
  • 网络global industry
  1. 他生产了电脑芯片,即核心逻辑晶片,陈先生还在轻度的经济衰退中被称为全球行业的领袖。

    A maker of chipsets , or core logic chips , Chen survived a shakeout to become a leader in the global industry .

  2. 投资者将新加坡电信股价推向更高的预期市盈率,超过全球行业平均水平(13比12),部分缘于此因素。

    Investors award SingTel a higher forward price / earnings ratio than the global industry average ( 13 versus 12 ) partly for that reason .

  3. 哈里斯从Newton公司的内部菜单上选股,该菜单基于这家投资公司23位全球行业分析师的研究成果。

    Mr Harries selects stocks from a Newton in-house menu based on the research of the investment house 's 23 global industrial analysts .

  4. 高级搜索:通过元数据、全球行业分类标准(GICS)、作者、类别、文件名、摘要、注释等等提供全面搜索。

    Advanced Search : Provide full search by metadata , GICS , author , category , file name , abstract , comments , etc.

  5. 国际美容整形外科学会(ISAPS)于7月31日公布的全球行业数据报告显示,2013年有2786名德国男性接受了生殖器增大手术。

    German men went under the knife for 2786 penile enlargement surgeries in 2013 , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ) , which today released its 2014 global stats report .

  6. 从一个家用车库变成了全球行业霸主

    from a suburban garage to global supremacy .

  7. 跨国公司理论与跨国公司全球行业整合

    The Theory on Cross - National Company and the Integration of Them in the World

  8. 我们的目标是在实现股东利益方面跻身全球行业前25名。

    Our aim is to deliver top quartile performance among our international peer group in terms of total shareholder returns .

  9. 但风险在于,在一个瞬息万变的全球行业,改革的速度仍不够快。

    But the risk is that , in a global sector changing at lightning speed , reform is not moving fast enough .

  10. 比亚迪2009年实现了高出全球行业水平9倍的回报率,而今年迄今为止,仅仅能与行业水平保持同步。

    Having delivered a return nine times better than the global auto sector in 2009 , BYD has merely kept pace so far this year .

  11. 中国南车尽管已经取得全球行业前三的市场地位,但是跨国经营指数非常低。

    Although the CSR has already obtained the first three market position in the global profession , but the transnational management index is extremely low .

  12. 日本多晶硅制造商与全球行业买家的谈判将于本周开始,预计价格将大幅上涨。

    This week sees the start of negotiations between Japan 's polysilicon makers and industrial buyers around the world , with prices expected to surge .

  13. 如何以世界级质量参与全球行业竞争,成为我国广大光电子企业存亡的重大问题。

    For China optoelectronic enterprises , how to participate in the global competition by means of the world-class quality has become the survival or perish subject .

  14. 在回顾前人研究成果的基础上,在第三章我们提出了跨国公司全球行业整合的理论。

    On the basis of reviewing forefathers ' research results , we put forward our transnational-corporation . s global industrial integration theory ( chapter 3 ) .

  15. 然而,按照以往业绩衡量,10倍于收益的收购价格与全球行业水平大致相符。

    Still , measured on a trailing basis , the bid price of about 10 times earnings is roughly in line with the global peer group .

  16. 在截至2013年的8年里,该公司销售额的年均增长率仅为0.2%,而全球行业平均增速高于4%。

    Sales grew by an average of just 0.2 per cent annually in the eight years to 2013 , compared with more than 4 per cent for the sector globally .

  17. 从日本工程塑料在全球行业中的地位、主要生产企业、材料改性技术、成型技术以及研究开发体制几方面介绍了日本工程塑料工业的现状。

    The present situation of the Japanese engineering plastics industry is Introduced through the standing of the Japanese engineering plastics industry in the world , the main production enterprises , the materials modification and molding technologies , the researching and developing systems , etc.

  18. 目前已进行的几项早期交易和收购,不仅标志着公用事业公司所有权的转移,还标志着一个全新全球行业的创建就其重要性和价值而言,迟早将赶上能源和通信行业。

    The early transactions and takeovers now under way should mark not just the transfer of utilities from one owner to another , but the creation of an entirely new global sector , capable in time of matching energy and communications in importance and value .

  19. 如今,全球减肥行业的美国领军企业慧俪轻体(weightwatchers)正试图从中大赚一笔。

    And now weight watchers , the American champion of global weight loss , is trying to cash in .

  20. 19世纪末,安德鲁•卡内基(AndrewCarnegie)创建了全球钢铁行业中最具盈利能力的公司。

    Andrew Carnegie built the world 's most profitable corporation in the steel trade in the late 19th century .

  21. BusinessInsider网站日前盘点了全球科技行业最有影响力的20位大佬,马云、马化腾和李彦宏等中国企业家榜上有名。

    Business Insider recently released its list of the most powerful people in the tech world . Chinese innoavtors like Jack Ma , Ma Huateng and Robin Li are on the list .

  22. 一份最新报告指出,未来两年,全球音乐行业的CD销量将继续下滑,音乐下载带来的新收入也无法完全弥补这一影响。

    The music industry faces another two years of declining compact disc sales that will not be offset by new revenues from music downloads , according to a new report .

  23. 根据OECD的数据,全球钢铁行业的产能比消费需求高出5.55亿吨。

    According to OECD data , the global steel industry can produce 555 million more tons of steel than consumers need .

  24. 2010年,电子行业出现反弹,但全球PCB行业仅增长10.5%,而中国得益于产业转移,产值重回30%的高速增长。

    Semiconductor industrial rebound in 2010 while PCB just got 10.5 % increasement . But Chinese PCB back to 30 % high speed growth own to industrial relocation .

  25. 诺基亚(Nokia)也透露去年利润滑坡,同时作出了全球手机行业销售下降10%的悲观预测。

    Nokia also revealed a fall in 2008 profits and issued a gloomy forecast of a 10 per cent fall in global industry sales of mobile phones .

  26. 以普锐斯(Prius)品牌为代表,丰田汽车公司(Toyota)通过普及油电混合动力发动机技术在全球汽车行业中抢得先机。

    Toyota stole a march on the global automotive industry by popularizing gas-electric hybrid engines , using its Prius brand to highlight the technology .

  27. 北电网络公司是加拿大最大的ICT公司,作为全球ICT行业的领头羊,北电曾经是业内最大的创新者之一。

    Nortel Networks is one of the largest ICT companies in Canada , as a leader in the global ICT industry , Nortel was the biggest innovators .

  28. 由于严酷的市场环境导致交易佣金枯竭,并购活动和首次公开发行(ipo)市场冻结,全球投行业今年第二季度的利润预计将大幅下滑。

    Global investment banking earnings are expected to drop sharply for the second quarter after brutally tough market conditions saw trading commissions dry up and the market for takeovers and initial public offerings freeze .

  29. 对于当前震撼全球能源行业的剧变,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)首席执行官阿列克谢米勒(alexeymiller)做了一番生动描述。

    Alexey Miller , the chief executive of Gazprom , has given a vivid description of the upheavals shaking the global energy business .

  30. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据显示,2009年公布的全球科技行业交易价值约为1250亿美元,同比下降将近20%。

    The value of global tech deals announced in 2009 , at some $ 125bn , was down nearly a fifth from the year before , according to figures from Thomson Reuters .