
zhù shǒu
  • assistant;aide;helper;second;acolyte;sidekick;ancillary;amanuensis
助手 [zhù shǒu]
  • [assistant;helper] 协助他人办事的人

助手[zhù shǒu]
  1. TFK的家庭作业助手有很多有用的工具和提示,可以帮助你更好地完成家庭作业。

    TFK 's Homework Helper has many useful tools with tips to help you do your homework better .

  2. 助手T细胞把受抗体出现而遭到刺激并增殖的B细胞变为分泌抗体的细胞,也就是浆细胞。

    Helper T cells induce B cells stimulated by the presence of antigen to proliferate into antibody-secreting cells , or plasma cells .

  3. 我不在期间,由我的助手代替我。

    My assistant will stand in for me while I 'm away .

  4. 他给一位明先生当助手。

    He worked as an assistant to one Mr Ming .

  5. 现在我的助手将演示机器运转情况。

    My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action .

  6. 她总是哄骗她的助手做最苦的差事。

    She 's always palming the worst jobs off on her assistant .

  7. 我把这些会议的大部分筹备工作留给我的助手。

    I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant .

  8. 总统会见了白宫的高级助手。

    The President met with senior White House aides .

  9. 实验室助手穿着一件白罩衣。

    The lab assistant was wearing a white overall .

  10. 那女助手噘起了嘴。

    The assistant pursed her lips .

  11. 一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。

    An aide was already spinning the senator 's defeat as ' almost as good as an outright win ' .

  12. 她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。

    Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police

  13. 他是鲁珀特·默多克在国际新闻公司的得力助手。

    He is Rupert Murdoch 's right-hand man at News International .

  14. 首相已听取了她议会助手的简要汇报。

    The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides .

  15. 助手坐在他身旁的一张桌子上埋头打字。

    An assistant sat typing away at a table beside him

  16. 我有两个助手协助经营。

    I have two assistants who help with the admin .

  17. 他被亲密助手的背叛深深地伤害了。

    He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides

  18. 阿米德医生的助手是一位年轻的亚裔护士。

    Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse .

  19. 营销人员在助手的陪同下参加了会议。

    The salesman had been accompanied to the meeting by an assistant .

  20. 他老是记不起把自己阅读时用的放大镜放在什么地方,所以助手们会随身携带备用的。

    He misplaces his reading glasses with such regularity that aides carry extras

  21. 一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。

    A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly

  22. 索菲亚·彼得罗夫娜拉拢娜塔莎做她的助手。

    Sofia Petrovna co-opted Natasha as her assistant .

  23. 他因贴身助手和老朋友的背叛而深受伤害。

    He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides and old friends .

  24. 我想他应该成为总统的得力助手。

    I think he ought to be at the right hand of the president .

  25. 那位助手继续对同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。

    The assistant carried on talking to his mate , name-dropping all the famous riders he knew

  26. 他对助手们喊道:“我赢了!我赢了!”

    He shouted to his seconds , ' I did it ! I did it ! '

  27. 当他的一位助手牵涉进一起金融丑闻时,他被迫辞职。

    He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal

  28. 他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。

    He was my right-hand man , my lieutenant on the field , a cool , calculated footballer .

  29. 他不得不将向潜在客户测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。

    He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers

  30. 她对待自己的助手太苛刻了。

    She is too hard on her assistant .