
yìn huā bù
  • calico;printed cloth;chintz
  1. 由印花布或白棉布做,或类似于印花布的图案。

    Made of calico or resembling calico in being patterned .

  2. 当我数着被子上17朵手绣的印花布心形图案时,我笑了。

    I smile as I count seventeen hand-sewn calico hearts .

  3. 皂洗剂NF-MC在深色抓毛印花布中的应用

    Preparation and application of NF-MC in soaping of dark grab printing fabric

  4. 本公司主要生产蚂蚁布,蚂蚁绒,缩丝绒,KS布,经编印花布,网眼布,珊瑚绒,丝光绒,以及各种玩具绒,沙发面料等。

    This company mainly produces ant cloth , velvet ants , velvet shrinkage , KS cloth , printed cloth warp , mesh cloth , coral velvet , mercerized velvet , and a variety of toys velvet , sofa fabric and so on .

  5. 这是一块漂亮的印花布,带有热带的图案。

    This is a lovely print . The design is tropical .

  6. 解决活性针织印花布皂洗沾色问题

    Solving the staining in soaping of knitted prints with reactive dyes

  7. 她妈妈身材高大,系着一条印花布围裙。

    Her mother was a big woman in a flowery apron .

  8. 我们将用印花布罩住这旧椅子的椅面。

    We shall cover the seat of this old chair with chintz .

  9. 这种拉美风格的印花布很受顾客欢迎。

    This kind of Latin American printed calico is popular among customers .

  10. 全棉印花布男女睡衣

    100 % cotton printed pajamas for men and women

  11. 罩着漂亮的印花布的舒适沙发

    comfortable sofas covered in a pretty floral print .

  12. 全棉印花布男女童衬衫

    100 % cotton printed shirts for boys and girls

  13. 她买了一块[一些]有花卉图案的印花布做夏天的连衣裙。

    She bought a / some flowery print to make a summer dress .

  14. 针对我国目前生产非洲蜡防印花布生产中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的措施。

    Aiming at the problems arising in practical applications , measures are put forward .

  15. 我认为那些没有染色的印花布太单调了。

    I thought the uncoloured prints terribly dull .

  16. 有许多穿着印花布罩衣的天使。

    There are angels in printed cotton smocks .

  17. 涤棉深色印花布工艺探讨

    On the Printing Process of the Deep Colour Pattern on T / C Fabrics

  18. 全棉印花布男女睡衣印花防绒棉布鸭绒被

    Printed down-proof cotton cloth duck down quilt

  19. 蓝印花布遍及湖北全省,尤以天门蓝印花布最负盛名。

    Blue cloth over the Hubei province , particularly in Tianmen most prestigious blue cloth .

  20. 主要从事坯布、染色布、印花布、牛仔布、灯芯绒、服装等进出口业务。

    LTD , is an import & export company which mainly deals with textile business .

  21. 什么事吵吵闹闹的,萨姆?一位穿着黑色印花布袖套的绅士问道。

    " What 's the row , Sam " inquired one gentleman in black calico sleeves .

  22. 我们上星期买的印花布还都在这儿,动也没动。

    There is all the new calico , that was bought last week , not touched yet .

  23. 要是你一定要哭,拿起这块印花布去哭个够吧。那不会象漂亮的绸子一样不能沾水。

    If you must cry , take this print to cry over , that won 't mark like this beautiful silk .

  24. 一种由长方形印花布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间。

    A Polynesian , especially Samoan , garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist .

  25. 作者以古代“五色”和现代“三原色”原理的色彩学方法分析蓝印花布的历史成因,认为“靛蓝美感”奠定了蓝印花布审美接受的基础。

    The authors analyze the historical reasons of the indigo-blue printed fabric cloth from the principle of ancient five colors and modern three original colors .

  26. 将其应用于深色抓毛印花布皂洗,结果表明该产品是此类布种较理想的皂洗剂。

    The soaping agent was used in soaping of dark grab printing fabric , the result showed that it was an ideal soaping agent for dark grab print fabric .

  27. 一个十五岁的高个儿女孩,戴着普通的太阳帽,穿着印花布的连衣裙,问我“用不用烟草”&意思是我要不要嚼烟草。

    A strapping girl of fifteen , in the customary sunbonnet and calico dress , asked me if I " used tobacco " & meaning did I chew it .

  28. 文章在论述南通蓝印花布艺术特点的基础上,着重论述了吉祥图案“和合二仙”在南通蓝印花布中的应用情况。

    Based on the analysis of artistic characteristics of Nantong blueprint cloth , this paper mainly discusses the application of the auspicious pattern & Gods of He-He in Nantong blueprint cloth .

  29. 萨摩亚花裙一种由长方形印花布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间属于南太平洋中的萨摩亚群岛的法国玻璃你西亚群岛中的群岛。

    A Polynesian , especially Samoan , garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist . an island group of French Polynesia in the S Pacific east of Samoa .

  30. 省钱贴士:买拥有某个主题(水果、鸟、贝壳、棕榈树)的印花布镶在方形木框里,用钉枪自木框背面将布固定住。

    A money-saving tip : Buy patterned fabric with a theme – fruit , birds , shells , palm trees – mount on square wooden frames , and attach fabric in the back with a staple gun .