
  • 网络nuclear power industry
  1. 公众对事故的担忧正威胁着核能工业的生存。

    Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry .

  2. 从能源供应和环境保护的角度,论证了核能工业的重要性;

    The importance of the nuclear power industry is demonstrated from the energy supply and environmental protection standpoint ;

  3. 日本公众对核能工业的信心一直不太稳固。

    Public confidence in japan 's nuclear industry is always shaky .

  4. 美国核能工业管制体系的演变及其借鉴分析

    Lessons from the Evolution of the US Nuclear Regulatory System

  5. 党派之间竞争的焦点之一就是核能工业。

    and one of the biggest bones of contention had been the nuclear-power industry .

  6. 他认为大众对于核能工业的怀疑部分源自于过去那种难以自保的管理结构。

    Part of the public scepticism about the industry , he believes , stems from a regulatory structure that remains mired in the past .

  7. 锆铪主要在核能工业上应用.锆铪工业的发展与核能工业紧密关联。

    Zr and Hf are mainly used in the nuclear industry , thus the development of Zr and Hf industry is closely linked to the nuclear industry .

  8. 除了核能工业技术日臻成熟外,全球核电站实际的安全运转也起到说明安全实证的作用。

    In addition to the nuclear power industrial technology getting more mature , the global safety operation performance records of nuclear power plants have demonstrated the positive proof .

  9. 由于日本自身几乎没有任何常规化石燃料,而核能工业又受到了福岛核事故的严重打击,日本一直热衷于开发各种能源,不管有多冒险。

    With virtually no conventional fossil fuels of its own and a nuclear industry crippled by Fukushima , Japan has been keen to develop sources of energy , however speculative .

  10. 化学清洗具体施工项目涉及工业领域,交通领域,医药食品领域,建筑设施领域,城市公共领域,核能工业领域。

    Chemical cleaning 's specific project involves the industry , transportation , medicine and food field , the construction field , urban public domain , the field of nuclear power industry .

  11. 他们说,该机构越来越像当前政府的橡皮图章,而这个机构是在人们对核能工业得到更独立的监督的厚望下成立的。

    They said the agency , which had started amid high hopes for more independent oversight of the nuclear industry , was looking more and more like a rubber stamp for the current administration .

  12. 镓是一种重要的稀散元素,被广泛应用于电子工业及核能工业,随着我国科学技术的飞速发展,镓在国民经济中发挥的作用也越来越大。

    Gallium is an important scattered elements , is widely used in the electronics industry and the nuclear energy industry . Along with the rapid development of science and technology , Gallium in the role of the national economy is also growing .

  13. 后藤政志博士曾参与设计了福岛第一核电站1号反应堆密闭壳。他说:最初,日本核能工业和政府都不认为会发生这样的事故。

    For a start , says Dr. Masashi Goto who worked on designing containment vessels of Mark-1 reactors like those at Fukushima Daiichi , neither Japan 's nuclear power industry nor the government concede that an accident like this could ever happen .

  14. 工业X射线检测技术自诞生以来便在机械、石油化工、运输、造船、航空、航天以及核能等工业领域得到迅速发展,对保证工业产品质量起到了重要作用。

    From it is generated , industrial X-ray testing technology is widely used in machinery industry , petroleum industry , transportation , shipbuilding industry , nuclear industry , aerospace industry . And it is playing important role for ensuring the product quality .

  15. 但是,日本核能与工业安全局说,目前还没有数据表明反应炉发生裂缝或是遭到损坏。

    Japan 's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says there is no data , however , to suggest the reactor vessel has been cracked or damaged .

  16. 金属中晶内、穿晶和沿晶微裂纹的萌生、扩张、连结是导致许多化工、电力、核能等工业中高温、高压构件失效的主要诱因,也是导致微电子器件中薄膜导线失效的关键因素之一。

    In metal material , microcrack initiation , expansion , link , is the result of main incentive failure of many high-temperature , high-pressure component in chemical engineering , electric power , nuclear power and other industries and also reduce the lifetime of interconnects .

  17. 高速列车、核能、宇航工业、良好的公立学校等等这一切都证明了这一点。

    High-speed trains , nuclear energy , the aerospace industry , good state schools : all testify to this .

  18. 这为德国几年内成为首个不再使用核能的主要工业国家做好准备。

    It paves the way for Germany to become the first major industrialized nation to go nuclear-free in years .

  19. 于是,研究者们开始将激光诱导等离子体的这些特性应用到航空航天、核能开发、工业监测、环境污染和生物工程等领域。

    This laser induced plasma also attracts researchers ' attention , and is applied widely in the aerospace , nuclear energy , industrial monitoring , environment pollution , biological engineering and other fields .

  20. 铝及其合金由于具有比重小、强度高、抗腐蚀性强等优点已经被广泛应用在航空、航天、核能以及军事工业等各个领域。

    With small density , high intension and anti-corrosive ability , aluminum and its alloy have been widely used in many domains such as aeronautics industry , space industry , nuclear industry as well as military industry , etc.

  21. 随着核能生产、稀土工业发展及放射性同位素应用而导致放射性物质潜在污染的可能性。

    With the development of nuclear energy production , rare-earth element industry and use ofradioactive sources , potential possibility of radiation contamination exits .

  22. 镍和镍合金是航空、航天、核能和石油化工业领域不可缺少的重要材料。

    Nickel and the nickel alloy is important material that used in the petroleum chemical industry , aviation , aerospace , and nuclear energy industry .

  23. 我们基本可以确保将来在风力,太阳能,核能及电动汽车工业方面的优势不会被美国盖过。

    And this ensures that our efforts to dominate the wind , solar , nuclear and electric car industries will not be challenged by America .