
  1. 关节炎是一种会危害全人类健康的致残性疾病。

    Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world .

  2. 国家疾病预防控制局成立,意味着疾控机构职能从单纯预防控制疾病向全面维护和促进全人群健康转变。

    The establishment of the administration signals the expansion of the roles of disease prevention and control agencies from preventing and containing diseases to comprehensively safeguarding and promoting the health of the entire population .

  3. “DECOLOR”提倡科学健康的性行为,所有DECOLOR人立志为全人类健康、安全、快乐的性生活而不懈努力。

    " DECOLOR " To promote healthy sexual practices of science , people all determined to DECOLOR Of all mankind health , safety , and happy sex life and make unremitting efforts .

  4. Kaufman说,如果她可以交代给这些父母一件事的话,那就是:“要清醒的意识到这是一件关系到全家人健康的事情而且要乐于帮助。”

    If there was one thing she could get across to parents , Kaufman said , it would be this : " Realize that this is about the whole family becoming health conscious and committed to helping . "

  5. 身心灵全人健康模式辅导对抑郁症患者康复效果的分析

    Effect of Mind-Body-Spirit Counseling Mode on Depression Patients

  6. 建设全台湾健康信息基础构架

    Building a Health Informatics Infrastructure in Taiwan

  7. 积极探索,规范运作,保证新建住宅全装修健康发展

    Actively Seek and Standardize Operation to Ensure the Healthy Development of Fully Decorated Newly Built Housing

  8. 我们的服务以健康为本,超越情绪病的治疗,并达至全人健康的理想。

    Our Services are Health-Centered and extend beyond the treatment of Mental Disorders to the Attainment Health .

  9. 公正、公平是维持全社会健康有序发展的一个基本前提。

    Justice , fairness is to maintain the healthy and orderly development of the whole society is a basic premise .

  10. 我们相信全人健康不单指生理健康;而是生理、心理、人际关系,以及灵性方面均达至理想的状况。

    We believe that Health constitutes a state of Physical , as well as Mental , Social & Spiritual Well-Being .

  11. 医疗体制改革是保障人民群众身体健康的必要保证,是提高全民族健康素质的前提。

    Medical system reform is to guarantee public health , which is the premise of upgrading the health quality of the whole people .

  12. 公共卫生是健康服务的一个方面,它关注于通过人群健康分析而发现的对全社会健康构成威胁的因素。

    Public health is an aspect of health services concerned with threats to the overall health of a community based on population health analysis .

  13. 对一个生物医学家来说,就一个威胁到全人类健康的致命微生物进行研究是再难得不过的机会。

    For a biomedical scientist , what could represent a greater opportunity than to conduct research on a lethal microbe that threatens the health of the entire world ?

  14. 随着社会的发展与人们生活水平的提高,肥胖正成为危害全人类健康的重要问题。

    With the development and improvement of people 's living standard of the society , the fat is becoming the important problem of endangering the whole human health .

  15. 卫生工作者要积极参与到医疗卫生体制改革中来,为切实提高全民族健康素质尽一份光荣的历史责任。

    Public health care workers should take an active part in the medical system reform and take the duty to upgrade the health quality of the whole people as their glorious obligation .

  16. 在低碳生活,节能环保成为我国乃至全世界健康发展的一个主流方向的状况下,降低功耗,节能,将是投影仪技术发展的一个重要方向。

    When low-carbon lifestyle , energy saving and environmental protection become mainstream direction of our country and the world sustainability development , reducing power consumption will be an important direction of projector technology development .

  17. 民以食为天,食品安全是一项关系到全人类健康的重要的公共卫生问题。它不仅涉及到消费者的健康,还关系到一个国家的社会稳定和政府的威望。

    Food safety is one important public issue to people 's health , as it not only involves in consumer 's health , but also relates to stable society and it 's government 's prestige .

  18. 党的十六大报告中把提高全民族健康素质提升到新的高度,国民健康素质的提高,离不开城市社区体育。

    In report of the 16th Central Committee of Communist Party of China , national health quality was elevated to a new height . However , nationl health quality cannot be improved without cities'community sports .

  19. 在我国国民经济和社会发展具有重要贡献,是提高全民族健康素质的重要保证,在我国医药产业发展中发挥着极其重要的支柱性产业作用。

    It has made great contributions to our national economy and social development , an critical guarantee to improve national health quality , plays a vitally important role in the development of our pharmaceutical industry .

  20. 从宏观的角度来看,城乡全民健身一体化发展模式有一个历史过程,它的内容是不断充实和发展,从而不断提高实现程度,最终达到显著提高全民族健康素质的目标。

    From macroscopic perspective , there is a process for the developing model of urban-rural nationwide fitness integration . They keep enriching and developing themselves to keep improving fulfillment , and achieve the ultimat goal of remarkably promote nationwide fitness .

  21. 开发了一种干涉型光纤传感器,联合光纤光栅,实现了可重复使用复合材料结构服役过程的健康监测,为飞行器结构重要组成部分的全寿命健康监测奠定了基础。

    A kind of interference fibre optic sensors has been developed and together with FBG sensors real-time health monitoring of reusable composite structure can be realized . Base for whole life health monitoring of aircraft important parts can be built .

  22. 健康体检行业是上个世纪末兴起的新兴行业,它以公共健康为依托,以发展健康事业为己任,通过体检活动的有序化管理和研究来实现全社会健康意识的提高。

    Healthy industry is at the end of the last century the rise of emerging industries , it to public health as the basis , in order to develop the cause of health as their responsibility , through physical activity management orderly and studies to achieve whole society health awareness .

  23. 全社会的健康或身体的完好状态。

    The health or physical well-being of a whole community .

  24. 健康专家称研究证明了全谷物有利健康。

    Health experts said the study proved that whole grains were beneficial to health

  25. 使用者佩戴此元气手环之后将会感觉到全方面的健康提升。

    This product will reward the wearer with an overall feeling of well being .

  26. 上海市政府在宣传锻炼对全方位身体健康的重要性方面乏善可陈。

    The Shanghai government does little to highlight the importance of exercise for all-round physical fitness .

  27. 良好的营养造就全方位的健康。生活的各个方面是密不可分、互相关联的。

    Good nutrition creates health in all area of our existence , and all parts are interconnected .

  28. 现在,照顾您全家人的健康和营养需求变得那么的容易。

    Now it has become so easy to take care of the health and nutritional needs of everyone in the family .

  29. 结论贯穿在带泵全过程的健康教育和采取相应的护理措施是非常必要的。

    Conclusions It is necessary to do health education and adopt correspond nursing measures during the whole therapy with insulin pump .

  30. 各种各样的城市公共危机以极大的广度和力度冲击和影响着全社会的健康、和谐与发展。

    A variety of city public crisis to great extent and intensity of impact and influences to the society , harmonious and healthy .