
  • 网络reactor power
  1. H∞控制方法在核反应堆功率控制中的应用

    Application of H_ ∞ control method to nuclear reactor power control system

  2. 变流量工况下~(16)N监测反应堆功率的研究

    Using  ̄( 16 ) N for Monitoring Reactor Power under Conditions of Varying Coolant Flow

  3. 实验反应堆功率调节系统PID控制器的解析设计方法

    An Analytical Method to Design the PID Controller for the Power Control System of Experimental Nuclear Reactor

  4. 介绍了CEFR反应堆功率调节系统及可编程控制器在工程样机中的应用。

    This paper introduces the reactor power regulating system of CEFR and the application of Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) on the engineering test prototype .

  5. 结果表明,仿真模型准确描述了给水流量扰动、蒸汽流量扰动以及反应堆功率变化对SG水位动力学特性的影响,并正确描述了SG运行中的逆动力学效应。

    The results show that the simulation model accurately describes the effect of feedwater flow rate disturbing , steam flow rate disturbing and nuclear reactor operation power changing on the dynamics characteristic of nuclear steam generator water level process , and represents the reverse thermal-dynamic effects correctly .

  6. 反应堆功率运行时,燃耗变化会引起堆外中子通量密度变化,造成RPN核功率测量系统测得的反应堆功率与实际功率出现偏差。

    When the reactor is operating , the variation of the burn-up of the fuel will cause vari-ation of the neutron flux , which can make the core power measured by the RPN nuclear power system deviate from the actual power .

  7. 中国实验快堆反应堆功率调节系统动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Power Regulation System for China Experiment Fast Reactor

  8. 双线性控制技术在反应堆功率调节系统中的应用

    Application of Bilinear Control Technology in Nuclear Reactor Power Adjustment System

  9. 反应堆功率控制系统的建模及闭环验证闭式循环系统闭路制

    Modeling of Reactor Power Control System and Closed Loop Verification

  10. 核反应堆功率控制系统的数字化实现

    A Digitalized Power Control System for Nuclear Reactor

  11. 核反应堆功率调节系统控制特性研究

    Study on Characteristic of Reactor Power Regulating System

  12. 压水型核反应堆功率控制系统的优化设计

    Optimal design of power control system of PRW

  13. 反应堆功率保护放大装置

    Nuclear reactor power protective amplifying equipment

  14. 数字化反应堆功率控制系统

    Digital Reactor Power Control System

  15. 该三角修正公式与反应堆功率上升周期和径迹探测器被辐照时间有关。

    The triangle correction only beares relation to rise period of reactor power and irradiation time on SSNTD .

  16. 反应堆功率自动控制

    Automatic reactor power control

  17. 导出任意初始功率条件下核反应堆功率、反应性与时间的解析表达式。

    For any initial power , the analytic expressions of the reactivity and output power with time are derived .

  18. 该装置用单片机将启动量程和功率量程的核测信号转换为反应堆功率并显示。

    The device uses SCM to transform nuclear signal of the source range and power range to reactor power in order to display .

  19. 仿真结果表明,用双线性控制技术实现核反应堆功率调节系统的控制,可以得到更好的控制效果。

    The simulation results show that a better control effect can be obtained when using the bilinear control of the nuclear reactor power adjustment system .

  20. 计算了反应堆功率峰,冷却剂。入口温度,出口温度和冷却剂质量流量等瞬态参数并与实验值进行了比较。

    The transient parameters related to reactor power peaking , coolant inlet temperatures , outlet temperatures and coolant mass flow , etc. are computed and compared with the experimental results .

  21. 提出将广义预测自校正控制算法应用于反应堆功率控制中,包括控制结构和控制器设计。

    It also put forward to apply the algorithm of global predictive control with self-adaptive in the power control of nuclear reactor , including control structure and the device of controller .

  22. 秦山核电二期工程与大亚湾核电站相比,反应堆功率下降,冷却剂系统三环路变为两环路。

    Compared with that of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant , the reactor power of QS-II Nuclear Power Plant is decreased and the primary coolant system is changed from three loops to two loops .

  23. 研究结果表明,与经典的反应堆功率调节系统相比,采用全反馈的功率调节系统的动态品质可获得明显的提高。

    The research results show that compared with the classic reactor power control theory , the application of the full feedback method , the dynamic quality of the power control system can be improved greatly .

  24. 该系统通过手动或自动控制6根控制棒(2根安全棒,4根补偿棒)的运动,实现对反应堆功率的手/自动控制。

    The auto-startup and power regulating system is one of the important control system of CARR , which control the neutron flux manually or automatically by control the movement of 6 control rods ( 2 safety rods , 4 shim rods ) manually or automatically .

  25. SG水位动力学特性的仿真分析包括不同反应堆运行功率时给水流量扰动作用下的水位动力学特性仿真分析和蒸汽流量扰动作用下的水位动力学特性仿真分析。

    The simulation and analysis of dynamic characteristic for the SG water level process includes three aspects , which are the effects on the feed water flow rate disturbing , steam flow rate disturbing and nuclear reactor operation power changing to SG water level process dynamic characteristic .

  26. 铀水栅零功率反应堆的功率刻度

    Power calibration of the zero power reactor of uranium water lattice

  27. 压水堆核电厂反应堆轴向功率分布控制

    Reactor Axial Power Distribution Control for PWR Nuclear Power Plant

  28. 自动换量程宽范围反应堆数字功率表

    Wide Range Automatic - Switching Digital Power Meter for Reactor

  29. 反应堆轴向功率不均匀系数快速算法

    Quick Calculation of Axial Non - Homogeneous Power Factor in Reactor Core

  30. 反应堆轴向功率分布控制和功率能力分析

    Reactor axial power distribution control and power capability analysis