
zhù lǐ kuài jì shī
  • assistant accountant
  1. 2003年取得全国助理会计师职称。

    In2003 the national Assistant Accountant titles .

  2. 至少助理会计师;

    Assistant accountant is minimum .

  3. 助理会计师职称,熟悉国家财务制度和相关政策法规。

    I got my assistant accountant title , and be familiar with national finance system and relating policy laws .

  4. 任命了一位助理会计师,负责财务会计工作。会计主任集中精力搞管理会计。

    An assistant accountant was appointed to take charge of the Financial Accounting procedures and the Chief Accountant concentrated on the Management Accounts .

  5. 我以为那是一位加班的助理律师或会计师,便回答:“哪也不去,女士。我只是晚上来锁门的。”突然事情变得很恐怖!

    Thinking that the voice came from a paralegal or accountant working late I said , " Nowhere Ma'am , I am just locking up for the night . " Then it got REALLY hairy !