
lǐ huò yuán
  • tally clerk;tally man
  1. 理货员╱查员检查单据及货物,并协助收货。

    Tally Clerk / Checker Checks documents and cargo to meet the requirements and assists in receiving cargo .

  2. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  3. 我们通常每条路安排一个理货员。

    We usually arrange one tallyman for each gang .

  4. 理货员,把这些破包放在甲板上,他们需要缝补。

    Put these torn bags on deck , they should be sewed up .

  5. 因理货员罢工,码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。

    Perishable goods are piling up at the docks because of the strike of tally-clerks .

  6. 舱中理货员主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员。

    An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons .

  7. 请告诉理货员严格按照给定的各个数字装货。

    Please tell the tally clerks to load the cargo strictly according to the given respective figures .

  8. 毫无疑问没有经过四个方面即:发货人,海关,仓库员和理货员的检查货物是不允许被上。

    Undoubtedly , the cargo is not allowed to ship on board without passing four parties , namely , the shipper , the customs officer , the warehouse keeper and tallyman .

  9. 例如,有些超市将办公室人员和理货员、收银员合在一起组成了工作团队,让他们决定要上什么样的产品线,以及如何展示它们等等。

    For example , some supermarkets combine office stuff topeople who fill the shelves , and the people who work at the check out into ateam , and let them decide what product lines to stock , how to display them and soon .