
  • 网络Subsidy income;Subsidiary Income
  1. 退耕还林对农民的总收入带来正效应,但不显著,在不计补助收入的情况下,表现为负效应;

    ( 2 ) It leads to increasing in farmers ' total income .

  2. 在财政补助收入大幅增加的情况下,乡镇卫生院对药品收入的依赖程度有所降低。

    It is found that township hospitals were in deficit excluding drug income and expenditure , and the deficit was growing .

  3. 我国公立医院获得补偿的主要渠道是医疗服务收入,政府补助收入和药品加成收入。

    In the public hospitals in China , there are three compensation ways for hospital expenditures : medical care revenue , drug revenue and government subsidies .

  4. 显示网站资讯揭露程度较高、补助收入较多、人事费用投入较多及服务价格较低的组织,较易获得捐款人的认同,故其捐款收入较高。

    Hence NPOs with higher IDL , grant revenue , and personnel expense , or lower service price , will get more trust and donations from donators .

  5. 长期以来,基层医疗卫生机构补偿来源由三部分组成:政府补助收入、医疗服务收费和药品收入。

    For a long time , the fund of the primary medical and health institutions consist of three parts : government subsidy , medical service and medicine charges .

  6. 我们将废除学生贷款,恢复学生的住房补助和收入支持制度。

    We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support .

  7. 美国有三分之一以上的农民实际上是兼职农民,他们还干些非农业活来补助其收入的不足。

    One-third or more of American farmers are really only part-time farmers ; they also hold non-farm jobs to supplement their incomes .

  8. Squeezedmiddle所指的人群既不属于那些靠政府福利补助的低收入者,也不是金融危机也无法撼动的大富豪。

    The term squeezed middle refers to those people who neither fall into the lowest income category , where they might get support from the welfare state , nor count among the country 's top earners , for whom financial cutbacks have little personal impact .

  9. 比起美国,欧洲的政府在大众教育上的投资步调慢了一拍,但是很多大陆国家建立起了比英国更大的福利国家,并有着慷慨的失业救济金、儿童补助金和收入补助。

    Governments in Europe were slower than in America to invest in mass education , but many continental countries built even bigger Welfare States than Britain , with generous jobless benefits , child subsidies and income support .

  10. 政府补助仅占医院收入的一小部分。

    Government subsidies account for a tiny amount of hospitals'revenue .

  11. 前者的高收入比较依赖于药品收入,而后者则主要依赖政府财政补助和医疗服务收入。

    The former mainly relies on drug income , and the latter is mainly dependent on government financial assistance and medical services .