
  • 网络Car alarm
  1. 他回到机场时听到自己的汽车报警器响了。

    He returned to the airport to find his car alarm going off .

  2. 他的汽车报警器连着响了两天,结果电池耗没电了。

    His car alarm had been going off for two days and , as a result , the battery was flat .

  3. 他援引了德克萨斯州东区(EasternDistrictofTexas)联邦法院审理的一起案件,其中争议的焦点是一项涵盖安全系统的专利技术,通过该技术可以将智能手表用于打开或关闭汽车报警器。

    He cited a lawsuit in federal court in the Eastern District of Texas in which a patent that covered security systems , where a smartwatch could be used to turn on or off a car alarm , was in dispute .

  4. 我的汽车报警器半夜响了。

    My car alarm went off in the middle of the night .

  5. 这个汽车报警器怎么关?

    How do I shut off this car alarm ?

  6. 汽车报警器太敏感了,这么点的雨都让它失灵了。

    The car alarm is so sensitive that the little rain sets it off .

  7. 有人听见我汽车报警器响吗?

    Does anybody hear my car alarm ?

  8. 她的磁性身体曾触发过汽车报警器、扰乱过电视信号、烧断过电灯泡的灯丝。

    Her body has set off car alarms , interrupted the TV signal and blown out light bulbs .

  9. 目击者称,当时雷电特别厉害,房子都在摇晃,汽车报警器和狗都在叫。

    Witnesses said the thunder and lightning were so explosive that it shook homes , triggered car alarms and set dogs barking .

  10. 说来惭愧,我也有好几次醉心于一些荒谬的前景&比如秘鲁的木材、女性专用健身房、新颖的汽车报警器,等等。

    I am ashamed to say on occasion I have fallen for ridiculous prospects : timber in Peru , female-only gyms , newfangled car alarms – to name but a few .

  11. 基于激光测距传感器的汽车防撞报警器的设计

    The Design of the Vehicle Anti-collision Alarm Apparatus Based on Distance Laser Sensor

  12. 超声波汽车倒车报警器的设计

    The design and manufacture of backing car annunciator

  13. 介绍了一种基于激光测距传感器的汽车防撞报警器的设计原理。

    This thesis recommends the designing principle of alarm apparatus for preventing the automobile colliding base on distance laser sensor .

  14. 介绍了汽车倒车报警器的设计方案,包括硬件设计、软件设计和可靠性设计等。

    This article introduces the scheme of the backing car annunciator , which includes hardware design , software design , reliability design and so on .

  15. 本文介绍了以工控机为核心的汽车综合报警器检测系统的设计方法。

    In this paper , the design of testing system for the automobile integrated alarm taking industry control computer as the core is thoroughly introduced .

  16. Air(初三适用)汽车轮胎气压报警器

    An Alarm Annunciator for Automotive Tyre Air Pressure

  17. 他给自行车轮胎打了气。汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

    He pumped up the Bicycle tires . alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking

  18. 汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

    Alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking chloride and condenser leakage

  19. 蓄电池充电状况警报灯汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

    Battery charging condition tell-tale alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking

  20. 汽车轮胎泄漏报警器冷却剂泄漏测量装置

    Alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking coolant leakage measuring assembly

  21. 啥-那是你自己的汽车上的报警器

    What ? - That 's your car alarm .

  22. 汽车电子防盗报警器电路的可靠性设计

    Reliability Design of the Circuit of Immobilizer Car

  23. XH-1型全方位汽车多功能报警器

    XH-1 type complete position and multifunction alarm

  24. 汽车多功能报警器

    Multifunctional Alarm for Vehicle

  25. 介绍了汽车轮胎气压报警器设计指导思想、结构、工作原理,以及实车试验结果。

    This paper presents the general idea , structure , working principle and prac - tical test results of an alarm annunciator for monitoring the air pressure of the automotive tyres .

  26. 汽车轮胎欠压报警器

    Pressure Lacking Alarm Device for Auto Tyres

  27. 本文详细介绍了一种超声波测距系统及根据该系统设计的汽车倒车防撞测距报警器。

    The paper introduces minutely an ultrasonic distance measurement system and a kind of alarm designed and developed according to this system .