
  • 网络Automobile Theory;Automotive Theory
  1. 利用传统汽车理论及CRUISE软件对原型车进行性能分析作出评价;

    Estimate the original car by using traditional automobile theory and soft CRUISE .

  2. 包括机械设计、汽车理论、电力电子、计算机技术、控制技术、传感器技术和电机技术等多个领域。

    Such as mechanical design , automobile theory , electronics , computer science , control technology , sensor technology , and motor technology .

  3. 基于汽车理论、有限元分析和优化设计方法,为解决工程实际问题,开发了汽车CAE软件系统。

    An automotive CAE software based on automotive theory , finite element analysis and optimization design has been developed to resolve relevant engineering problems .

  4. 在人机工程原理和汽车理论的基础上,我们利用多级模糊综合评价模型建立了汽车设计人机工程综合评价模型,并采用EJB(EnterpriseJavaBeans)技术加以实现。

    Based on the principle of human engineering and the theory of car , the synthesizing evaluating modeling of human engineering for car designing is established by the multiple fuzzy evaluating method , and the modeling is carried out by the technology of EJB ( Enterprise JavaBeans ) .

  5. 基于汽车理论,计算出车辆道路行驶循环对应的发动机运行工况点散点。

    Based on vehicle theory , the scattered operation points of engine corresponding to vehicle driving cycle are calculated .

  6. 作者延用汽车理论曾对特种车辆外伸部件超前及超长尺度的合理范围作过系统的研究。这里简要介绍确定特种车辆外伸部件超前和超长尺度合理范围的方法及其机理。

    In this paper , methods and principles to determine the reasonable dimension ranges of exterior parts for special vehicles are proposed .

  7. 该文运用汽车理论导出一组极限状态下大曲率狭窄公路段对军用车辆通行特征参数的限制不等式。

    According to the automobile theory , the paper preseuts an inequality which describes the limit of the narrow highway of large curvature on the trafficability of large military trucks .

  8. 并利用汽车理论的相关知识及汽车动力性燃油经济性的计算方法,编写计算程序。

    Application of the software , as we input the vehicle-related parameters , after the implementation of the calculation procedure we can get the simulation of result of vehicle power and fuel economy .

  9. 围绕汽车理论专业课程的教学特点,对教学的方式方法进行探讨,对教学的内容进行改进,以适应社会发展的需要。

    In order to meet the requirements of society , according to the instruction features of auto-mobile theory course , the instruction methods of automobile theory and how to improve thc instruction contents are discussed .

  10. 文章从传统的汽车理论出发,结合锂离子动力电池和电机的数学模型,分析了纯电动汽车整车的能量消耗途径和大小;

    With the mathematics models of the Lithium ion battery and AC motor , the approach and magnitude of energy consume of the whole vehicle are analyzed under the conventional theory of automobile in this paper .

  11. 根据现有的汽车理论公式对汽车发飘现象进行了分析,特别是分析了汽车底盘车高速发飘的原因和汽车重载爬坡时低速发飘形成的机理。

    The present automobile theory and some formulas are analyzed , especially the reason of waving of vehicle at high speed and the forming mechanism of waving of vehicle with heavy load at low speed are also analyzed .

  12. 这样就找到了串联式混合动力汽车理论上的最佳性能和最优的控制方法,避免了对控制经验的依赖,也为其它控制策略的开发提供了理论依据,能够设计出更加有效的整车控制器。

    Then the best performance in theory and optimal control methods are found for a series hybrid electric vehicle , so avoid dependence on the control experience , and provide a theoretical basis for the development of other control strategies . Finally a more effective vehicle controller can be designed .

  13. 汽车更新理论及更新函数的研究

    The Research on Vehicle Renewal Theory and Renewal Function

  14. 埃里克仅有一些关于汽车的理论知识。

    Eric has only a theoretical knowledge of cars .

  15. 利用汽车行驶理论,分析了车辆在纵坡上的减速距离;

    Deceleration distance of longitudinal slopway was analyzed based on the theories of vehicle .

  16. 为开发设计双状态无级变速汽车提供理论依据。

    The research results provide the theory method of analysing and designing for CVT vehicle .

  17. 汽车轮胎理论模型的分析

    Analysis of Theoretic Model of Pneumatic Tyres

  18. 通用和其他汽车制造商理论上可以尝试向美国出口更多汽车,美国也是一个相对健康的市场。

    G.M. and other automakers could in theory try to export more cars to the United States , which is also a relatively healthy market .

  19. 之后将汽车模型理论应用在双前桥转向汽车上,分析了双前桥转向汽车的运动。

    After two degrees car model of linear theory applied to the front axle to cars , to double double front axle to car kinematical analysis .

  20. 同时,根据汽车制动理论研究,运用汽车制动系统的设计计算与分析软件,对NJ2046越野汽车在不同车速和载荷下的制动过程进行了仿真分析。

    At the same time , with another software which can calculate and analyze the brake system , the braking process is analyzed in different velocity and load .

  21. 在汽车基本理论的基础上,对比分析了由电动机和内燃机驱动的中型客车的性能。

    Based on the basic automobile theory , the paper compares and analyzes the performances of the middle buses driven by the electrical motor and by the engine respectively .

  22. 全文共分五个部分,第一部分主要对目标市场理论、营销组合理论和汽车营销理论作概括性的介绍,为产品的市场分析和市场营销策略的提出提供理论依据;

    It consists of five parts . Firstly , it resumptively introduces theories of target market , marketing mix and car marketing and supplies theory for bringing forward the market analysis and marketing tactics .

  23. 运用MATLAB设计了空气动力汽车凸轮的理论廓线和实际廓线。

    Using MATLAB to design a theoretical contour and the practical contour of the cam in the air powered car .

  24. 在汽车碰撞基本理论和OBB碰撞检测算法的基础上,采用车辆碰撞模型和能量和动量守恒定律,进行真实可靠的仿真计算。

    Based on the basic theory of automobile collision and OBB collision detection algorithm , vehicle collision model and energy and momentum conservation law are adopted for authentic and reliable simulation .

  25. 汽车交易协商理论简介

    AUTO ELLOWP (?) E An Introduction to Bargaining Theory

  26. 曲面拟合技术在汽车后视镜理论建模中的应用

    Application of Surface Fitting on Automobile Rearview Mirror

  27. 运用汽车侧风稳定性理论,对阶跃阵风作用下的敏感性试验进行了详细的仿真分析;

    The effect of the step crosswind gusts is analyzed based on the stability theory .

  28. 汽车专业课程理论与实践教学一体化探讨

    Discussion on organic whole between the Curriculum Theory and the practice Teaching in cars Major

  29. 可以说中重型汽车市场营销理论研究存在较大的发展空间。

    It is observed that there is the large developmental space in the marketing theoretical research of the medium and heavy commercial vehicle .

  30. 本文分析了汽车物流体现理论的发展,以及在汽车配件物流体系中的物流最佳配送模式。

    This paper analyzes the development of the theory embodied automotive logistics , and logistics systems in the automotive parts distribution logistics best model .