifunctional additive combining SO2 removal and CO combustion was prepared .

  15. 本文对燃煤添加剂CuO、Al2O3和纳米TiO2助燃固硫进行了实验研究。

    Experiment research of combustion desulfurization by additives such as CuO 、 Al2O3 and nano-TiO2 is studied in this work .

  16. 结合FP降氮助燃剂的试用对NOx的控制方法做了简要介绍。

    In combination with test application of FP de-nitrogen combustion improver , the way of NO x control was introduced briefly .

  17. 当助燃空气温度较高以及辐射管表面温度增加时,对烟气中NOx的浓度有一定的影响。

    With the rise of combustion air temperature and the temperature on radiant tube surface , the generation of NOx can also be affected to some extent .

  18. 在CAI不能工作,而火花助燃HCCI能稳定工作的工况,点火脉冲个数和脉冲间隔对燃烧有一定影响。

    Under the condition that CAI cannot work but HCCI with spark assistance can stably work , pulses times and pulses intervals can influence combustion .

  19. 对合成射流激励助燃风影响NOx生成进行了实验研究,主要考察了合成射流频率、幅值对燃烧器内掺混区时均速度、NOx含量、温度等参数分布的影响。

    The experimental investigation to reduce NO_ ( x ) emission in gas burner using synthetic jet actuator with various parameters of frequency and amplitude has been carried out .

  20. 本文通过对臭氧助燃机理分析,设计了臭氧发生器,并将其应用于295柴油机,PM降低14.3~22.5%。

    Through making analyses for ozone combustion-supporting mechanism , this paper designs an ozonator and applies it on the Model 295 diesel engine , PM reducing about 14.3 ~ 22.5 % .

  21. 与第一代工业用助燃剂相比,铂用量节省30%~56%,金属保留率由130%提高到260%,充分发挥了活性组分铂催化氧化CO的作用。

    This novel promoter has reduced the comsumption of platinum by 30 to56 % and increased the metal retention rate from the previous 130 % to 260 % compared with the first generation of commercial CO promotor .

  22. 有关方面所提议的管控,将迫使英国石油在排气系统升级上进行投资,即在炼油厂所爆炸之处安装一个安全助燃功能(flare)。

    The proposed controls would have forced BP to invest in upgrading the exhaust system on the unit at the refinery that exploded to include a flare .

  23. 结果表明,此催化剂的CO氧化活性在高温区略低于现行的铂系助燃剂,而烧炭速度和去焦能力却优于铂系助燃剂。

    The results show that the high temperature catalytic activities of CO oxidation is slightly inferior to that of the currently used Pt containing promoter while the carbon combustion rate is superior to that of the promoter containing Pt .

  24. 根据实验数据分析了不同煤气流量、助燃剂的构成对燃烧室内部温度及出口温度、NO及CO分布的影响。

    In addition , the influences the different coal gas flow rate and composition of combustion-supporting gas on the temperature in the combusting chamber , outlet temperature and distribution of NO and CO of are analysed based on experimental data .

  25. 针对石油化工企业污水处理、富氧助燃和PTA氧化等工艺对富氧空气的需求,分析了回收深冷制氮设备所产生富氧空气的可行性。

    To meet the requirements from sewage treatment , oxygen-rich combustion and PTA oxidation in petrochemical enterprises , the feasibility of recovering oxygen-rich air from cryogenic nitrogen-producing device is analyzed .

  26. 用AlCuO作为助燃剂,提高自蔓延燃烧温度和燃烧速度,并减少陶瓷中FeAl2O4的含量。

    Al CuO acting as combustion supporting agent can increase combustion rate and combustion temperature , and decrease the FeAl 2O 4 content of ceramics .

  27. 设计装有DPF及其喷油助燃再生装置的发动机实验台架,实时采集油耗与DPF背压数据,利用MATLAB建立DPF再生排气背压MAP。

    To design the test-bed for diesel engine with a burner-type DPF , and gather the real-time fuel consumption and DPF back-pressure , the DPF regeneration exhaust back-pressure MAP was built with MATLAB .

  28. 在轧机加热炉上使用纯氧作助燃燃料,比矿物燃料效率高并且减少了氧化氮NOX及二氧化碳CO2的排放量,同时提高了工厂的生产率和灵活性。

    The use of pure oxygen for fuel combustion in reheating furnace for rolling mills delivers more efficient use of fossil fuel and reduced NOx and CO2 emissions . Also productivity and plant flexibility can be improved .

  29. 在800℃下,用含氧的氮气将新助燃剂老化3h,或用100%水蒸气老化2h,可以自实验室模拟老化到平衡活性的水平。

    This equilibrium activity can be simulated by passing nitrogen containing oxygen or water vapor through new Pt / Al 2O 3 promoter at 800 ℃ for 3 or 2h , respectively .

  30. 对CuOCoO/Al2O3和CuOCe2O3/Al2O3助燃剂受H2还原时间、还原H2含量,以及多次还原氧化循环处理后对CO氧化活性的影响在实验室进行了研究。

    Effects of hydrogen reduction time , hydrogen content and redox circulation on CO oxidation activities of CuO CoO / Al 2O 3 and CuO Ce 2O 3 / Al 2O 3 combustion promotors were investigated .