
  • 网络Core Router
  1. 核心路由器中G比特级线速除法的硬件实现

    Hardware Implementation of Division at Gbps Line-Speed in Core Router

  2. 中兴通讯IPv6核心路由器体系结构与关键技术

    Architecture and Key Technologies of ZTE 's IPv6 Core Router

  3. Internet核心路由器多采用输入缓冲交换矩阵,研究输入缓冲队列的调度算法十分重要。

    Most Internet core routers use input queued switches . It is important to research on scheduling algorithms for input queued switches .

  4. Internet网络流量、规模和应用的快速发展对互联网核心路由器设计提出了重大挑战。

    Continuing growth in traffic , the size of Internet as well as the Internet applications puts forward great challenge to backbone router design .

  5. Internet的迅速发展要求核心路由器必须不断地增加内部交换能力,并且提供一定的QoS控制。

    Core routers must provide more switch bandwidth and more precise QoS control to keep up with the development of Internet .

  6. IPV6标准化网络核心路由器分析

    IPV6 standardization network core router analysis

  7. 高性能IPv6核心路由器网管系统中MIB模块的实现

    The Implementation of MIB module in High-Performance IPv6 Kernel Router

  8. 多队列FIFO的设计及其在核心路由器中的应用

    Design and Application of Multi - Queue FIFO in Core Routers

  9. 随着Internet的不断发展,路由查找速度已经成为制约核心路由器性能的主要瓶颈。

    With the continuous development of the Internet , IP routing lookup has become one of the main reasons why performance of core routers in the Internet becomes the bottleneck .

  10. 分布式转发系统软件也应用到基于硬件转发的IPv6核心路由器上,并设计和调试了转发系统中的软硬件接口。

    The whole forwarding-system software is applied in IPv6 core router and interface for hardware platform is designed .

  11. 核心路由器上主要配置访问控制列表ACL的出栈应用。

    The main allocation access of core router controls the stack out of ACL .

  12. 这两种新机制中,前者部署在Internet核心路由器或者区域自治系统的关键路由器上,作为安全基础设施。

    Of the two new mechanisms , the former can act as the security infrastructure , which can be deployed on the Internet core routers or key routers in local autonomic systems .

  13. 核心路由器中基于ASIC+FPGA的POS接口设计

    A Design Method of POS Interface Based on ASIC + FPGA in Core Router

  14. 目前,IP承载网使用到的主流产品包括核心路由器、业务路由器、核心路由交换机、宽带接入服务器、防火墙、用户业务网关等。

    Main stream productspresentlyused in IP bearer network include core router , service router , core route switch , broadband access server , firewall , user service gateway , etc.

  15. 结合作者在国内某通信公司的交换式核心路由器开发项目中所作的工作,本论文还对MPLS–TE软件的系统设计和实现方法进行了分析。

    Based on these work , the paper analyzed the method to design and implement the MPLS – TE system .

  16. 由于Internet的流量迅速增长,一般的核心路由器都要能够达到每秒钟G比特的转发速率,快速的路由查表算法是实现高速分组转发的关键。

    Due to the rapid growth of traffic in the Internet , core router of several gigabits per second are commonly deployed . Fast routing lookup algorithm is the key of high speed forwarding .

  17. 随着Internet规模的不断扩展以及应用的不断深入,高效稳定的路由协议已成为当前网络领域研究的热点和重点,是保障核心路由器性能的重要因素。

    With the increasing development of Internet applications , high-speed core router has become the researching focus of the current network area . Effective and stable routing protocol is an important factor of high-speed core router performance .

  18. 为中国研制的IPv6核心路由器提供测试和试运行环境,并开展了不同厂商设备的互连、互通、互操作测试和试验;

    It provides a multi-vendor environment for the testing and trial operation of homemade IPv6 core routers in respects of interconnection , interworking and interoperation ;

  19. 边界网关协议(BGP)属外部网关协议,是高性能核心路由器上必须运行的一种路由协议,它主要应用于各主干网所在自治域系统之间的互联。

    Border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is a kind of routing protocol which is widely used in inter-domain connection .

  20. 传统的核心路由器是构建整个Internet核心网络的重要设施。由于其自身硬件体系结构、路由操作系统以及协议软件结构的固有限制,组成的核心网络无法满足下一代互联网的多方面需求。

    Traditional core router , which is the most important infrastructure of Internet , can not meet the multidimensional requirements of next generation Internet , for the limitations of hardware platform , router operating system and routing protocol implementation .

  21. Internet的飞速发展要求核心路由器每秒能转发几百万个以上的分组,实现高速分组转发的关键是路由表的组织和快速的路由查找算法。

    With rapid development of Internet , it orders the core router to be able to forward ten millions of packets per second . High speed IP address lookup algorithm is the key component of high speed packet forwarding .

  22. 对LDP协议的研究与实现是研制高性能核心路由器中的一个重要步骤。

    The research and implementation of LDP is an important step of developing high performance core router .

  23. 核心路由器BGP-4协议实现技术的研究

    Research on the Core Router BGP - 4 Protocol Implementation Technology

  24. 由于在目前存储器带宽的限制下,输入缓冲crossbar交换开关比传统的共享存储交换开关能提供更大的交换能力,因此这类开关已经在新一代的核心路由器中广泛使用。

    Under the limitation of memory access speed , input-buffered crossbar can provide more bandwidth than the traditional share-memory switch .

  25. torus网络具有大容量、易扩展、高可靠性等优点,正好满足下一代核心路由器对分组交换结构技术的要求。

    Torus networks have the advantages such as high capacity , scalability and reliability , so they meet the requirements of the PSF in next-generation core routers .

  26. 它比一般的10Gbps光传输系统成本低,主要应用于交换机、核心路由器(CR)、分插复用器(ADM)和波分复用(WDM)终端等网络中不同层次设备之间的互连。

    It has lower cost than the common 10 Gbps system . It is mainly used to link two equipments of different network layers , such as switchs , CRs , ADMs and WDM terminals .

  27. 基于流模型假定,推导了一个确信服务TCP连接在边缘路由器采用漏桶标记算法和核心路由器采用In和Out随机提前检测算法的吞吐量模型。

    Based on a fluid model , this paper presented a throughput model of TCP flow when edge routers use token bucket tagged algorithm in conjunction with that core routers use Random early detection with In and Out algorithm .

  28. 该IPv6核心路由器的研制成功,为我国建立自主知识产权的下一代互联网提供了网络核心设备,为我国网络安全的建设提供了保障。

    The successful development of this IPv6 router provides core devices for us to develop the next generation Internet that will be having complete intellectual property rights and guarantees the Internet security development for our country .

  29. 本文介绍了核心路由器40Gbit/s高速接口的优点和传输系统为支持40Gbit/s路由器所做的努力,例如40Gbit/sWDM(波分复用)传输技术、40Gbit/sIMUX(反向复用)技术等。

    This paper describes the transmission technology supporting the interconnection of core router 40 Gbit / s interfaces , i.e. , 40 Gbit / s WDM and 40 Gbit / s IMUX ( inverse multiplex ) .

  30. 然后以Internet核心路由器中线卡级和交换级的队列调度设计为例,从控制论的角度提出了一种支持QoS的分布式加权轮询调度控制算法。

    Then , Using example of design for queue scheduling of the line card and switch board card in the core of an Internet router , we present a distributed weighted round robin scheduling control algorithms from the control theoretic point of view for QoS support .