
  • 网络Automobile construction;Automobile Conformation;structure of automobile;Construction of automobile
  1. Solidedge在《汽车构造》教学中的应用

    Application of Solid Edge in Automobile Technology Teaching

  2. 试论CAI多媒体性与汽车构造课教学特征的对应

    On Corresponding Relationship between CAI Multimedia Feature and Automotive Structure Teaching

  3. 转向系统是汽车构造的主要系统之一。

    Steering system is one of the main systems in vehicle .

  4. 《汽车构造》课程应用现代教学手段的探讨

    The Discussion on Connection Between Modern Teaching Method And Automobile Construction Course

  5. 汽车构造多媒体教学与实践

    The Multimedia Practice and Teaching of Automobile Structure Course

  6. 提高汽车构造课堂教学质量的探讨

    Discussing about Improving Classroom Teaching Quality of Automobile Structure

  7. 汽车构造课程与拆装实习教学改革

    The Reform to the Course and Its Practice of the Construct of the Automobile

  8. 应用性本科汽车构造课程教学改革的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform on Automobile Structure for Applied under - graduation Education

  9. 《汽车构造》的教学与实践

    The Practice and Teaching of Automobile Structure

  10. 汽车构造计算机辅助软件设计

    Computer-aided Software Design for Automobile Structure

  11. 汽车构造课程实践教学的改革与实践

    The reform and the practice of the practices teaching about " the automobile manufacture " curriculum

  12. 《汽车构造》多媒体教学质量探讨

    Multimedia Teaching of Automobile Structure

  13. 分析了汽车构造Ⅱ课程教学中存在的问题,研究了提高教学质量的各种途径,在教材选用、教学内容组织、教学手段运用及实验环节改进等方面进行了教改探索。

    This paper analyses the questions in the teaching of automobile structure ⅱ course , researches various measures to improve the teaching quality .

  14. 本文重点介绍了汽车构造多媒体教学环境的建立及汽车构造多媒体教学系统的开发和应用技术。

    This paper introduces mainly the establishment of multimedia teaching circumstance and the development and usage of multimedia teaching system for " automobile structure " .

  15. 汽车构造是汽车服务工程和车辆工程专业的重要专业基础课,教学质量直接影响其他专业课程的学习效果。

    Automobile structure is an important basic course of automobile service engineering and vehicle engineering , whose teaching quality influences results of the other professional courses directly .

  16. 汽车构造是汽车专业重要的专业基础课之一,利用多媒体教学是该课程趋势,该文讨论多媒体教学过程中的一些问题及解决方法,并提出了一些该课程的教学设想、改革。

    Automobile structure course is one of the most important specialty courses , teaching with multimedia is the trend . In this paper , some questions are discussed , and some ideas for teaching reform are put forward .

  17. 汽车构造本身是理论性和实践性都较强的课程,同时汽车技术的发展使得汽车的复杂性与科技含量不断增加,因此对汽车构造课程的教学提出了更高的要求。

    " Automobile structure " is a course with strong theory and practice itself , at the same time , development of automobile technique increases complexity and science and technology of automobile , so more high requests are presented on teaching of " automobile structure " course .

  18. 教学模式;汽车底盘构造;教学改革;

    Teaching mode ; Vehicle chassis structure ; Teching reform ;

  19. 高职类《汽车发动机构造与检修》课程的开发

    Establishment about the Course of Automobile Engine Structure and Overhaul

  20. 本文介绍汽车ABS系统构造和作用,探讨正确使用汽车ABS的方法。

    In this article the author describes the structure and function of ABS system in autos and discusses the right way of utilizing ABS system .

  21. 但实际上,汽车的基本构造功能并没有多大改变。

    But the fact remains : the fundamental DNA of the automobile has stayed pretty much the same .

  22. 汽车底盘的构造为重型轮廓和加筋加固的焊接钢板以便承受操作和运输时的工作压力。

    The chassis is constructed of heavy-duty profile and welded steel plates ribbed and stiffened to withstand all operational and travelling stresses .

  23. 随后以汽车前面板曲面构造为例说明了方法有效性和其他特点。

    As an example , the surfaces of a car 's frontal panel are reconstructed to show the validity and characters of the method .

  24. 铸铁是汽车四项主要构造材料之一,其重量份额一般居第二位,仅次于钢,而高于铝和塑料。

    Cast iron is one of four main construction materials in automobiles . Its weight share is second to steel and higher than either aluminum or plastics .

  25. 汽车传动系在汽车构造中占有相当重要的位置,并且对车辆行驶性能的好坏有很大的影响。

    Automotive powertrain plays a very important role in automotive structure , and has a great impact on vehicle performance .

  26. 我们熟知的技术有发动机技术,电机技术,汽车底盘技术,汽车构造技术,汽车动力总成技术、蓄电池技术等等。

    Familiar technology engine technology , motor technology , the car chassis technology , automobile construction technology , automotive powertrain technology , battery technology , and so on .

  27. 探讨了油电混合动力汽车的分类,分析了油电混合动力汽车系统构造及发展趋势。

    This paper probes into the classification of the oil-electric vehicles , and analyzes on the systemic structure and developing trends of the oil-electric vehicles .

  28. 本文为提高燃料利用率,充分考虑汽车的动力性和经济性,降低汽车排放污染对社会造成的极大危害,从汽车构造这一源头本身出发,提出了几点节能与环保并举的措施。

    Several measurements of energy saving and environment perfecting for automobile For improving combustion , considering dynamic and economic characteristic and reducing exhaust pollution , the paper brings forth several measurements of energy saving and environment perfecting from auto-structure .