
  • 网络Meatball head
  1. 我扎丸子头可爱吗?

    Do I look cute with a bun ?

  2. 过去几年来,他留过斜刘海、飞机头、刺猬头甚至男版丸子头。

    Over the years , he has had side-swept , a quiff , spiky and even a man bun .

  3. 八卦专栏作家佩雷斯•希尔顿在他的时尚博客中写道,完全看不懂海瑟薇一半扎起一半放下的丸子头。

    Gossip columnist Perez Hilton wrote on his fashion blog thatHathaway 's half-up , half-down bun was just confusing .

  4. 这只可爱的狗狗有着又长又美的白色毛发,可以用来梳成丸子头和小马尾。

    The adorable pooch has long and luscious white hair that can be tied up into a buns and pony tails .

  5. 海瑟薇这次时尚大灾难的罪魁祸首就是她那头丝般柔顺的直发。“半丸子头”的关键是要给人一种略带凌乱的感觉。

    Hathaway 's silky , straight hair was to blame for the fashion faux pas.The point of the " hun " is to create a slightly disheveled look .

  6. 在最火热的一个帖子中,美穗梳着丸子头,系着粉色的丝带。这篇帖子共收到了100多条评论和2000多个赞。

    One of Miho 's most popular posts has been of her hair up in a bun and wearing a pink ribbon which has 100 comments and close to 2000 likes .

  7. 美国女演员安妮•海瑟薇以品味优雅著称,但当她去年梳着“半丸子头”在纽约参加活动时,不少时尚评论家失望极了。

    US actress Anne Hathaway is known for her elegant style , but when shesported a " hun " at an event last year in New York City , some style critics wereleft disappointed .