- shim rod

The auto-startup and power regulating system is one of the important control system of CARR , which control the neutron flux manually or automatically by control the movement of 6 control rods ( 2 safety rods , 4 shim rods ) manually or automatically .
Compensation of Laser Phase Aberration Caused by Damaged Laser Rod Based on SBS
We use Gires Tournois interferometer as a means of providing negative GVD to compensate positive GVD of Ti : sapphire rod . Stable ps self mode locked pulse has been obtained .
Self Coding Rod Position Indicating System Based on Software Compensation
On the basis of the heat exchange equation , the differences of the temperature and thermal stress of the laser medium between thermal compensation and uncompensation are analyzed .
The experimental results show that the compensation structure presented is effective .
The magnifying mechanism , which is designed and made by ourselves , has a good magnifying effect . And the linear feature of displacement output is also good . The experimental results show that the compensation structure presented is effective .
This research advances and demonstrates in theory that the compensatory coils above could be canceled but the detectors are compensated by software . So the new detector , Self coding Rod Position Detector Based on Software Compensation is designed .