
  • 网络starter motor;Auto Starter
  1. 本文以QDY1218汽车起动机为例,对其本身的特点、所处环境以及市场前景作了说明;

    The thesis has also made a description on the characteristics and surroundings and market future of automobile starter motor QDY1218 ;

  2. 基于PLC的汽车起动机耐久性试验系统

    Durability Test System of the Automobile Starter Motor Base on PLC

  3. 基于Solidworks的汽车起动机性能试验柔性台架的开发

    Development of a Flexible Performance Test Rig for Automobile Starters by Use of Solidworks

  4. 本文根据汽车起动机性能测试要求,开发出由工控机和可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)构成的两级计算机控制的测试系统,实现了起动机开关性能、空载性能、负载性能以及制动性能测试。

    To realize the starter performance testing of switch , no load , load and brake , a two-layer computer-controlling testing system is developed , which is based on the testing theory of the automobile starter and composed of the industrial control computer and the programmable logic controller .

  5. 起动机的耐久性试验汽车起动机衬套的使用

    Endurance Test of the Starting Motor Using of Vehicular Starter Bushing

  6. 汽车起动机常见故障检查诊断及修理

    Examination diagnosis and repair of common trouble of automobile starter

  7. 日产汽车起动机常见故障诊断与检修

    Location and Repair of Common Troubles of Nissan Starters

  8. 汽车起动机电磁开关粘连故障分析及应急措施

    Malfunction Analysis and Emergency Measure on the Conglutination of Automobile Starter Electromagnetic Switch

  9. 汽车起动机几种典型故障的诊断方法

    Diagnostic Methods of Several Typical Troubles of Automotive Starter

  10. 汽车起动机性能自动测试系统研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Auto-testing System to the Automobile Starter 's Performance

  11. 汽车起动机和发电机的技术进展

    The technological progression of automotive starter and generator

  12. 汽车起动机齿轮拨叉失效分析

    Analysis on failure automotive starter fork - lever

  13. 汽车起动机衬套的使用

    Using of Vehicular Starter Bushing AUTO DIAGNOSIS

  14. 浅谈汽车起动机电枢的短路

    The Short Circuit of Auto Starter Armature

  15. 化油器性能调整试验汽车起动机的性能试验

    Regulating Tests of Carburetors for Automobile Engines

  16. 我们是一家进口汽车起动机的公司,请供应商联系我们。

    We are importer of starter , IF YOU ARE SUPPLIER , YOU CAN CONTACT US .

  17. 矿用汽车起动机电磁开关的防爆研究矿车智能自动刹车器的研究与开发应用

    Study on Mineral Explosion-proof Electromagnetic Switch Research and Development of Intelligent Automatic Brake for Mine Cars

  18. 汽车起动机的性能试验

    On Performance Tests of Starters

  19. 介绍了一种汽车起动机定子线圈整体绝缘处理的新工艺。

    A new technology of whole body insulation treatment of automobile initiating motor stator coil has been developed .

  20. 分析了两种常见的汽车起动机的保护装置的电路原理及其功能,并指出了其存在的不足。

    The principles and functions of two commonly used driving safeguard circuits on automobile starters are analysed and their shortcomings are pointed out .

  21. 设计的汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化控制系统达到了预期的目标。

    It is to achieve the desired objectives that the post-curing control system of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator is designed .

  22. 切实解决汽车起动机换向器生产过程中碰到的问题,从而进一步提高产品的质量。

    It solves problems encountered in the production process of the automobile starter commutator . So it enhances the quality of the product .

  23. 汽车起动机齿轮拨叉的结构简单,但注塑成型时因尺寸收缩和强度等问题产生大量的废品。

    Although the structure of automotive starter fork-lever was simple , large amout of failed parts emerged due to the uncertain shrinkage and weak strength .

  24. 酚醛模塑料具有优良的耐热性、坚韧性和电性能,在汽车起动机换向器的制造中得到了广泛的应用。

    The phenolic molding compounds because of its excellent heat resistance , tenacity and electrical properties has been widely used in the manufacture of automobile starter commutator .

  25. 根据汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化工艺要求,提出控制系统的具体实现方案。

    According to the technological requirements of post-curing of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator , it is proposed to realize the specific programs of the control system .

  26. 详细阐述汽车起动机用电刷的品质要求、挑选方法、代换原则,列举电刷故障维修实例,并给出常见车型使用的电刷规格。

    The author elaborates the quality requirements , the choosing method and the replacing principle of automotive starter brushes , lists the maintenance examples of brush troubles and puts forward the brush standard for common vehicles .

  27. 汽车用起动机电枢轴上的螺旋花键,已多采用冷滚轧加工的多键渐开线螺旋花键来代替铣削加工的四键或六键的矩形花键。

    Multi-teeth involute spiral spline made by cold rolling process is being mostly used as the spiral spline on motor vehicle starting motor armature shaft to replace 4-key or 6-key rectangular key spline made by milling process .

  28. 汽车永磁起动机研究现状与趋势

    Research Condition and Tendency of Vehicle Permanent magnet Starter

  29. 汽车永磁起动机电机磁极结构分析

    Analysis of Magnetic Pole Structure in Automobile PM Starter

  30. 物化+生化工艺处理汽车发电机和起动机翻新废水

    Treatment of Wastewater from the Renewing of Dynamo and Starter by Physics Chemistry + Biochemical Process