
wán jì
  • pill;pilula
丸剂 [wán jì]
  • [pill] 一种小球形的或圆团状的药,糖皮可有可无,供整粒吞服用

丸剂[wán jì]
  1. 目的:采用微波干燥灭菌工艺试用于丸剂生产。

    Objective : To try the microwave dryness destroy bacteria technics during the production of pill .

  2. 包衣:颗粒、丸剂保护层、备色、缓释、薄膜、肠溶包衣等。

    Coating : Particle , pill protection layer , prepared colors , slow-release , film , and other enteric coating .

  3. 中药丸剂中水分的GC法测定

    GC Determination of Water in Pills of Chinese Medicines

  4. 由于防治家畜疾病的特殊需求,缓释大丸剂(Sustain-ReleasedBolus)在兽医临床上逐渐被重视。

    Owning to special requirement to prevent and cure diseases of domestic animals , Sustain Released Bolus has been attached importance to at veterinarian clinical .

  5. 我们根据通知精神考察了用GC法测定中药丸剂中水分的方法,包括前处理等,并与甲苯法进行了比较,同时对GC法测定水分的应用范围进行了考察。

    In this experiments both toluene method and GC method were used to determine the content of water in many pills , and many kinds of factors that may have effects on the content of water that will be determined in pills were investigated .

  6. 规格:本品为棕色丸剂,每瓶30粒。

    Sperification : The pills are brown colour.30 pills per bottle .

  7. 必要时应压碎丸剂,并加蜂蜜调服。

    Pills may be crushed and mixed with honey if necessary .

  8. 保和丸剂型改革的提取工艺优化

    Optimization of the extraction process in the traditional preparation of Baohe Wan

  9. 结论:八珍益母丸剂可以改成颗粒剂。

    CONCLUSIONS : Bazhenyimu pills can be changed into granules .

  10. 兽药缓释巨丸剂的研究进展及应用发展前景

    Research and foreground of application of sustain released bolus in animal medicine

  11. 按常规法对3种中药丸剂(各3个批次)进行微生物限度检查。

    The microbial limits of3 traditional Chinese medicines were measured .

  12. 规格:本品为砖红色丸剂,每瓶10粒。

    Specification : The pills are brick red colour.10 pills per bottle .

  13. 而丸剂、粉剂、膏剂在治疗用药中亦十分重要。

    Pills , powders , creams in the drug treatment is also very important .

  14. 目的建立3种中药丸剂微生物限度检查方法。

    Objective To establish a validation method for microbial limits of3 traditional Chinese medicines .

  15. 在这些情况下,需要固定剂量的联合片剂(二合一或三合一丸剂)。

    In these cases , fixed dose combination tablets are required ( two-or three-in-one pills ) .

  16. 结论:众生丸由丸剂改为胶囊剂后保持了原来的药效。

    Conclusion : Zhongsheng Capsule retain the original pharmacological action of Zhongsheng Pill after dosage form changing .

  17. 结论槐角颗粒与原丸剂型一样具有明显的止血、凝血及镇痛、抗炎、抗菌等药理作用。

    Conclusion Huaijiao granule has obvious effect on bleeding and clotting time , analgesic , anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial .

  18. 结论超临界二氧化碳萃取和水提相结合的工艺路线,可作为保和丸剂型改革的提取工艺。

    Conclusion Supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction combined with water extraction is practical for optimizing the preparation of Baohe Wan .

  19. 覆膜包衣机是一种对片剂、丸剂和糖果等进行有机薄膜包衣、水溶薄膜包衣的设备。

    Coating machine is used for organic film coating and water-soluble film coating of tablets , pills , and candy .

  20. 方法:用微波干燥灭菌工艺对不同丸剂类型的5种产品进行试验。

    Methods : The tests of five kinds of products in different pill types have been carried out with microwave technies .

  21. 目的:探讨增率汤(中药合剂)与心宝丸(中药丸剂)治疗缓慢心律失常疗效对比。

    Objective : It is to contrast the treatment effects of Zenglutang and Xinbao pill on the patients that suffer from slowness arrhythmia .

  22. 本文介绍了将小金丹由糊丸剂改为外用黑膏药的制剂工艺及质量控制标准。

    This article introduced the improved preparation procedure of black sticking & plaster ( external application ) from pilule and its quality control standards .

  23. 本文以大山楂丸和其煎剂为主,观察了它们的消化系统的药理作用:①体外实验表明,丸剂和煎剂均能增强胃蛋白酶活性;

    The experimental results show that ( 1 ) Da shar zha pill and Da shan zha decoction can enhance the activity of pepsin ;

  24. 结论超细粉二妙丸的溶出速率明显快于普通粉,且随着丸剂自身粒径的降低,体外溶出速率加快。

    Conclusion The dissolution rate of ultra-fine powder is quicker than that of general powder , and the rate increases with the granularity of PILL decreasing .

  25. 测定比较了参苏饮袋泡剂、丸剂及汤剂水溶出率、含糖量和总挥发油含量;

    The water extract , sugar and total volatile oil of Shensuyin have been determined and compared in the form of bag , pill and decoction .

  26. 如丸剂、片剂的外观应完整光洁、硬度适宜,无碎片,粘连、变色发霉等现象。

    Such as pills , tablets should be complete and smooth appearance , hardness , suitable , no debris , adhesion , color mold and so on .

  27. 目的:1.将二妙丸由传统的丸剂改制成现代胶囊剂,优选出二妙胶囊的合理制备工艺。

    Purpose : 1 . ErMiao pellet is changed from traditional system into a modern capsules , To optimize the best extraction process of Cortex Phellodendri in ErMiao capsules . 2 .

  28. 结论无论是胶囊还是丸剂均有明显的止痛、降低血瘀大鼠的全血粘度及红细胞压积作用,但都梁软胶囊在止痛方面起效快,且临床应用有效、安全。

    Conclusions Both DLC and DLP possess strong analgesic effect and can lower blood viscosity and hematocrit , but DLC takes effect sooner than DLP as analgesics and can be effectively and safely applied clinically .

  29. 本地制药业分析师称,估算市场规模不太容易,因为这既包括没有处方而开出的“自制”药品,也包括相同药品的现代丸剂。

    Estimating the size of the market is hard , local pharmaceuticals analysts say , because it includes both hand-mixed " home brew " products dispensed without prescription , and modern pill versions of the same medicines .

  30. 目的:建立一个测定35种中成药中氟元素的方法,其中10种丸剂,9种散剂,14种片剂和2种胶囊。

    AIM : To establish a determination of fluoride in 35 species of traditional Chinese patent medicine . Among these , 10 species of pill , 9 species of powder , 14 species of tablet and 2 species of capsule .